The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2028: Ghosts

"You, how have I been to you over the years?" Joseph sat on the top and looked at the confidant under him, and asked quietly.

"National teachers are naturally favorful to me and so on. I am so rich and rich, and I am relying on the national teacher. Your great grace for me is higher than the sky."

"Yeah, the national teacher waited for me to beat my father, that is a reborn parent."

The next group of people showed their loyalty.

"That's good, then I will tell you a good news, the Dark Legion has been dispatched. At present, the Dark Hero has been controlled by my Master Lucifer. The Dark Army will have to play Nile Hell on the same day, and the fallen swords of the fallen angels will be destroyed. The power of all, the Nile dynasty is about to be rebuilt, and the new era that belongs to you and me is about to open. Where to go, you should be clear in your heart."

Joseph looked at everyone, proudly sneer.

Everyone was a slap in the first place, and they whispered to each other. In fact, the news was not new to them. In the city of Wang, Joseph and the Dark Army had to subvert the Nile dynasty, but suddenly they personally heard Joseph mention that there are still some mistakes.

After all, they lived in the Nile dynasty for generations, and it was inevitable that they would be caught off guard.

"National division, you are our main heart. Everyone knows that following you, there must be infinite wealth and prosperity, you can say, what do we want to do?"

Joseph’s number one confidant Jack yelled.

He screamed, and other people followed suit, especially the generals of the military. They were even more inciting. For the military, if they participated in the subversive action, the future status would naturally rise and rise, and ultimately, they would get great benefits. .

"No hurry, drink this glass of wine and say, come, do it." Joseph smiled in a toast.

Everyone quickly toasted and sipped, and after drinking and drinking, Joseph said with a cold smile: "Okay, now I can tell you about the plan. I will invite Nero to attend my birthday party tomorrow night. It is a good time to poison the stunned king, and all you have to do is to support me, especially the generals of the army, and must stabilize the situation. As a result, major events can be expected."

Everyone will poison Nile tomorrow night, and they will be shocked and trembled. Some of them will not take it. After all, if this plan fails, the head will be lost, but it is not a few things to drink.

"It seems that you are not very happy. Will anyone go out of this door and go to the secret?" Joseph asked with a sneer.

"Where is the adult saying, it’s just that the sin is too big. Can you let me think about it again?" Someone said.

Joseph dismissed: "I am afraid that you can't help you. It's only one day. Every time you think about it for a minute, I will be more dangerous. For the sake of safety, I have been poisoned in your tea. Only I have it." Antidote, as long as you cooperate with me, after the event, I will naturally detoxify you."

"Guo Shi, you..." Jack and others were all forced, and no one thought that Joseph would be so guilty.

But now it has been on the thief boat, and everyone has no way to go back. Only the helplessness of the table is loyal, and the distraction in the heart is followed, and a road goes black with him.

"Very good, you can go back. After tomorrow night, you are the upstart of the Nile Dynasty. All the wealth and wealth are yours."

Joseph raised his hand.

After everyone left, Joseph rushed to the back of the screen and was not happy: "You can come out."

Qin Lan walked out and patted the palm and smiled: "It is a national teacher. This hand is beautiful, so that a big event can be achieved. Qin is here to congratulate the national teacher."

"You are forced by this hand, I am now retreating. If this failure, my future will be in your hands." Joseph was dissatisfied.

"You have Lucifer support, what is terrible, well, I will wait for the good show of the National Teacher of the Ming Dynasty." Qin Xiao smiled and got up.

"Where do you live, if there is something, how can I contact you?"

Asked Joseph.

"I live in the 34th of Nancheng. If you want to find me, you will find it."

Qin Hao smiled lightly.

"Come to people, go to Rol." Joseph watched Qin Qin leave, guarding the road.

For a moment, Roel rushed in. When he entered the door, he screamed insanely: "Made, the woman who gave me the goods in the end, what happened to me, my pants were taken off last night, and the girls actually ran away. ""

"What?" For Rohr's cultivation, Joseph had a lot of thoughts, and Angel could escape from his eyes, which is too bizarre.

"I will give you three days, you must give me the girl, and I want her to die." Rohr snarled.

"Well, let's not say this. There is something more important to do now. We have got the news. Qinhou will appear on the 34th of Nancheng tomorrow night. Brother, it is your chance to make a meritorious deed." "Joseph said."

He has two meanings to do this. First of all, the poison of Nile will be poisoned tomorrow night. Joseph does not want Roul to touch the finger, lest the guy should be invited to work in a basket. After all, Rohr has been serving Lucifer for a long time. I have credibility.

In addition, Qin Hou was deceitful, and Joseph had no choice but to give him a heart, so that he could give him a good life. So, it could be regarded as one stone and two birds.

"Are you sure this news is accurate?" Roel was overjoyed.

"I am sure, brother, I wish you success in swearing thieves, to solve problems for the archangels. If this is done, the brothers are afraid that they will have to rise." Joseph smiled.

"If you really catch Qinhou, you are the first brother of the younger brother. At that time, I will direct the archangel to ask for your merits." Rohr and the snake said, he said, "The teacher is relieved, this is over, I will help you kill Nile immediately, and you will be the new leader of Nile Hell."

"Oh, I still have nothing to do with the word, the brother is still safe to do your job."

Joseph said.

"Come, come and give a few beautiful slaves to Ronald." Joseph ordered another opponent.

Rolle wants a beautiful This is the satisfaction of leaving.

Qin Lan stood outside Joseph’s mansion and watched as Roel went, and there was a sneer in his mouth.

He knew that Joseph would definitely betray him and let Rohr shoot, and the old fox could escape his eyes.

On the 34th of Nancheng, it was the foothold of Qin’s famous father and son.

The father and son have enchantment protection in the dark city, Qin Chao's chaotic mirror can not see, but in Nile City, their every move is in their own control.

Let the father and son bite the dog with the Roller dog.

Joseph’s assassination plan has taken shape, and the next step is to draw Nile and let the sharp knife stab the heart of Lucifer.

Thinking of this, Qin Yufei went to the Nile Palace, and tomorrow night will be a wonderful and wonderful show. It is time to add some drama.

PS: This is even more today. There will be a small explosion tomorrow, good night, friends.

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