The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2116: Fingering road

Carol dragged his heavy footsteps and left the treasury before dawn. He had a bold idea in his heart. He said that Qin Hou is a teacher of righteousness and righteousness. If so, why not give up? As a result, there is a bargaining chip, even if it is impossible to have all the property, even if it is one tenth, it is enough for him to build a manor for the rest of his life.

An important reason for this idea is that Carroll felt that Lucifer was not that magical, and that Qinhou was not as simple as he thought.

And he is still worthy of Carol.

Back to the mansion, this mansion is his golden hole to support his lover. He rarely comes, but now the city government is occupied by Lucifer, and he has nowhere to go. It can only be the right and will be here.

Just pushing the yard door, Bruce stepped up and squeezed in through the door.

"Master Bruce, are you following me?" Carol asked very uncomfortably.

"I have something to tell you, this is not the place to talk." Bruce said.

Carol glanced at him. He really didn't want to see Bruce. When he was guilty of Lucifer, some of Bruce's actions always felt that he didn't quite match Lucifer.

Especially at this moment, the feeling is getting stronger and stronger. The second-handed man who is not so obscured seems to be far deeper than he imagined.

In the middle, Carroll poured a glass of fine wine in front of Bruce, cold and cold: "What do adults say, even though."

Bruce smiled. "Do you think Lucifer is trusting you, or me?"

Carol frowned: "If it used to be me, it is definitely you. If you are a chatter, I will not accompany you. If you have something, please speak up."

Bruceton said: "When you were lying in the treasury and counting money, I had already executed your officer. His head is now on the big case of Lucifer, I just want to tell you. In a sentence, if you don't want people to land, then take the Fuchu Unit 2 key to Lucifer."

When the words came out, Carol jumped in shock: "You, you really killed him, Bruce, are you crazy?"

"The complaint is useless, then I have already finished, you can do it yourself." Bruce smiled coldly and stood up.

"Wait!" Carroll realized that this might be his chance. It was impossible for him to wait for him for half a day.

Everyone is a human being, Carol immediately said: "Since the adults are coming, it is better to talk about it. I know that the past is a little unhappy with you. Now you know that Lucifer is a sergeant, actually Give me the warning, maybe the next dead person is me."

"Bruce, the treasury is full of counts. At this point, I dare not expect to be able to swallow so much money, but it must not fall into the hands of Lucifer, because no one wants to get points."

"Adult, please also give me a clear road."

Carol pleaded with tears.

"You are a smart person, I am coming, just want to tell you that the original death should be you. You think that you are very important, in fact, in the eyes of Lucifer, it is to fill the running dog that can be replaced at any time."

"Don't be a dream, hurry and find a way for yourself."

Bruce is ruthless.

"I know that adults are not the same as Lucifer. The question is how do I find out now? It is always impossible to rebel, and surrender to Qinhou?"

"The key point is that even if I voted, Qin Hou can give me some advantages. If it is not a point, it is a dead, why should I take this risk?"

Carroll Road.

"This is what you said, I have not said it."

"If you say this, take a step first."

Bruce smiled.

"grown ups!"

"Why are you reminding me?"

"Be aware that I am alive or dead and have no benefit to you. You are not afraid that Lucifer knows it. Is it bad for you?"

Carol is incomprehensible.

"One more friend and one more road, I am like you, in the eyes of Lucifer, it is a dog."

"If you get to a living, you will have a chance in the future, maybe you can pull me."

"Am I right."

Bruce no longer speaks and rushes away.

"The problem is where I went to find Qin Hou, and where to find this way of life. Now out of town, that is a dead end."

Carroll is about to cry.

Now, every time he spends another minute in the city, there is a huge risk. God knows when Lucifer will raise the butcher knife and directly kill his life.

"Reassure, you still have value at present. You'd better be able to pull your arrogant generals under your hand. As long as they support you, Lucifer will not move you easily."

The voice of Bruce drifted far away.

Carol did not hesitate, immediately went to the military camp, gathered his own generals together, and treated the wine well, and then directly explained the intention. It was nothing more than just walking with him to the black, the treasury. The possessions of the property can be divided into one part. On the contrary, he would rather destroy the treasury and never be cheaper.

The public will understand the people. They also witnessed the cruelty of Lucifer and the downfall in the confrontation with the Qin Dynasty. Naturally, the heart is the old master.

After getting the generals, Carol’s heart is solid.

He decided to face Lucifer and put his own Bruce returned to the city government, Lucifer was pacing back and forth, and met Bruce: "Damn punk, let him go Contact Yitong, it’s been a few days, why haven’t you moved yet?”

"Punk is a good hand to eat, drink, and do things. He always loves to drag the oil bottle. Maybe he will stay here in the Palace of Heroes for a while, but he hasn’t mentioned the business. However, I will see that Yitong will come sooner or later. After all, adults. But his teacher, you are a hand-picked, he dare not come?"

Bruce and Yan Xiaodao.

"Hey, this kid has ambitions, can't underestimate him. I guess he is watching the movie. When we finish playing, once it is difficult, Yitong Bacheng will choose to wait and see."

"He wants me to die, to replace my status."

Lucifer Road.

Bruce shrugged and refused to comment.

"Right, what happened to Carol, did the officer hand over the keys?"

Lucifer asked irritably.

"The officer has no key at all, so I cut down his head." Bruce said.

"Carol's waste is still coming. Does he really think that I dare not kill him?" Lucifer snarled.

"At the moment, I am afraid that it is not very good. I heard that Carroll has just transferred the city defense of the North City to the South City. This shows what the army is still listening to."

"Although the adults are the commanders of hell, they are not the devils after all, and they have no nominal dominion over Heilongjiang."

"Carol, he believes in you, listens to you, can understand. In other words, he does not listen to you, it is also reasonable."

"So, from a long-term perspective, it is better not to move him at the moment."

Bruce Road.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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