The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2064: Who will not act?

"Adult, try." Bruce poured a cup of Becker.

Becker took a sip, still bitter and tasteless, and waved his hand and frowned. "I still forget it. I am not blessed with this thing. Adults, don't you plan to go out again? Now that the war is over, you can control the three points. One of the fallen angels, if you are missing, this war is afraid to hang."

"Is it necessary for the grown-up to come back? I don't say that I have a great contribution, but I have never had it. Lucifer is a sneak peek at the dog."

"I am coming back, and then posting his cold ass, is it interesting?"

Bruce sneered.

Although he is not facing up, but what happened in the Dark Royal Palace is well known, Becker was angered by Lucifer because of the unfavorable policy. This is nothing more than a psychological balance.

He won't lobby Becker at this time, because it's not yet time, but he has to put his attitude out, so Becker has a good number.

Similarly, Becker said this, but also to test his preparations for Lucifer, this guy is also an old fox, Bruce can not understand.

"Adult, you are the most loyal ally of Lucifer, and have experienced a profound friendship from heaven to hell. You are like a natural one. Now that Lucifer is a matter of employing people, are you really not going to help him? ”

"I don't think it will take long for Lucifer to come to the adult to pay for the crime. When you join forces, you are still invincible."

"Brother, believe me, no one can open you and Lucifer."

Becker smiled and tried again.

Bruce Haha laughed and said: "The adult is a guest of Lucifer. Come back, naturally, I have to go back. But people, always have to consider for themselves. I intend to apply to transfer to the field to stay away from the Dark Royal Palace. In this way, everyone is blind to the eyes, and no one can hinder anyone."

Becker patted his chest and made a sigh of relief: "Scare me, I thought the adults would go so far. That way, the fallen army, the strength of the Dark Legion is not a big discount."

"People have to think for themselves, aren't they?"

"Adults, you and I have done everything right, some people can let us eat today, we can have our lives tomorrow, and make a choice more than anything, you say."

Bruce sneaked at Becker, the old fox was too fine, and he always said what he wanted to hear.

Sure enough, when Becker heard that Bruce had such an idea, he opened his eyes and smiled. "The adults are right, we have been fighting for many years, and it is time to make a way for ourselves."

"However, I want to ask my brother, you met with Mamen. What is the relationship?"

Becker turned and asked again.

"I am a messenger. Mamen was scared. I naturally gave it to my ancestors. I said that it was me. Even if I went to the Dark Legion, he had to provide it. Of course, it was somewhat of that time. Old friendship, I am better than others."

Bruce Road.

Becker was silent for a while. He wanted to evaluate the relationship between Mamen and Bruce. He had already planned to replace Lucifer. But before, Bruce had to fight for it, and Mamma’s hard-working guy had to consider Inside.

Bruce seems to have a hard time with Lucifer, which is a lot of good news.

"Tomorrow, the kid of Nilona will go to Lucifer's covenant. I heard that Qinhou will come. I heard that Lucifer had been killed by a soul nucleus. He has always vowed to take his life. This person It’s also a bad character in the East. The last time the adult had dealt with him in Devil Castle, how much do you know about this person?”

Asked Becker.

"Qin Hou is wise, there are secrets, but he is not as rumored to be so powerful. I used to take a face with him in the Devil Castle. It was almost the same as me, but he was so helpless that it was difficult to pick up any waves. Otherwise, it will not be driven out of the Devil Castle by Mamen."

Bruce Lang channel.

Of course, he does not reveal his relationship with Qinhou. On the contrary, he wants Lucifer and Becker to look down on Qinhou, so that they will relax their vigilance against this extremely difficult "enemy" for future action.

"So, Nile is unable to escape this time, hehe." Becker sighed.

"Why, Becker also sympathizes with this enemy?" Bruce asked.

"I can't talk about sympathy. According to the seniority, we are also his uncles. When they fought side by side with the Lord Satan, this kid was still wearing a pair of trousers, and he was watching him grow up."

"Now you and I have to join hands to deal with the children of the old people. After all, they are somewhat unbearable."

Becker smiled bitterly.

"The adults said wrong, it is you, not me, I said, he will not let me participate in anything about Lucifer in the future, and I don't want to." Bruce smiled lightly.

"Envy the purity of the adults, well, then I will not bother you to drink tea, take a step first."

Becker knew almost, and stood up.

"Then I will not send the adults." Bruce picked up the There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was lazy.

Lucifer seems to be clever, but after all, it is a warrior, especially to learn the oriental mind. It is even more stupid to learn a fourth, but Becker is different. This guy seems to be low-key, but his temptation is far from the road. Westfa knew that it was insidious to strike people, and Bruce had to guard against it.

The reason why he dared to reveal his heart in such a bold way was to let Becker jump off the wall. In this way, it is also beneficial to himself.


The days of the ancestral ceremonies have arrived.

Nile and Qin Qin took a team of thousands of guards and went straight to the dark king city.

At the same time, the two hells of Heiluo and Galo are also in full swing. Hei Luo has been reluctant to be captured by the power of the sky. He has the idea of ​​being eager to move. Galo is reporting a neutral attitude, and their hearts are bright, with Lucifer and The two brothers have always been well water without breaking the river.

And Claysey, Lucifer, and others are premeditated to re-diverge the power of **** by washing the cards with this ceremonies.

The easiest way is to imprison Nile, sign the contract, and then support a Nile in the army to replace the tragedy of the Heroes.

This is the best way for soldiers to be bloodless.

Nile and Qin Lan were the dark kings who arrived at noon that day. When they arrived at the foot of Wangcheng, they were stopped by the fallen army.

"Speed ​​through, Nero Wang is here, isn't it welcome?"

The generals of the army rushed forward.

"Hey, what are you? Is this the place where you are wild? Here is the dark royal palace of Lucifer."

"You are waiting here, Lao Tzu goes in and rumors."

The guard of the door drank a lot of scorpions, and went in and out without hesitation.


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