The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2082: Into the wind city

When Anderson said this, Qin Hao’s army had already arrived under the wind city.

In the way to the foot of the city, there is a zone, about a kilometer long narrow road, which was originally under surveillance for 24 hours, but it is different now.

Tonight is very evil, the fog is very strong, and it is difficult to see things when it is ten meters wide.

Soldiers on the Windy City have not paid much attention to it since Anderson came, and the following is followed by grinding.

At this moment, the soldiers are dozing off, or they are drunk, or they are gambling together in twos and threes. No one wants to look down the city.

"What is the situation, are we here?"

"The last time I came with General Vald, don't say that I entered the wall and just stepped into the defense zone, I was bombarded by the cannon."

"Is this too evil?"

Shelton is extremely curious.

The blood of every soldier is burning. This is the first time in the history of Nile Hell that it is so close to the windy city. This short one kilometer, each soldier seems to have gone from the ghost gate to the city until the city At the door, the heart is still tight.

The 30,000-strong army, the first 10,000 people have already arrived under the city, and the remaining 20,000 are still moving slowly.

"It's not evil, but they don't want to keep it at all. If they want to sacrifice, then don't take it later? Once the war is open, the place will inevitably strengthen defense. It will be late to try again."

"In our east, this is called the speed of the soldiers, and the machine is not lost."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Sir, I want to know, how do you know that this city defense will be so sparse?"

Shelton asked as he looked at the city gate to find the way to attack the city.

Qin Dao said: "I just came back from the dark palace, and I have a personal understanding of the internal conditions and external conditions of Heilongjiang. Of course, there are also a lot of information. In addition, today is the moon and the moon of hell. Every day, the heaviest day of the yin, it will be a fog, it is a good opportunity for sneak attack."

"So, this is the plan for this surprise attack. As a commander, it is impossible to have a savage temper. It is necessary to comprehensively study the political, military, astronomical and other aspects of the enemy. You still have to learn."

At this time, Sheldon admired the five-body cast, respectfully worshipped: "I am waiting for ignorance, I don't know Mr. Great Wisdom. The gate of this city is very strong, and it is violently attacked. The follow-up troops will be hit hard. How to enter the city is good. ”

Qin Xiao smiled and said: "The surprise attack is not the main attack on the city gate. In addition, there is no siege device. The storm is not good. You pick out the highest fighter in the army."


Shelton, Charles, and Niebo personally went to pick, and for a while, a hundred elite warriors were listed. These people, including some deputy generals, were all good first-class players.

From the space ring, Qin Lan took out the already prepared Pancheng gun and threw it to everyone.

This kind of gun is often used by the Qin Guangwang Guards and can come and go between the high buildings of Wangcheng.

The gun looks like a scorpion. The difference is that the silk is tied with fine silk threads. The arrow is made of fine iron. It can penetrate the stone and the wall. Once the gun hits the target, it is triggered. The above organs can use the power to go up.

"what is this?"

Looking at the Pang Gun on the ground, Charles and others are all surprised.

"I will know later, let's enter from the northwest corner, the defense is the most loose, you come with me."

Qin Hao made a gesture, and the death squad cat followed the Qin dynasty to the northwest corner of the city gate.

Qin Hao kicked the machine, but after listening to a sullen sound, the gun tip was nailed to the wall, Qin Yu borrowed a force, the whole person is like a flying fairy, along the silk to the tens of feet high wall I flew up.

"My God, my husband is a wizard, it is a god."

Charles and others are all stupid.

It is necessary to know that there are special enchantments on the surface of the city wall, and there is nowhere to borrow. Normal people, even if they are as strong as Lucifer, can not be achieved by relying on one body to dry and jump without using the implement. .

It is necessary to know that Qin Zhen was in the eyes of Huang Quan. It was almost at the peak, and it was difficult to jump directly on the old statue of Baizhang, but by force, it was divided several times before jumping up.

Moreover, the city wall of Fengcheng is a few feet higher than the ordinary city wall. There is no such thing as a city that is afraid of scouting and spies.

"What are you doing, hurry up."

Charles urged.

Soldiers of the death squad, all in the same way, flew up the city wall from the northwest corner.

Qin Lan pulled out the cursed sword and lowered his body. The group quickly touched the main entrance of the city wall.

Sure enough, the soldiers were sleeping in twos and threes, and there were not many guards. The people killed the sheep like a slaughter and killed the guards.

When entering the city wall, the gatekeeper is a Yass ministry. This person is more responsible. He is inquiring about the duty data in the city defense department. He suddenly saw a group of people murderously coming in. He was shocked and said: "You are who?"


Qin Hao’s sword fell on his neck.

"Open the door."

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

"Are you a Nile hell?"

The man returned to God, and the other soldiers on duty were also stunned.


Qin Yi's sword cut off his head, and then looked at other people, no matter how cold Sen said: "Open the door."

"Yes, it is an adult."

Immediately, there is a timid opening of the city gate office嗡嗡!

Thick and full of enchantment, known as the wind city gate that can withstand the impact of the most fierce artillery in hell, it is so open without a single soldier.

At the same time, the guards sounded the alarm.


The harsh, rushing alarm clock is like a reminder in the night, so that everyone in the wind city is upright.

The 30,000 iron riders under Nile fell into the city like a flood.

"This, what is going on here, where is the sound?"

Anderson was the first time he heard the alarm bell. The harsh voice made him feel a little uneasy. Then he saw that the soldiers were all changed, panicked and hurriedly asked.

"Adult, bad, the gates are open, and the army of Nile City has come in."

"A lot of people, black pressure, people everywhere."

The guard rushed in and screamed.

"Assho is here, hurry to organize the power to kill."

"Come, come, protect me, protect me."

"What are you doing, hurry to pack up and sneak out from the back door."

Anderson yelled and rushed to the old servant.

He will not stay and die, and listen to the soldiers outside the chaos, and take care of his soldiers to live and save their lives, then lead the people to clean up the soft, a smog from the back door.

Anyway, the loss of Guan is the back of Yas, and he will not leave.

Yas is organizing people to resist.

However, the Fengcheng soldiers who have been fighting for a long time, under Anderson’s “raising pigs” strategy, have no power at all, and the Nile’s morale is booming, and there are many people, which is completely overwhelming. Advantage.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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