The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2045: Heavenly old thing

Qin and Mamen returned to the palace, and both of them were in a good mood.

"Qin brothers, according to the age, I can count as your congenital person, the length of your generation, but today I am really serving you, how can we be like a brother of different surnames? I heard that in your east, this is The highest specification among friends."

Mamen asked for a hot pot.

"You are wrong. First of all, I also came from the congenital period. If I want to count it, I am also a member of the ancient masculine massage **** of the Mozu and the lord of the **** of creation. Only the twists and turns in this middle are told to you, you It may not be understandable."

"Also, brothers and friends are two different things. Anyone can become friends if they have interests, but the brothers are not asking for the same day of the same year, but they are seeking the same day and the same day to die on the same day. The interests are second and loyalty is the first."

"I have a lot of enemies, there are a lot of troubles, it is no good to be a brother with me, really."

Qin Lan did not clink with him, but he drank himself on his own, and his face was solemn.

Mamen did not give up, but patted the chest hard: "Mr. Qin, no matter who's big, you brother, I am handed over, I will not have you today, my head, my Jiangshan, I The people of the family are likely to die. How much trouble you have is nothing more than a loss of my head. Anyway, it is already earning. What trouble?"

"Come, let's make this brother."

Mamen took the knife and cut it on his finger, dropping blood in the wine, and he was arrogant.

When I said this, Qin Xiao smiled a little, renewed the wine and cut the fingertips, dripping blood for justice, and toasting: "Since the king can see Qin, then we will become brothers today, I am long, You are a younger brother, come, and have done this cup. Since you are a brother today, you will surely be in the future, and you will not go to the fire."

Mamen said: "In a word, your business is my business. Your life is my life. Do it."

The two became brothers, they were all overjoyed, and Fei Li was on the side to continue to add wine to the two people. After chatting for a while, Qin Hao asked: "Sister, I have something to tell you about the heavenly **** room." I don’t know if it’s convenient.”

Fei Li smiled and said: "Mr. and I are now a family. If you have anything to say, you can say it, I will tell you the truth."

"Do you know Torre?" Qin said.

"Torre is my nephew, and the seventh son of my big brother, Fearing. When I was young, I was taken hostage by Satan. How did my brother suddenly ask him?" Fei Li did not understand.

During the speech, she also looked at Mamen. The latter looked awkward. Obviously, of course, the battle of the gods and devils, Fei Li was robbed by his life. Now, although he is loving, he mentioned this old thing, Mamen. Still some of my heart is not going to go.

"I got the news, it is certain news. Your elder brother has changed in the heavens. If the gods want to welcome the return to the successor, I want to hear your opinion." Qin said.

"What, big brother, he..."

"We have a bright Protoss, and we have always been able to do this."

Fei Li couldn't believe her ears, but she knew that Qin was not the kind of person who loves to joke.

"Madam, nothing is impossible. At first, Satan and death are not brothers of life and death? As a result, for the throne of the Lord, it is not the United States and other four people who have blocked the death."

"Just I heard that this Torre's reputation is not very good. It is mad, brainless, and loves the wind. It has already decayed and fallen with hell. Such people are afraid that they are not qualified to inherit the position of the Lord of the Lord."

Mamen rational analysis.

"I think so too, so I want to hear my wife's opinion."

Qin Yudao.

"Thor's mother, Hariri, was a rebel. In those days, in order to maintain the rule of the heavens, she let go of their family and took the wife of the rebel family to show their sincerity. Because of this, Halle The position in the heavens is very humble, especially the hatred of the celestial gods. This is also when Satan proposes to take Torre as a hostage. The Lord God did not hesitate to agree. In the end, the mother and the child are in heaven. It is dispensable."

"If it is said that Torre's most incompetent branch inherits the position of God, it will definitely be a disaster, which will only exacerbate the civil war in the heavens."

"The Lord will not allow the sons of a rebel to be their masters, and Torre has hatred in his heart, and he has long lost his light in the hell. Such a person who inherits the gods will destroy all the light. Not feasible."

Fei Li is just right.

"Now the forces of Lucifer and other parties are actively contacting Torre. It seems that they want to help him, and there are no more choices for the bright forces."

"So it is imminent that we have broken Lucifer. Only by getting him, we can carry out specific next steps on this matter."

Qin Yudao.

"Well, the West Mozu has been reorganizing over there. It is inevitable that we will fight with Lucifer. Is there any plan for Qin Brother?"

From the point of view of appearance, Mamen is much larger than Qin, but Mamen does not have the slightest words of Qin, and he is respectful as a righteous brother.

"The best way to do this is to get Lucifer and Nile in hell, so we can do things behind Lucifer."

Qin Yudao.

"But we have already killed Mark. When Bruce returns to Lucifer, it will surely ignite. When Lucifer is wary, it may not give us this opportunity."

Mamen is a bit guilty.

"No hurry, I have my own way."

Qin Xiao smiled and smiled.


Bruce lay on the big chair, ate fruit, and enjoyed the beauty massage. The day was a pleasant one.

According to the plan, Mark should gather the tribes and oppose Mamen. As a result, he not only dragged the demon family, but even subverted it. This is a terrible achievement. It is natural to invite a small sum of money to the West.

Being beautiful, the voice of the guards came from outside the door: "Adult, Qin Hou seeks to see."

"Qin Hou, how can this **** guy come here?" Bruce sat up in amazement, his eyes fluttering and he pondered.

"Adult I see that Qin Hou must have no way to go, think of adults to seek a love."

"After all, he is a small thief in the East. In my Western hell, under the majesty of Lucifer and the adults, what kind of storms can be turned over, and in the end, I have not been begging for mercy."

The guard standing on the side sneered.

Bruce nodded and felt that there was some truth. "If that's the case, let him in. I have to see what else he can say."

"Yes, adults."

The guard immediately went out to summon.

Qin Lan stalked in and walked in, far from Bruce smiled: "Adult, did not bother your Yaxing."

"Crap, see you, I am at least happy." Bruce did not care.

"Let's say, what's the matter, let's go and finish, I don't welcome you."

Bruce Road.

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