The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2048: Joined forces

For Bruce, the past night was long, and he spent every minute and every second.

He is waiting for the change of the devil's land, and then making a decision. However, as Qin said, Mark's death is a shit. Even the dog hasn't called it all night. That is to say, this person is insignificant. He looked away.

Since Mark is insignificant and cannot change the overall situation, it has undoubtedly proved that he has completely failed in this trip.

And Qin Hao became the party of victory, not only that, but this guy also removed the most important stumbling block for Mamen, making the devil's land more cohesive.

This made him have to admire, everything has a legend about this oriental god, he is like the storm where to go, this storm will not stop, it will certainly cause stormy waves, and now it is the turn of Lucifer.

After so many years, Bruce is dissatisfied with Lucifer, but overall it is more trusting and more respectable, but now he finds that Lucifer has encountered a real opponent. This person seems to be above the Lucifer, both by means and by reason. .

At least his eloquence is unparalleled. Just a few words can always reveal the sharpest and most cruel side. Even if he doesn’t want to touch it anymore, he will never face it. In the end, he still has to admit that every sentence Qin Qin said is so correct.

Thinking all night, Bruce determined that Qin Lan is not a mortal.

He followed Lucifer in his life, and he was the third person in his life. It is very likely that he will not return to heaven in his life, because Lucifer’s ambition is not strong enough, and he did not attempt to fight back to heaven. In the world of Lucifer, it will always be The world is incompatible, and each party is the best ending.

And if he cooperates with Qin Lan, he has a good chance to realize the dream that he can't reach. Maybe he is only being used, maybe he is waiting for death, but the dark life of countless years has already made him boring.

Do people not rely on their struggles to get what they want? Even if it is used, it is nothing more than an inherent death.

The energy of **** is depleting day by day, especially since these old people can clearly feel that life is passing away and unable to return to heaven.

Sooner or later, they are all dead and fight.

With an idea in mind, Bruce prepared the fragrant tea, and he deliberately asked the guard to find Mrs. Feili.

Although the tea is very bad, it is a bit of a treat.

Qin Lan walked in with a brisk pace, saw Bruce, and smiled with a smile: "Bruce adults, it seems that you are thinking about it, right?"

Bruce nodded. "Yes, I can work with you, but what benefits can I get from working with you?"

Qin Lan touched the nose and looked at the ceiling. "Benefits, you can replace Lucifer and return to heaven with a heroic triumph. Even if you can't do God, at least it is a country-protected minister. After this is done, Lucy, I will give you a specific plan."

"Secondly, you don't have to doubt my credit, because I will leave this after all. I just hope that there will be a friend in the West in the future, and I won't pull my thighs in the back, and I feel that you are a good candidate. We You can make friends."

"Mamen is in charge of hell. This is basically a matter of nailing. If you can take charge of the heavens, the whole Western gods and devils must be peaceful, and they are all my friends. This is an infinite political wealth for me."

"You and my interests are common, it's that simple."

Qin Hao is very relaxed and very sincere answer.

Bruce looked at his cold eyes, not like he was perfunctory, thinking about it: "In this case, you and I must sign a covenant, and never allow to betray."

Qin Lanzheng is eager to have a specific covenant, so that Bruce can't run completely. As long as he dares to betray, the covenant is exposed to Lucifer's hand, which is his last day.

"Well, adults, let's draft."

Qin Yudao.

Bruce was very satisfied. He took out a dark enamel from his pocket. The ancient rune and covenant had been printed on it. He bit his finger on the blood and signed his name, and then handed it to Qin: "This is the most poisonous dark magic book in our hell. It has the most vicious curse. If anyone violates the covenant, he will be cursed by the Dark Devil. In the pain, he will be ashes. I signed it, it is yours." ”

"Are you sure that it is also effective for the Orientals?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"This...but this is the way I can think of the most sincere cooperation." Bruce frowned.

"Okay, I signed." Qin Hao also broke his fingertips and wrote his name with blood.

"Don't think that this is just empty text. From ancient times to today, no betrayers can escape the curse of the dark demon." Bruce reminded.

"You and I are friends, have common ideals, only cooperation, no betrayal."

"Well, the covenant has also been signed, and you have a good management. Let's talk about business."

Qin Yudao.

"Say, you need me to do it." The two signed a covenant, and Bruce was also practical. The two settled down in the tea case and discussed.

"The first thing you go back to is to tell Lucifer. You have already settled Mammon. Mamen will never send troops."

"As for the few guards you brought it is best for them to disappear forever, because they have seen me."

Qin Hao told the road.

"This doesn't need you to say, just last night, I have let them go to see Satan." Bruce said coldly. "The key now is that Lucifer will know the news of Mark's death. How can I justify it?"

"This is very simple. First, Mammon will make a move to expel me, and then send you a big blow. As for Mark, you can plant him as a supporter of mine and be lobbied by me to oppose Mammon, so this It was only a disaster."

"Mamen will do his best to cooperate with you, so there is no need to worry about this."

"Lucifer may have doubts, but it doesn't matter, because his days are running out. When he really wants to start with you, it is his death."

Qin Yudao.

"Mr. is really all-inclusive, are you so popular in the East?" Bruce was already admired by the five-body cast, could not help but ask.

"I am just a little bit of a plot, but on the means, you in the West will never be better than us."

"So, you should be thankful that we have become friends, not enemies."

Qin Hao is very self-channel.

"I firmly believe that we will always be friends, Mr. Qin, your enemy is with you, it is a kind of sadness."

Bruce sighed.

"Well, I will go first. Mamen will have a feast for you in the past few days. You can enjoy it." Qin Hao stood up and put down the teacup, then smiled again: "The tea is very poor, and it needs more. Research research."

"Reassured, I will be Mr. Qin." Bruce haha ​​laughed.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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