The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2100: Take down the city of Airo

The barbarians are like a group of wolves. In the fear of the people of Ai Luocheng, they are constantly ruining and destroying. The city of Ai Luo, known as the Black Iron Fort, once opened the door, is like a baby, and it’s a little bit hard. Under the wait of the wolf smoke, the defenders in the city chose to surrender.

Tarim and others successfully entered the city's main government. When sitting on the throne of the city, Tarim was still dreaming. Looking at the cheering soldiers, I couldn't believe it. One of the richest cities in **** fell. In my own hands.

In the treasury, the wine and the crystal coins are all spent on the eyes. They are like poor people who have become rich people. The joy is simply maddening.

"Teaching, still doing what you are doing, and quickly signaling Hou Ye, there is still waiting there."

Miller reminded.

He is a talented person who spent a lot of money in the Tarim Warrior tribe. He even went to the mortal experience. Whether it is a resourceful or a self-cultivation, it is extremely high. It is one of the most trusted people around Tarim.

"Yes, yes, I was confused at the moment." Tarim smiled.

Then, the fart turned to the tall building of the city's main house, and launched the barbarian smoke of the barbarian tribe.


When the wolf smoke rises, although it is hundreds of miles apart, the unique cloud of smoke floats in the air, and it is still so sharp and dazzling in the first sunshine in the morning.

During this time, Shelton and others are almost desperate!

Even after the night's storm, paralyzed Lucifer and others, they lost more than 12,000 soldiers.

Until the moment when the wolf smoke rose, Qin Hao finally ordered: "Everyone, stop the siege, immediately set off to the city of Elo, go to enjoy the wine, food."


Shelton doesn't expect any fine wine or food. As long as he can stop this unnecessary siege, he will be satisfied.

After paying a terrible price, the three armies dragged their tired bodies, and they followed the loss of Qin Yu to the city of Ai Luo.

In their view, it is impossible to lose the pie in heaven, and waiting for them may be a more brutal battle. They have even begun to seriously doubt whether the military division really has a plan. It may be just an accident to lay down the windy city.

When the soldiers arrived under the city of Elo, they saw the big open city gate, they had to believe that all this turned out to be true.

They followed the Qin dynasty and swayed into the city. In the city, Tarim had already prepared countless wines and flesh waiting for them.

Everyone was rejoicing, swearing and eating meat, and their doubts disappeared. Their military division once again staged a miracle.

It is definitely worthwhile for 12,000 people to exchange for a city of Love.

And they took down the city of Ai Luo. They and the Windy City completely separated the city of Baoluo in the center and took the city of Baoluo, which is sooner or later.

"Army, I never dreamed, you still have the Tarim brothers, this is a must, absolutely, absolutely." Sheldon drank a sweet wine, ate barbecue, watching the glamorous dance of the dance, Very happy.

"What is this? Hou Ye asked me to wait for a thousand miles to get back to the city, that is called Gao Ming."

"I have never played such a stimuli in my life. Such a fun sly, a soldier has not lost, and Bai took a good city. Under the sun, Hou Ye has this ability."

Tarim is also full of praise.

Everyone naturally praised the Qin dynasty. Qin Xiao smiled and drank alcohol. He was happy to receive it: "Love Luocheng took it down, but this is only the first step. Our next goal is to completely push Lucifer into the Jedi, as long as Let's take down the city like Luocheng. The whole northwest and the middle position are all in our hands. It is only one step away from the Dark Royal Palace. Don't look at the territory of the Heroes of the Darkness, and take the life, the city in the east. All of them have become furnishings, and it’s not far from the time for us to fight with Lucifer."

"Greatly, Lucifer has been arrogant in **** in these years. It has long been unpopular. It is time for the **** guy to get out of the Dark Royal Palace."

"When the king of Nero regains control of **** with Satan's blood, it must be a great heart."

Shelton laughed haha.

When the words came out, the audience suddenly silenced, everyone was a horror, especially the Tarim and other people are even more angry.

Everyone knows that all of this was Qin Hou’s attack. From the day when the army left Fengcheng, this team changed its name to Qin. Everyone understands this truth. Shelton also understands that it is just drinking too much. Spit out the heart.

"Sheldon, if you still want to stay in this city, if you still want to eat and drink, it is best to forget your original master."

"There is only Qinhou here, there is no Nile."

"Nile is a fart, if there is another time, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people."

Tarim slammed the table and roared.

He was originally a tall man, and he was fierce and aggressive. This anger hall was like a lion roaring, thundering and bursting, and everyone who was scared was scared.

"Taliki is an angry man. I am a quick mouth and say the wrong thing. The military division is our core figure. This is not going to change anyway."

Shelton quickly apologized.

"Everyone, now the city has been taken down. I need an army with strong centripetal force. I heard that Bald’s army has already arrived in the south of Blackroy. There is still a chance to return to Nile. I will never stay strong."

"In other words, from now on, this army, whether it is clear or dark, can only surname Qin, and there is no Satan blood, Nile."


Qin Lan stood up.

Shelton’s face was red and red, and he only turned his eyes to his own confidants.

However, in the past, the generals who were still loyal to him, at this moment, only fanaticism and worship.

"Hou Ye is right. We followed the Nile and suffered a lot of anger. Although Balde adults waited for me to wait, but they did not dare to take responsibility, they gave up to the Nile."

"I can't stand the bird's breath, and now I have a good way to show us the way to win the battle."

"Who is still willing to give the yellow-haired child a life, Hou Ye, I am willing to swear to follow, go to his mother's Nile."

The public will express their opinions.

In addition to defending the city, Nile is detaining the army, and the traitors of Joseph are chaos. The soldiers have long been miserable, and Qin Yu is fair and strict, such a commander, where to find such a master.

"I, I am willing to follow the military division, no, it is Hou Ye."

Shelton quickly said.

"Like this, Master Sheldon, I see that you are no longer suitable to be the commander of this army. I heard that your wife is a nobleman in the Nile dynasty. You have also served as the head of the military. From tomorrow onwards, you will stay in the city of Ai Luo to be responsible for appeasing the people, engaging in business, and collecting taxes and treasury. This is also a good job."

Qin Lan knew that Shelton had no one to say, and directly took his position.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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