The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2091: This person can't see it

Claire can go to today, in addition to relying on the relationship between her daughter's beauty and Lucifer, she has a more intelligent mind. He has been following Lucifer for a long time, knowing that this fallen angel is like a fox, can have insights. Heaven and earth, I think it is the first thing that has been made, and Lucifer has already known it.

In fact, Claire knew that sooner or later could not hold back, but he did not expect Lucifer to know so soon.

As a wise man, Claire knew that there would be only one dead end, so he decisively chose "candid."

This is also the pretext he has already prepared!

"You can't even lie, you lost the wind city, not the city of Doro, you feel very nervous?"

Lucifer's sword was on the neck of Claysey, sneer.

"Adult, I have no two people, everything is for Heilongjiang hell, for the sake of the adults, ask the adults to see." Claire screamed.

"In the big picture, you want to let him out first, want to avenge the Satan family, or want him to cut my head."

"Don't forget, Irene is my woman, do you let my woman serve a silver demon?"

"Claysey, how do you say that I can keep you alive?"

Lucy's face is expressionless.

He called Claysey to come here. It was nothing more than to confirm whether the news of Bruce was true. From the performance of Claysey, all this is true. If so, everything will suffice.

"Adult, I beg you to give me another chance. You know that even if I don't look for the first, someone will release him. Satan is protecting him at all. He will come out sooner or later."

"I have been loyal to the adults for so many years, and I am so loyal to adults. Are you uncomfortable? Is it really necessary to abolish me because of the first?"

"You are not afraid to kill me. Irene and Sasne are really united. Will there be civil strife?"

Claire screamed.

"Oh, you still dare to let go now, if the adults dare to kill you, naturally will not give the first to live."

"You can rest assured that Satan and Irene will soon reunite with you in hell."

Bruce sneered at the side.

"You shouldn't forget, who in the **** has the final say, who is the world, Claysey, you let me down."

Lucifer's big sword waved, and Cassie's head fell to the ground.

This Lucifer was supported by the hands of the black-roar regent, who had the right to sneak into the wild. After all, he lost his life because of his own fire.

In the final analysis, it is too important for him to see himself. In fact, in the eyes of Lucifer, Cassie is always a dog, nothing more.

"The thief can't flow, Bruce, you will follow me to Doro City tonight. You must not let Satan live to dawn. You know that I like quick fixes."

Lucifer paid the road.

"Follow the order." Bruce sighed in his heart, and he finally could do something for Qin.


Go back to the house.

Qin Lanzheng was refining his legs. When he saw Bruce's look relaxed, he got up and smiled: "Adult, what happened?"

"Well, Lucifer was extremely angry, and he killed Claysey on the spot, and with me I will rush to Doro City tonight to kill Saskatchewan."

Bruce smiled.

"The cultivation of Sasang and the Lucifer should be between the two, if forced to deal with it, I am afraid that it will be a stunned snake, and there are eight thousand savage soldiers under his hand. Even if the angel army is dispatched, it is not easy to fight." ”

Qin Yudao.

Bruce mysteriously laughed: "Hou Ye, Lucifer is not going to be clear. He has a method in his hand. After Satan and Lucifer sealed the death, Lucifer had given Satan a chance to win Satan’s power. Poisoning, causing Satan to have to go to sleep, or even completely disappeared."

"Now Satan will repeat the mistakes of his older brother and can only die in the same end."

"If you want to poison Satan first, I am afraid that it is not an easy task." Qin said.

"It's not easy, but Say is lascivious, Irene is there, he will definitely count."

"Don't worry, play this conspiracy. Although Lucifer is not as good as Hou's god, but in the West, there are still few people who can compare."

Bruce Road.

"Okay, then I will go back and fight for the first step."

Qin Lan got a positive reply, and he was in a good mood. He stopped staying and went back to the station outside Doro City.

The night is deep.

Lucifer was covered in a thick windbreaker, covering his face, and Bruce was the same. The two of them walked fast and quickly arrived outside the city of Doro.

Outside the city, there was a team of angels waiting for it. The strange thing is that these people are holding a large number of refugees, especially many women. Although they are worn and worn, there are still two things to look at.

"Adult, this, this is..." Bruce couldn't guess what Lucifer was doing, curiously.

"Irene is not reliable, but I still have a lot of insurance. Can I see the two women? It is the beauty that I transferred from Angel City overnight. I have already secretly poisoned them in their bodies. The first silver masters stared at them, and they died."

Lucifer is proud of the ocean.

"The adults are so comprehensive, so that the first thing is that it is impossible to escape."

Bruce is very happy.

"Go, I will go into the city with me, Irene still has to use, she wants to solve the first, it is naturally better ~ ~ Lucifer Road.

Immediately after Lucifer’s order, the emigrants rushed outside the city of Doro.


At this moment, Satan stood on the high floor of the city's main house, overlooking the Nile military camp in the distance and the beauty outside the city of Doro.

He has not been in power for a long time, and he has not been in the town for a long time. This kind of wine, beauty, and high city made him find some feelings of the past.

He will never forget how cold and dark in the altar, the loneliness and loneliness make him crazy during these days of being sealed, and now it is time to enjoy his own great life.

During this period, Irene has been lobbying in secret, telling him that the relatives of the Satan family were almost killed by Lucifer, but Sagan did not care at all.

From the past to the present, he always thinks about himself.

What family, what blood, is just the tool he uses.

He decided to defeat the incomparable Qinhou, and then used this as a merit, summoning the old people, and then swallowing Lucifer, and once again governing hell.

Only this time the ruler is no longer his brother Satan, but he is the first.

"Alton, you said that this oriental, why have not been in the palace for two days, I have been observing them, there is no sign of any march, is it already seen through your plan?"

Sai first asked with a negative hand.

Altong sincerely feared: "I have sent a general yesterday, and once again returned to the military camp to spread, and opened the city gate, and personally went to the city to shake the flag, logically speaking, they should enter the city. Just not I know, this group of people just won't come."

"Hey, this Qin Qin guy is really not to wear."


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