The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2073: Borrow you 1

Claire has always had a nest in the east of the city. As a woman of the old aristocracy, it has become a fashion. Claire is no exception. It is no secret that he can be used as his identity.

But the key is that his wife has a strong set of nephews. He is extremely strict with him in this respect. Claire still has to rely on his wife's relationship. He dares not to be too arrogant and can only sneak into the small lovers. .

There are not many people who know that he is in this old nest. It is precisely in this city that there is nothing to do with Lucifer. In fact, this woman named Mozu is Lucifer’s secret reward to Claysey.

Bruce, as the closest comrade of Lucifer, is naturally informed.

Therefore, Bruce became a person who did not know more about this secret.

I have to say that Claysey has worked hard to raise this beloved little honey. In order to facilitate the appointment, he built a secret passage in the underground of the Dark Royal Palace in the Dark Royal Palace, which can directly access the secret residence.

In this way, in addition to his most personal guardian, everyone thought he was in the office, in fact, Claysea had been with Xiaomi in the rain.

This secret, even his most trusted daughter, Irene, did not know.

After eating the rituals at the festival, especially Lucifer was the same as his grandson by Nero, and Claysey was mad at the lungs. After leaving the ceremony, he entered the secret passage for the first time and was happy with Xiaomi. It is.

Some clouds rained down, the absent-minded Cassie, who had already received the troops early, and slept on the belly of the little lover.

"Adult, what makes you so distressed, with your status and power, what else can't you solve, and it won't be the wife who makes you angry." The little lover gently fiddled with his hair and comforted. .

"The yellow face is not a thing. It is Lucifer. He clearly promised me to let me be the host of the sacrifice. In the end, I was beaten by Nile, the stupid boy. I was stunned."

"The most hateful thing is that the old people of the Satan family are not dead. They all stand in the position of Nile and I am against them. I think they are alive and tired. When Laozi cleans up the Nile, they all cut back their ones. Dog head."

Claire is not happy.

"The adults don't mean that Lucifer will start tomorrow night? If you are so angry, anyway, those who are mortal, what do you mean when you defy a dead person."

"It’s just right to cherish the eyes and be happy together."

The little lover smugly slammed into him, and the lips of the lips would be wise to let Cleiss re-emerge.

Claire also felt that she was just about to make a big fuss, and there was another fierce battle. At this time, a cold voice came from the corner: "She is right, life should be happy in life, and live up to this." Time, maybe there will be no more opportunities."

The sound that broke into this, the scared Kleiss Khan was erected, and the little lover was scared and screamed. They must know that their relationship is top secret. This place is more subtle and cannot be found by ordinary people.

When a person came in, Claysey did not find it at all, what a terrible thing.

"Qin Hou."

Claire looked at the man, his eyebrows cold, and stunned.

"It's me, the adult gold house is a charming person. It is a person who will enjoy it. People who generally enjoy it can always make the most correct choice, aren't they?"

Qin Lan held his arm and slowly walked over to the bed.

"You, what are you doing, here is the Dark Royal Palace, as long as I give an order, you will die."

Claysey shouted.

"Look at it, you are calling fast, or my sword is fast."

Qin Yumo smashed the curse of the **** of death, cold and cold.

"What the **** do you want?"

"You know, I always wanted to be friends with you. You won't be in trouble?"

Clare Road.

"I want to use it for you. Don't worry about your life, but you may want to suffer from it."

Qin Yan waved his hand, and the sword gas ran through the chest of the little lover. The woman didn’t even scream, and she died on the spot.

Claysey is not low, but when Qin Hao reveals the cursed sword, the crazy, endless murder has made him desperate, this is definitely not a person he can provoke.

"If you have something to say, you can ask for anything, I will satisfy you."

Claire is a high-ranking, pampered, and has long lost the courage of the **** battlefield that year, fearful pleading.

"Oh, simple, I want one of your ears, and that one is missing a corner."

Qin Lan looked at Claysey and there was no more discernment than his left ear with one earlobe.

"What, you, you want my ears, you are crazy, what do you want to do, even if you kill me, you can't walk out of the Dark Royal Palace."

Claysey shouted.

Qin Xiao smiled, and Jian Feng picked it up. Claysea's **** ear fell to the ground.

Then Qin Lan tied the man with a binding spell, sealed his blood, and rolled Cleiss into the hut.


It is a pity that the disappearance did not cause much fluctuation in the Dark Royal Palace. Especially for Lucifer, he wanted to borrow the name of Clichy's revenge, not this person.

Tomorrow's plan is the most important, who cares where Claysey is going to play a woman.

The next day, in the early morning, Lucifer sent the invitation out By convention, after the sacrifice, all Satan relatives will have a dinner at the Satan Palace.

"Becker, are people ready?"

An invitation was sent and Lucifer asked Becker.

"It’s gone, no one is aware of the plans of the grown-ups, they are very submissive, especially the guys like Nile and Oss, who have recently been proud of them, completely imagining that they have completely fallen into our trap, Claysey. The anger is a sword that justifies them by killing them."

Becker Road.

"Well, at present, there are no loopholes in the plan, but I still have to be careful about Qinhou. This person is too smart. Once the plan is seen through, I am afraid that they will escape, so that we will be very passive."

Lucifer nodded with satisfaction.

"Reassured, everything is under control. This time the execution of the assassination plan is the adult headquarters, the St. Light assassination group, led by the team leader Carter, said that it is Qin Hou, that is, Mamen is here, but also afraid that it is difficult There is a way to live."

Becker Road.

"I am still reassured by Carter, so I will do it."

Lucifer Road.

A conspiracy permeated the air in the Dark Royal Palace, and Nile had already smelled this suffocating smell.

He has no grasp of the overall situation at present. All the hopes are all on the Qin dynasty. He has lived for so many years. Since he was in charge of one hell, he still gave his life to a trust that is not trustworthy, even friends are not. Guy hands.

In the middle of the night, after he woke up, he had been thinking in fear. Qin Hao had not appeared all night. What kind of medicine did this guy sell in the gourd?

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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