The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2075: Feast of death

"Okay, everyone is seated."

"Nile, please."

Lucifer dropped the distracting thoughts of these men and women, sat down in the respect, and raised their hands.

Nile's position is arranged at the very end, sitting side by side with an ordinary Satan youth, even after Irene.

Nile's eyebrows are wrinkled, standing in the same place, sitting is not, standing is not, sit down and be inferior, if you don't sit, you will give Lucifer a good mouth.

"Why, you don't like this location?"

Lucifer asked with a sneer.

Becker and others followed and sneered, everyone waiting for Nile to make a fool.

Seeing that Nile noodles are twilight, in order to break his back, Lucifer said: "I don't think you will leave again. Today is your father's day. This dinner is a dinner for the family. Of course, you can leave. After all, after all, Your father is gone, are you not respectful?"

Nile did have to leave by, and then bargained with Lucifer, I did not expect this guy to have a pretext, but can only help but laugh: "Where the angel said, the dinner of the father's sacrifice, the relatives are there, how can I leave ""

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he sat down and watched Lucifer's conspiracy to succeed. Oss stood up and said: "Nero King, as the son of Satan, please take your seat with you."

"We also have a seat here. The king is sitting here." Someone took the lead and the relatives expressed their opinions.

"it is good."

Nile sat down on a chair next to Oss, and smiled at Xifa. "Adult, the dinner can begin."

Lucifer's face condensed into ice, and coldly glared at Oss and others, and the hearts of these **** guys were dark, when you cry.


Lucifer waved his hand.

The people first prayed to the Lord Satan and then formally dine.

Lucifer did not eat, just sneer at everyone to eat, Oss and others are really not afraid of him, eating and drinking is very free, but Nile is sitting on a needle felt, from time to time to look at Qin Qin. However, Qin Hao never touched his eyes. He just whispered his head with Galo, and laughed a few times from time to time, as if this was a real happy party.

When everyone was eating almost, Lucifer waved his hand, and the musicians and dancers in the hall all retreated. Lucifer cleared his throat and said: "Everyone, rice is also eaten. It is time to say something right."

When everyone saw him looking bad, they stopped talking and laughing, and looked at Lucifer.

"Luke Lucifer, what is not going to talk in the main hall, have to talk at the table?" asked Oser.

Lucifer smiled and said: "There is nothing else, that is, **** needs to be reformed recently. I want to talk to you."

"Reform? What do you want to do?"

Asked Oss.

"Everyone knows that Neros has come to disrespect the Dark Royal Palace. I am here to declare the right of God to give sanctions against Nile Hell."

"Nero is no longer suitable to be the king of **** in the Nile Dynasty!"

Lucifer was unscrupulous, took out the big sword from the space ring, went to the center of the hall, and went to the ground to see the body of the battle, cold and cold.

Everyone knows for a while, everyone knows that there must be a battle between Lucifer and Nile, and there are many complaints, but I did not expect Lucifer to openly attack on this occasion. This is entirely the authority of the Satanic family. It is the demon of the passing. .

"Adult, please pay attention to your words."

"Nile is the son of the devil, even if it is to be abolished, it must be my old guild. It is not your turn to gesticulate. Don't forget, you are just a slave to the devil."

Ossell reminded.


"It seems that this is your heart. Since your Satan family insists on treating me as a slave, I have to find a way to turn over."

Lucifer looked at the ceiling with a mockery and joked.

"What method?"

Another tribe asked.

"Let all of you disappear and let the Satan family get rid of the name of hell. You won't have it."

Lucifer's face doesn't matter, his ambition is already hungry and thirsty. Anyway, these are dead people. There is no need to be as imaginary as a weekday.

"Let's be bold, bold."

Oss and others finally understood that Lucifer was not joking. This is a death dinner.

"It’s you, the old dog!"

"Come on."

Lucifer shouted.

The assassination squad led by Carter, such as the whirlwind, rolled in, the sacred assassin, they wore dark black armor, the blade in their hands flashed with bloodthirsty cold light, once this mysterious team, under the leadership of Lucifer, assassination There are countless gods.

They are synonymous with demons and fears in hell, and everyone sees them from the trembling of the soul.

When the sacred assassin appeared, there was no second choice except death.

All Satanic families have fallen into panic. They realize that this is by no means a joke. Lucifer is really going to kill.

"The Lord is dead, Satan is to be destroyed!"

"You have been long enough for the prestige. Do you know? All of your glory and wealth are exchanged with my comrades and my blood. Why do you want to be high because you are a Satan?"

"You call me a minion. Who can you sit here? Without me, your Satan people can only live in a cold place, live like a dog, don't they?"

Lucifer went to Ossell and was cold.

Oss and others were like earthy colors, their lips were stunned, and they couldn’t say a word.

"I know what you are thinking, you are counting on this waste of ZTE, replacing me, and regaining the Dark Royal But now it seems that your wish is to be defeated."

Lucifer Road.

When he finished, he went to Nero and squinted his head and looked disdainful: "You want to fight with me, I am standing here, how can you?"

"The son of Satan, is it prestige?"


Lucifer raised his hand and gave Nile a heavy slap.

Nile spit out a blood in his mouth, secretly clenched his fist, and he had the last one to rely on him to summon the power of his father, but that was the only thing that could be used in desperation, and that the piece of Qin dynasty did not move, and never could It reveals its biggest card.

"Lucifer, I promise, you will regret it."

Nile gnashed his teeth.

"Yes? Maybe I will regret it, but unfortunately, you can't see that day again like your father."

Lucifer and Becker and others laughed loudly.

When Becker smiled, he looked over to Qin.

This guy is still chatting with Galo, as if everything here is completely unrelated to him, it is too confident.

"The night of the killing, officially started, Carter, let's start with these old dogs."

Lucifer ordered the road.

Let's make it, Oss and others are completely soft. They realize that they are too inflated. Only in front of the knife, they think about it. Who is the **** in today's hell?

"Adult, I, I am a quick mouth, you are the first person in **** today, the leader of the Dark Royal Palace, we are your deployment, please give us a way to live."

"Our Satan family is willing to be loyal to you forever."

Ossett snorted and squatted in front of Lucifer, and there was no more arrogance.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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