The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2094: Say first fled

In the period of Hell Demon War, Satan was an uncompromising playboy. His essence was cowardly and selfish. He had come back to the present and the devil was degraded, and he was able to cross the world. The air.

However, Lucifer sacrificed his ruin, and he was scared by a trick. He showed his prototype. At this moment, he was sweating all over the body, and he shivered and looked uneasy.

When the two beautiful women were sent up, they were scared out of the soul, and they couldn’t wait to vent all the fear and anger on the two women.

Only in this way can his heart be calm and prove his existence.


When Irene’s **** body was hung up in the city, Lucifer knew that Satan was dead.

"Irene is dead, this woman is worth it."

Bruce looked at the first beauty of **** and died in the city, far from the low road.

"You said it wrong, the value of Irene's death is very high. When he dies, he will unload the defense first, and the second trick is easy."

"And he put Irene out and let me see it, only to prove that he was afraid."

"Haha, he is still the little one who didn't make a fortune in the past. It's hard to make a climate. I overestimated him."

Lucifer sneered.

Bruce is deeply convinced that there is strength in the first place, but after all, it is out of touch with the times, and it is completely unintelligible. Today, Lucifer is more awkward and more brutal than that of the year. At least the three kingdoms of the East are not white.

And Satan first, have the ability, did not catch up with the time, really can fight against Lucifer, in the final analysis, it must be Qin.

"Adult, where are we going now?"

Bruce asked.

"Inspect the city of Doro directly under the banner of the Dark Legion."

"It's time to meet our old friends."

"Pili, the flag."

Lucifer took off the cloak outside and proudly said.


A piece of spar was taken out of the skin, and when it was empty, a broken-winged angel pattern appeared in the air, and then the army of the Dark Legion appeared in the hill north of the city.

Pi Li and a group of guards, directly showing the fallen wing, went to the city government.

Lucifer suddenly appeared, which was an impact on the entire city of Doro.

Even if it is Tarim, it is not the Lord.

To know that today's **** is nominally controlled by Satan's Dark Royal Palace, and the Dark Lord's Lord is gone, but the Archangel has done his job, and it is said that Lucifer has the final say.

Jurisprudentially, Lucifer is qualified to inspect the city of Doro.

When Tarim looked far away, it was really Lucifer's true body, and the flag flickered in the distance. Obviously, after the army was there, the heart screamed badly, and rushed to the city government.

"The first adult, the big man, the first adult, the big thing."

Tarim ran into the hall in a panic.

As soon as he entered the temple, Satan was carnival. The seven holes flowed out of blood and still did not know. It was like a tireless horse. He did not know that his body was already being destroyed and overdrawn.

"Adult, you, you..."

When Tarim saw that the situation was wrong, he slashed the two screaming women and slammed them to the side.

"Taliki, you are crazy, dare, dare to hurt my interest." Sasang is still intoxicated in the happy aftertaste, stunned.

"Adult, look at you."

Tarim did not know how to explain it. He quickly found a mirror and took photos of him first.


When Sai first looked up, he saw the seven holes of blood in the mirror. The gods suddenly woke up a lot. At this time, the toxins had been attacked, and the blood was vomiting on the spot.

"Damn, it is destruction, it is destruction. Lucifer is poisoned by these two skunks."


Satan first roared and vomited blood.

He quickly took out the medicinal medicine from the space ring that he swallowed, and his mouth was always screaming and cursing Lucifer.

"Adult, don't worry, Lucifer is already outside the city's main house, and you are asked to greet it. The fallen army is already outside the city, ready to attack the city. You can make a decision."

The lungs of Tarim gas are almost blown up, reminding me.

"I still make a fart decision, go quickly, and immediately send me back to the dark altar, only then I will live forever, will not die."

Say first painfully glared at the chest.

"Come, come and order me, the army immediately withdraws from the back door from the back door, escorting the adults, secretly going to the dark altar."

Tarim gave orders to his subordinates.

Sasang even the clothes were not put on, and under the **** of the guards such as Tarim, the back door was taken from the secret passage, leading the army to escape from the city of Doro.

"Adults, the army in the city has withdrawn. I heard that they took the first step from the back door. It is very urgent. Do our people want to chase them?"

Pi Lihui reports.

"Chasing, we must chase, all the people we brought this time are put on, make the momentum bigger, and scare to scare the first."

Lucifer laughed proudly.


Piri took the lead.

In fact, in order not to stun the snake this time, Lucifer's angel soldiers outside the city are less than a thousand people, but these are the most elite sergeants in hell, and it is enough to chase the black sand savage soldiers.

"Adult, will Sai die first?" Bruce asked.

"Of course, even if it is Satan, it is mortal to destroy, not to mention this playboy." Lucifer is incomparable from the channel.

"Adult, the next step is for us to do it. The army of Qin Yu is opposite. He must know what happened in the city. It is a matter of time to attack the city."

"Our people are not enough to defend the How is it?"

Bruce asked.

"The purpose of my visit this time is not to keep the city of Doro, but to kill the first. Now that the mission has been completed, he will take it in the city of Doro."

"In any case, the treasury has basically been evacuated by me. There is not much value in the city. I have a fire."

"And, it’s your business to fight in the dark, I believe that with your ability, it’s okay to get an Oriental in the district."

Lucifer touched the ring on his hand and sneered.

Although his ring is not comparable to the three-point stone of the Qin dynasty, but it was rewarded in the heavenly kingdom, it is no problem to empty the treasury, and these money will be included in the private library of the Angel City Road West Law.

More importantly, Lucifer does not want to lose any of his own soldiers.

This made Bruce chilling, and as the Qin dynasty thought, Lucifer was an extremely selfish person. He wanted to take one of his own knives.

"What's wrong, Master Bruce, is there any doubt? You don't seem to have much confidence, is it afraid of Qinhou?" Lucifer asked coldly.

"Adults are assured that I will definitely die against Qinhou and solve problems for the adults."

"It’s a pity that it’s just that such a bustling city is burned, and many of them are adults and you believers."

Bruce frowned.

"My believers? That's right, let them marry the darkness."

"How can I not be cheaper than Qin, I don't want it, he doesn't want to get it, it's as simple as that."

Lucifer sneered, and when he finished, he turned and disappeared into the darkness.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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