The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2035: Who is the winner?

"Joseph, don't you think about it?" Nero asked with a painful expression.

"My king, I have no way to go back. You let me go this step. Only one person between you and me can live here today."

"And that person can only be me."

Joseph’s magical spirit is very cold.

"Madam, you, you are the blood of my Satan family, the aunt of the king, shouldn't you say something for me?"

Nile looked at her incomparable trust in the weekdays.

"Wang, I am sorry, I am just a woman. This is my choice. You can rest assured that I will bury you in the scenery. I promise."


Since the appearance of God's Moon, she knows that she is no longer the most favored woman in hell. Her beauty is bleak, and her body will one day relax and aging. Nile can't give her eternal stability, and she can't give it. She wants happiness, and Joseph can satisfy all her desires.

Who is choosing, this is already doomed.

Nile’s heart sighed secretly, and it turned out that there was no affection under the power. Even her aunt had betrayed herself. All of these people were traitors and all died.

"Come on." Nile secretly swallowed the antidote given by Qin Xiao, and the anger was instantly suppressed and turned into a raging power.

Joseph's sword pointed at Nero's head, but this knife went down, but it took enough courage.

His hands are shaking and his heart is scared.

"Kill me, don't you dare? Kill me, the throne of the Nile Palace is yours."

Nile sneered.




The ministers shouted, they all know very well that since there is no turning back, it can only be a road to dark.

Nile is not dead, it is their death.

At the moment, there is no monarch, only self and interest.


Joseph screamed, no longer hesitating, and the sword was cut down on Nero's head.

With his cultivation, to deal with a dying guy, it is absolutely stable.

However, when Jian Feng was about to fall on the face of Nile, there was a strange sneer in Nile's eyes.

When I died, I dared to laugh.

Joseph couldn’t understand it.


A black light flashed, Joseph was directly shocked, and the giant sword in his hand broke into two pieces.

"This, what is going on?"

Joseph stepped back and asked aloud.

Nile stood up and held a sword with a black mans, a terrible horror, and Jianguang pointed out that no one dared to touch his edge.

“You look surprised?” asked Nile.

"You, are you not poisoning the sin?" Joseph asked.

Nile sneered and said: "You can betray me, others can betray you, just last night, Qin Hao gave me antidote, your annihilation can only reveal your stupid ambition, nothing more."

"Qin Hao, damn, what do you guys want to do?" Joseph hated the roots of his teeth.

He couldn't understand that Qin Hao had both killed himself and helped Nile to counterattack. What is he doing?

Suddenly, he seemed to understand. Starting from Bald, the Oriental began the subversive calculations in Nile Hell.

Qin Yu was the chief culprit who really wanted to take the Nile Dynasty.

Whatever the reason, there is no possibility of recovery between him and Nile. Only the confrontation is over.

"Nile, even if you are not poisoned, here is my national teacher. And Lucifer's first killer is in the city. As soon as I make an order, they will arrive here in half a minute. You can feel that you can deal with it. Eight four-winged angels?"

Joseph showed his last card.

"Your angel, I am afraid..." Nero raised her eyebrows and looked at the door.

Joseph and others looked at him at the same time, only to see Qin Lan carrying the head of Rohr, and swaggering in.


The **** head of Rolle rolled down in front of Joseph.

When Joseph saw it, he almost didn't faint. He never dreamed that the last card was gone.

"Unfortunately, your angel killer has been wiped out by the whole army. The other eight people are buried in the south of the city on the 33rd." Qin Lan walked to Joseph and laughed.

"Thirty-three in the south of the city, that is also a trap you placed, right?" Joseph's mad hair roots upside down, gnashing his teeth and asking.

"Yes, there is a hiding place for your old friend Qin's famous father and son. I even sent them with them. Everything is as simple as that."

Qin Yudao.


"The surname Qin, you are simply a giant, a national thief." Joseph snarled angrily.

"National teacher, the taste of betrayal is not good, from now on, your good fortune is over, come!"

Nile shouted.

I saw that Rivers led hundreds of sergeants and walked in from outside the door. Joseph looked at it and was desperate.

"Rivers, have you betrayed me?" Joseph's entire face was twisted, and he could not wait to kill this guy.

"National teacher, the person who knows the time is Junjie, and now the king is stable and wins. I am naturally respected by the king. You are a dog-like thing and dare to be an enemy of the king. It is simply a dead end."

Rivers raised his hand and fanned Joseph a slap. The most faithful dog of the past became a wolf, and he bit his mother.

"You are a shameless villain, you wait, one day the dark army of Lucifer will destroy you all together, and you will pay a heavy price for your stupidity."

Joseph knew that he had been completely defeated, cursing and screaming.

"Da Wang, please also order."

Rivers please order.

"I did a good job, killing the dogs here, I looked sick."

Nile has never been a good man or a woman. On the contrary, he is extremely vicious and selfish in his bones. He is even more reluctant to slay the corpse.

"The king is forgiving, I am forced by Joseph."

"Dawang, look at our many years of serving you, give us a way to live."

The ministers are kneeling on the ground and crying and crying Late, your indifference and betrayal make me angry, I will not only kill you, but also kill your whole family, your people, to eliminate I hate my heart. ”

Nile screamed in the sky and finally got a bad breath.


As soon as Rivers raised his hand, the soldiers began to pay attention to the ministers of the princes who were high in the weekdays. The birthday banquet was a ruthless, good birthday dinner. It instantly became a Shura field. The blood flowed to the ground, and the head of the man like a rotten watermelon rolled down. On the ground, full of shock.

Qin Lan sat on the side and looked at it silently.

He has no sympathy for these people, and any time the betrayers are damn, and even if he subverts the Nile dynasty, these people have no use.

Under the slaughter of Nile, there was only Joseph and Yuya left in the hall.

Joseph's face was pale and still self-sustaining, while Yuya was scared and shivered.

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