The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2030: Zuma wake up

How is Nile so clever, seeing what Qin said is so conclusive, knowing that 80% will not be fake, the severity of the matter has completely exceeded his imagination, he did not expect that Joseph would be so vicious, actually dare to poison him. .

What is even more terrifying is that the people of Lucifer have arrived. These people are like ghosts. If they are not cleared, they must be a great evil.

He was still thinking about whether Joseph was jealous or that there was a better way of communication between the two. Now it seems that everything is late. There is only one battle between Joseph and Lucifer.

"Well, I am right when you say that everything is true. They all say that you are a superb person in the East, Mr. Qin, then you explain the evening party, am I going or not going?" asked Nero.

"Go, of course, I have to go."

"For Joseph, this is a good opportunity to assassinate you, but in turn, it is also a surprising opportunity for you to win the battle."

"Actually, poison, I gave Joseph very early, but he never dared to start. This shows that he is afraid of you in his bones, so you must go."

"If you don't go, it will cause him to be suspicious, and then make other deployments. I don't make sure that you can get such accurate materials. When you come together, you will fall into the passive, and there is a good chance that you will never turn over again. I said so, can you understand?"

Qin Hao took the lead and sighed.

Nile was lost in thought, and he must now choose between Joseph and the East.

If Qin Hao said that this happened, it is indeed a good opportunity for him, but on the contrary, if Qin Yu is a lobbyist sent by Joseph, let him die to death, it will be a land of eternal annihilation.

"I can give you enough time. You think about it slowly. I live on the 79th, which is the place where Qin is famous. I have come to me at any time."

Qin Xiao smiled and took his hand and walked out of the palace.

As soon as he left, Nero immediately called in the outside of Lu, not waiting for Lu to speak, Nile said: "Fast, follow this address to investigate and see if it is a dark army."

"What, the people of the Dark Legion have entered the city?" Lu Da was shocked.

"Nothing strange, there is Joseph, they can do anything, go ahead, I am waiting for your message here, remember, you go to see it, only one person, whether it is true or not, no more Three people know."

Nero commanded.

Lu knows that it matters and takes the lead.

After an hour, Lu came back, his face was blue and green, and it was ugly to the extreme.

"Is it?" asked Nero.

Although he has seen the answer from Lu’s face.

Lu nodded and said: "It is true that as the king said, a total of eight people live in four houses, which are deeply hidden. If the king is reminded, even if I go there, I may not be able to find clues."

"Call, Joseph really wants to reverse, this oriental has not lied to me."

Nile was sitting in a big chair in disappointment and fell into deep meditation.

"Da Wang, I will send heavy troops to arrest them now." Lu Dao.

"No, I haven't arrived yet, I will act again tomorrow night, you come with me."

Neromo glared at the horn, and after all, he made up his mind.

Lu followed Nile into the temple, and Nero opened one of the organs. It was a dark tunnel. There was no light, and I didn’t know where to go. Nero was walking in the darkness, suddenly he It stopped, like what was pressed, and then a secret door opened, inside is an altar with a brazier.

The two walked in. The inside was enshrined in the Lord Satan. There was a dark sword on the top. There were hundreds of warriors like Zuma monsters around the Satan statue.

"Father, the darkness has gone, Lucifer wants to marry your magic power, wants to replace your darkness, now as your descendant, your son, I must fight for you, for the sake of darkness, for honor, please sleep. You have given me infinite power to smash all this sin."

Nero, in front of the statue, prayed to the incomparable and gloomy Satan.

Immediately afterwards, he took off the magic sword and took off a sling from the sword. He shouted: "The Zuma warrior from the depths of hell, I am in the name of the son of Satan, summoned and so on, for the darkness. Glory, fight alongside me."


In the darkness, the majestic Zuma monsters woke up from their sleep, opened their **** eyes, and stared at the masters who summoned them.

If it is the average person, the arrogant Zuma will tear up the abominable summoner, thinking that he will pay the price of blood for awakening their dreams.

But the human body is flowing with the blood of the Lord Satan, and the Zuma monsters are also squatting. Their heads respectfully worship: "Master, but please fight."

"Lu, from now on, this Zuma army will be handed over to you, tomorrow night, on the 34th of the city, killing the killers of the Dark Legion. Take down the head of Joseph with me and let the darkness return to the blood of Satan. hand."

Nero raised his hand and handed the token to Lu.

Lu took over the token and was excited: "Lu will fight for the king and fight for the dark orthodoxy."


The wind and rain are coming.

Qin Lan was lying on the wicker chair on the 79th, enjoying a tassel massage, and his mood gradually relaxed.

If not unexpected, Nile should have acted, and then there was an earth-shattering drama.

He estimated that Bald also heard the wind at this moment, and certainly looked at the city of Nile in the distant side. Once Joseph and the Nile fire, Bald would act.

Of course, it is best for Nile to die. Otherwise, Bald will not take revenge.

"Fringe, Qin has a name to come to see you?" Qin Xiao smiled.

"No, since the return of the grown-up, he has never seen it again. Maybe he is afraid of the majesty of the grown-up." The tassel laughed.

"Do you know? You will soon be free. When I finish cooking here, you can go back to the 18th floor of hell." Qin said.

"Adult, thank you."

The tassel is grateful.

"No need to!"

"You give me something to eat I will go to the palace later." Qin said.

When the tassels were cooked, Qin Yu filled his stomach, and he went to the Yulefang. He had to go to Shenyue.

When I arrived at Yulefang, Mrs. Yuya was not there. Qinxi went straight to the north, and next to the residence of the Nile Palace, she found the moon.

"Hey, you are here, how is the matter going?" God met, eagerly asked.

"Everything is expected, go, I will take you away from this." Qin said.

"Does the Nile agree?" God is worried.

"He will."

Qin Xiao smiled.

Then he took the hand of the **** and slowly walked out of the palace.

Immediately guards came to block and informed Nile and Lu, but soon the guards got a reply and were respectfully released.

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