The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2071: I have no him

The memorial began formally.

After Lucifer "satisfied with food and drink", Irene returned to the magic altar, and the angels stood in the army, and the altar was extremely solemn and majestic.

"Everyone, today is the Lord of our hell, Satan, my old brother, old comrades, and the old brother's sacrifice. According to the practice of previous years, we must choose a descendant of the Satan family among the relatives, representing the people of hell. The Lord worships, praying for **** to be peaceful, the people without worry, and the clan developed."

"The last time I hosted the memorial was Heilongjiang. Unfortunately, our Hero of the Black King suffered from serious illness for personal reasons six months ago. It is no longer able to represent the Satan family to preside over the memorial. Today, I see people coming together, it is better to choose one. Bit, Prince Oss, how do you feel?"

Lucifer came to power and screamed at everyone.

"The archangel is right, it is time to pick a new sacred sage in the Satan family to reinvigorate the Satanic family's prestige and fortune. But now the Dark Royal Palace is the main event of the adults. I don't see the adult as one of the first. Can it be like my family?"

Lucifer wanted to let Oss first open, and Osser was an old fox, and kicked the ball back.

"Becker, you are also one of the four lords. Who is the most appropriate for you to see the ceremonies of Satan's old brother?"

Lucifer was not stupid, and he gave the pot directly to Becker.

Becker is calculating, and he must smile: "The adults have always been the most important people of Claysey. Today, Claysea is the regent of the Heroes of the Black Kingdom, and he leads everything, and the adults of Claysey are also in the Satan family. I think it’s a good fit for him to take the responsibility."

What Becker is most afraid of is not a trouble, but nothing to do. He naturally wants to stir up the water. Anyway, everyone knows that he is just a dog of Lucifer. Anything he says, any hatred he pulls, will be counted. On the head of Western France.

"Becker has elected Clancy, Prince Oss, how do you wait?"

Lucifer asked.

During the conversation, Claysey stepped forward and pressed the sword with her hand. She saw the fierce light and scanned the crowd. Obviously, whoever dared to rob him of this work, that is to provoke his authority, he would not be willing to give up.

Ossie smiled coldly: "According to the ancestral system, but all sacrifices must be **** relatives. Before the black king was sound, he was the first son of Satan to preside over the ceremony. Naturally, Clancy, you belong to the side branch, I am afraid it is not suitable. If the side branch can host, then it should be the old man to host."

"Don't you, don't forget that our Satan Lord and a son are on the scene. Isn't the answer obvious? What else is it?"

Oss raised his finger to the Nile, plausible.

"You, Oster, I am now the regent of the Heilongjiang hell, and the Satanic dear, why is it not qualified?"

"Nero and the Dark Royal Palace are enemies, but they are turning their backs on the glory of Satan. They are against the devils of the devil. You can't wait for the filial piety to preside over the ceremony."

Claire heard a sudden fire, and made a noise on the spot.

When Nero was so stunned, he suddenly became speechless. He had always played against Black Rob, and it was a great war with Lucifer. The other side took this as a real attack on him. It is indeed irrefutable.


Just as Nile was embarrassed, Qin Hao laughed at Heaven.

"Mr. Qin, why are you laughing, isn't my father saying something wrong?" Irene asked dissatisfied.

Qin Hao looked around at everyone and clashed with each other: "Everyone, today, the Nero King and Lucifer are still drinking wine. The Regent always says that he is against the Dark Royal Palace. Is he an enemy of you, or with him? Lucifer, Becker?"

"If you think that I am waiting for the enemy of the Dark Royal Palace, then good, the Tao is different, and the King, let's go now."

"Well, Mr. Qin said that Li Rufa had just said that I was the most distinguished guest of the Dark Royal Palace. It was the most distinguished friend and the son of Satan. So I invited me to attend the meeting. Now the Regent is a bite. One is my enemy of the Dark Royal Palace."

"I want to know, is it what you mean, or what others mean?"

"Well, since everyone thinks that I am not qualified, Nile will retire."

Nile slightly bowed to Oss, Lucifer and others, and the group turned and left.

Claysey didn't care, but Lucifer couldn't do it. Yesterday, it was hard to eat, and I endured a bad breath. Just to turn back to Nile and move the knife, let the kid run again. His efforts are not white. blind.

He was completely trapped by Nero, and his heart screamed again and miscalculated, and hated Qin. Since this guy came, it is clear that he is in charge of everything, but he is shackled everywhere, and his heart is called a nest fire.

Everything is based on stability, and it will be settled after the fall.

"And slow."

Lucifer raised his hand.

"Uncle, what else is there?"

Nile was dissatisfied.

"It’s all family, why bother to care about it. If I look at this festival, why not let you host with Clécy?"

Lucifer still did not want to lose the opportunity to build momentum for himself, and took a step back.

Nile just had to hesitate, Qin Hao gave him a He would like to know, look cold and firm: "Claysey adults regard me as a thief, this king is also self-respect, today If the father is sleeping in the ground, if he knows it, he will certainly not allow it. Therefore, only one person with Claire and I can stay here, either I am going or he is going, Lucifer, you are the principal of the Dark Royal Palace. ,You figure it out."

"You..." Lucifer was a little embarrassed.

Nile’s move is to retreat and fully occupy the upper hand. This time, Claysea will not only be unable to get the host, but he will still have to lose his voice, but this is inevitable. It’s strange to blame him for not thinking about it. Grab the life door to the other party.

"Adult, I..." Claysey also wanted to argue that if she presided over the ceremonies, it would mean that the name of the Satan family was justified. It seemed simple, and the meaning behind it was great.

"Claysea is a great man. Afar is a visitor. Nile rushes to worship the fathers and fathers. He should be presided over by him. If so, you will retreat and today the ceremonies will be handed over to Nile."

Lucifer can't help.

Claire clenched his teeth and shouted: "Okay, it depends on the adult."

Then, the eyes screamed and angered Nile and Qin: "A good road is different, and a good one is not a swearing. Since you have to take the road, then we will walk."

After that, lead the people to go.

"Claysea, don't send it." Nile sneered.

"Congratulations to King Nero, who has become the host of this festival, and also a new ritualist of the Satan family. Everyone can't wait, please."

Oss went forward and bowed his hand.

All the old people came forward to congratulate each other, and everyone’s face was full of smiles, as if they saw the hope of the new family.


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