The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2054: Internal division

“What did Mr. Fang say?” Qin Hao said for a moment, and asked.

Huang Yaodong replied: "Mr. Fang does not have much to say. He only said that Xiaohouye is a good man and he will do something in the future. Since everyone discovered that the young master is not born to speak, there is no martial arts talent, and Mr. Fang has proposed to replace Zhang Da. The duties of the spiritual director became the teacher of the great son Qin Ji. Every day, he taught him well and taught him all his life. Nowadays, the younger son is not only in the martial arts world, but also in the martial arts world. Entering the Qin Gang main event, he served as the deputy head of the Dongzhou, and he was also the old man with a face in the Qin Gang."

"Yeah, everyone called him Xiaohouye. Every time the local leaders of the field meet every year, they must first go to Dongzhou to meet the Dagongzi. This is not the case, because of the relationship between Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory and his relatives. He has been endorsing him on various occasions. According to this situation, people in the world are only afraid of forgetting that Hou Ye still has a flesh and blood."

Song Yu is also quite dissatisfied.

They are the relatives of Qin and Qin. Naturally, they are toward the blood of the Qin family. Qin Ji can do it again. After all, it is only the righteous son of Qin Yu. When the family business is handed over to him, there is always a feeling of playing with water.

"Why is this all the time, even the boss always came out to give him a platform, saying that it was time for Qin Ji to go to the military to practice and improve the qualifications, which was rejected by me and Song Yu."

"After all, he is the aura of your head Hou Hou, I am afraid that the sergeants out of respect for Hou Ye, when our army was also washed by Qin Ji."

"But even so, Mr. Gu still brought him to the East War, not to mention the business side. The people in Ningxin, Yunqing and Zhuangxin, who are unclear, have regarded him as a successor and are fully committed. Train him. Several ladies, also appeared in the differentiation, Mrs. Wan, Miss Wen, Lin’s sisters have been in Jiandao, and the godmother of the little son, naturally help him. But Mrs., the Virgin, and Many forces, such as the martial arts and political politicians, are all biased towards the Dagongzi. They want to gather all the resources and make him a replica of Houye."

"Today's Qin Ji, but the political and business land in the three realms of the heroic, the veritable China's first few."

"Well, although we people feel that it is not right, no one dares to say that he is half a word, because that will only stimulate the internal division of Hou Ye's foundation, and it will only close one eye."

"Now we are gone, except for the sword island, where Mrs. Wan and Mrs. Wen are sitting in the town, they can have confidence in Xiaogongzi, and no other old forces can see the little son."

Huang Yaodong was filled with indignation and expressed strong dissatisfaction in his speech.

"I think they all think that Hou Ye will not come back, so I pin my hopes on Qin Ji. People are realistic. Who cares about Xiao Gongzi is the descendant of Hou Ye? They all think that they follow Qin Ji. Can keep the prosperity and prosperity."

Song Xiao smiled bitterly.

Qin Xiao smiled lightly and raised his hand: "Drink tea."

"Hou, don't you be angry, don't you worry about your own business?" Huang Yaodong asked.

"You all said that Qin Qin is not outstanding, there must be someone to take over, Qin Ji is very fine, very strong, can grab anything, is this not a good thing?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"But he is not your flesh and blood after all, so the Qin family's Jiangshan will be changed into a surname in the future. Believe me, this child has ambition."

"In the beginning, Fang Xiu said that this is a counter-it, and one day he will free his hands to deal with the old Qin family."

Song Yu reminded me.

Qin Yu was silent. At the beginning, he got the black dragon essence in the Sima family, recasting the dragon veins in the body, and divided a few dragons. As a result, Qin Ji’s cultivation was a leaps and bounds.

Originally, Qin Qin hoped that Qin Ji would have the ability to fly into the sky and pick up his class in the future.

And he was less loyal to Qin Lan, his own son, because he knew that he was in a whirlpool, and that the days of intrigue were not happy, so he was also embarrassed about Wan Xiaoying and others.

This child was given to him by God. Since the mouth can't be said, Wu can't be made. It can only be said that this child is destined to have nothing to do with the great cause.

However, what Qin did not think is that if Qin Ji’s ambition is really strong enough to be mad, there is indeed the possibility of cleaning up his dissidents. After all, Qin Yu is ultimately orthodox. As long as he is alive, he will have a huge threat to him. Difficult.

"Is there still room decoration? It should not be this step." Qin Hao frowned.

"The house repairer has become his teacher at this time. Obviously, he is actively leaning towards him for a future. I think the worst thing is this person. Hou Ye has a lot of care. I didn't expect him to be so brazen and shameful."

Huang Yaodong said awkwardly.

Qin Hao shook his head and looked at the big account. He sighed: "No, you don't understand Mr. Fang. He took the initiative to give Qin Ji as a teacher. I am afraid that most of them are still trying to restrain him and teach him, so as to avoid the truth. No one is more aware of Qin Ji’s life than he is. I am still at ease with his work.”

"But if it really came to this day?" Song Wei asked That is his self-seeking dead end! ”

Qin Hao is extremely cold and cold.

"Right, what about other people?" Qin asked again.

"In addition to the current tension between the two sons, the development of the industry is booming. The only thing that is puzzling is that the aunts and uncles are missing."

"We have used almost all the power that can be used. No matter whether they have their shadows, they seem to have disappeared from the earth."

"No one can know where they are."

Song Hao reluctantly sighed.

"They are dead."

Qin Haoran told me.


The two were shocked at the same time.

"Do you know why I summon you in the West Hell? Because in the East, Guangwang and I are deadly enemies, and my parents, because of his tricks, have lost their lives."

Qin Landao, his mind is still a painful pain when he thinks about the death of his parents.

"Damn, let's go back and fight back to hell, take his old life and avenge my uncle." Song Hao screamed at the table.

"If you want to take revenge, you need to think about it from a long time. Hell is no match for mortal. This time our opponents have a strong fighting power. You have to practice hard. In addition, I will go to give you medicine to maximize your cultivation."

"I don't worry about your tactical literacy. The most important thing at the moment is to put the strength up. The Daqin Army is not only going to fight the world invincible. In hell, in heaven, whether it is with people or gods, it must be forever. never fail."

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"Yes, sir."

The two of them are boiling and happy, and they have been waiting for this moment for too long. It is time to sweep the world again to prove the value of the Daqin Army.


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