The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2052: I am a **** of wealth.

All the soldiers got up at the same time, turned, stood up, and raised their hands to their only sergeant, the founder gave the highest respect.

Qin Hao’s body was a little, and he raised his hand and gave him a deep breath. He tried to calm himself down: “The soldiers...”

As soon as the words were spoken, his throat was sobbing.

It turns out that he is really not a god, he has always had emotions, the same is true for those he loves and for his own soldiers.

He will also be excited, he will be alone, he may have to force, and now their arrival has added a boost to his life, not only strategic, but also spiritual.

He is finally no longer alone, fighting alone!

"The soldiers, we met again."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"All of them have a square array."

Huang Yaodong turned to the soldiers and shouted orders.

All the soldiers changed at the same time, and in an eye-catching and neat position, they were instantly divided into ten squares, and the heads of each phalanx were simultaneously listed.

"The head of the Daqin Army and the head of the army, Huang Yaodong."

"The Song of the Second Army of the Great Qin Army."

"The leader of the Three Armies, Peng Ze."

"Zhang Kefa, head of the Fourth Army."


"The head of the Ten Army, Sun Wuji."

"If you have seen the sir, please give instructions."

Ten legions in accordance with the rules, please ask.


Qin Yudao.

Waiting for ten people to join, Qin Lan slowly stared at the soldiers in front of the square, they still have the blood of the Daqin soldiers, not arrogant, cold-blood unity, but these people have many more faces, including the head of the army. There are also many new ones that should be promoted and should be fresh blood.

He has been in **** for such a long time. The mortal may have been ten or twenty years old, and the appearance of these people has not changed much, and the cultivation is much higher than the original. It should be The Kunlun Mountains have been cultivated.

This also shows that the martial arts world of the mortal world is stable and peaceful, otherwise there will be no such resources for them to cultivate.

After a brief greeting and speech, the soldiers quickly entered the standing state, put away the excitement, and systematically began to divide the camp in the mountains in accordance with the instructions, ready to station.

After the soldiers were arranged, Qin Hao and others returned to the neutral zone.

"Qin Hou, I saw today what is a real miracle, what is the real iron, this feat, enough to write into the gods, forever passed down." Gabriel while walking and admiring the praise.

"There is nothing impossible in our east. There is a trace of all the laws between the heavens and the earth. As long as the power is enough, everything can be done."

Qin Hao took the hand and laughed.

"However, the materials of these soldiers' stations may have to worry about the angels growing up."

Qin Hao said again.

“Reassure, God Moon has already procured the underground merchants on the side of Galo Hell, plus the storage of our neutral zone, the daily supplies of 30,000 people are enough.”

"Of course their military needs, daily fire, I am afraid you have to find your own way, because we have no money, this is the truth."

Gabriel shrugged and was helpless.

"Money, it's not a problem. You introduce me to the black market businessman, and I will buy it by myself."

"Of course, this time you have helped me a lot. I have always heard that your neutral zone has limited funds. If so, I have to express my gratitude."

"You step back, I will reproduce a miracle for you."

Qin Xiao smiled and waved his hand, but saw a bright purple light. In the originally empty yard, a huge hill bag appeared in an instant. The mountain bag was all made of brightly lit spar, and it was the purest and most beautiful purple. Crystal composition.

"These rough stones are worth more than the money tickets. It is enough for you to replace enough money tickets. It is a gift I gave you."

Qin Hao Hao airway.

"My Lord, God, Qinhou, are you really God?"

Thornton could hardly believe, picked up a spar, bite with a tooth, and then tested the energy with strength. After confirming it, he couldn't help but be amazed.

"Only God, only the sinful original god, is it possible to wave money, Qin Hou adults, you make me feel incredible, you are definitely the most amazing person I have ever seen."

Even the well-informed Gabriel is excited, and he has a little more respect for Qin.

"In my East, there is an old saying, the wolf came to have a shotgun, the friend came to have a good wine, you are my friend, this is what you deserve, you are welcome." Qin Hao proudly laughed.

"Friends, friends, you are definitely our friend."

"With this funding, our sacred army can make a difference. It's great, great."

Gabriel is very excited.

Due to the turmoil in the heavens, the main system has already collapsed. The neutral zone is like a abandoned abandonment. It has long been forgotten by the leaders of the heavens. They have not received any funds for a long time.

Without funds, many activities in the neutral zone in Hell could not be carried out, equipment could not be replaced, and even the damaged enchantment could not be repaired. Occasionally, the impact of the invading **** gang was affected, relying on the flesh and blood of the ~ This is also the cruelty of hell, whether you are a king or a poor, there is no money to walk.

Money is the second life, and Qin Lan is undoubtedly their biggest gold lord. With such a hobby friend, it is absolutely God's manifestation.

Shenyue has long been eccentric about all this. No matter what miracle Qin Qi created, she will believe and accept it.

Gabriel was busy moving money, and Qin Hao and Shen Yue returned to her room, and they kissed the fire and fired them until they were about to burn.

"Hey, where are you all the money, I feel like you are a mobile vault." God said with a smile.

"Stolen, this is nothing but a slap in the face. My money is enough to unite with the treasury of the three hells. Right, the black market businessman looking for it is as reliable as possible. I don't want the soldiers' whereabouts to be leaked out."

Qin Hao shaved her nose and smiled.

"You can rest assured that there are many wars now. Whether it is the major dynasties or the local tyrannical hoarding materials, as long as there is money, no one will doubt that these materials are to support an extra army."

"Now the soldiers have already recruited, what are you going to do next?"

God month glared at his waist and asked intimately.

"This army is going to be a cavalry. It has to be a sharp knife behind Lucifer. When necessary, I will give him a fatal blow."

Qin Yudao.

"Shenzhou, we must marry before we can? That's true, I haven't been there for a long time, and I'm going crazy."

Qin Hao was in a good mood, and the distracting thoughts were on the head. I couldn’t help but touch the past under the skirt of God.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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