The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2121: Imprisoned Lucifer

Three days of time passed away, and the last drop of water in the city’s main house was also empty. The entire Baoluo City was completely cut off. During the period, Lucifer also personally laid down several wells, but unfortunately, even though he tried to do it. However, there is still no way to restore the water flow.

This is definitely a fatal crisis, because from the afternoon, the water supply stopped in the military camp.

Lucifer has a strong personal strength, but he can not do without the army, he has unlimited rights and power, it is built entirely on a strong army.

Now that the military camp has been cut off, it is possible to cause riots at any time. This is why he has not been working on Carlo.

According to the agreement of Yitong, it was originally to lie to the Qin Dynasty army to fly into the swamp, but as he had imagined, the Iraqi road was extended for two days, which led him to completely stabilize in two days. situation.

However, Lucifer still has confidence in himself, isn't it two days?

Two days later, the Yitong army came to the end of Carol's bastard. When the rebels in the city, Lucifer would lift the butcher knife without hesitation and send them to hell.

"Adult, Lord Carroll asks."

The guards came in and reported.

"Oh, it seems that he still wants to understand after all, I know that this guy will come to me sooner or later."

Lucifer put down the teacup and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Well, it’s no secret that Yitong is coming to this. The adults have been steady for a few days. Carol is not stupid. I know that Yitong will not use the value when he arrives. If he does not bargain again, he will Lose the last chance."

Bruce nodded.

"Carry in."

Lucifer rose to the hand.

Carol walked in with the guards, and bowed his respectfully and respectfully: "Carroll has seen adults."

"Carroll, the military camp has been cut off. The situation is better than me. It is yours. How is it now?" Lucifer asked coldly.

"Everything is safe, the soldiers know that the army of Yitong is about to defeat the Qin thief. It is very stable, and no one dares to make trouble. The adults are relieved," Carroll replied.

"That's good, what's the matter, go back and stay alone, get ready for the banquet, welcome the Yitong Victory Master into the city." Lucifer smirked and smiled, his attitude was extremely despised.

He is a man who can't see the sand in his eyes. Carol's repeated collision has made Lucifer no longer have any patience. In other words, Carroll is already a dead person in his eyes, but it is only a matter of time.

"Adult, last night, when searching for the housekeeper's house, I found the key to the treasury, deliberately dedicated to the adults, and invited the adults to accept."

Carol squatted on one knee and gave the keys to his hands.

Speaking of this, he also said indignantly: "This **** guy, who dares to hide the keys to the treasury, is really guilty of sin, but it is okay for the adults to see the truth, or else the treasury should not be stolen by him." ”

Carol is a wise man, and his key to this node is well thought out.

The army of Yitong is approaching, Lucifer and everyone think that he has lost his role, and he is afraid of death. It is normal to come to the key.

And to sin all the sins on the head of the officer, it is even more of a pen of God, at least give yourself a step.

This key is so important. Lucifer, who originally had a shelf, was moved. After all, he couldn’t help but laughed: "Carroll, I really didn't misread you, you are a smart person."

"Adults, please also check the treasury, the officer in charge of the key for many years, in the end how bad the loss, the subordinates are not known, but also adults to move." Carol raised the road.

"Well, the treasury is a big deal, and Carol can find the keys, which is still loyal to adults."

"Adults, taking advantage of the Yitong army has not yet entered the city, to check it out, there is a good number in my heart."

Bruce echoed on the side.

Lucifer would never have thought that Carroll would dare to give birth to the situation that Yitong was about to enter the city. With his understanding of Carroll’s financial fan, this guy is used to it. He is a full-fledged greedy and fearful person. Respect is also a matter of reason.

Therefore, Lucifer and Yan Xiaodao said: "Well, then you will join me in the treasury to checkpoint."

The treasury was in the north of the city. As early as a few days ago, Carroll had just transferred the army from the north to the south of the city, which made Lucifer unstoppable.

He is the first master of the Western Hell, and at the same time brings a hundred elites with him, and it is considered to be fearless.

The treasury is very large. It is located in the north of the north city. It is like a huge square iron castle. It is all sealed around. The hardest iron in **** is made up of a hundred meters thick, even the most in the world. The sharpest and most powerful cannonballs are also impossible to break open.

Since the Western Treasury is not kept secret, almost every treasury of the city is the iron barrel array, and the only entry is the gate with numerous enchantments.

The gate was made of colorful spar, originally built by the king of the Black King. Later, in order to satisfy his private ambitions, Carroll added several more enchantments. Lucifer had personally visited this before, without a key. If you want to forcibly break this big lock, it is impossible at all.

"Adult, please."

Carol respectfully said.

Lucifer did not hesitate opened the enchantment lock with the key, but after hearing the iron gate rumbling, the treasure house of Baoluo City was finally opened.

Without any hesitation, Lucifer couldn’t wait to go in.

Sure enough, Baoluo City did not disappoint him. There are countless coins and gems in it, which is at least ten times richer than the previous city of Doro.

Lucifer couldn't wait to fill his space ring, but even so, he could take away one percent or less of the treasury.

However, when he came to Japan, he was not bad at this time. The key was in hand. Once Yitong defeated Qinhou, he could draw more troops and send all these treasures to the city of angels.

"Carroll, you have done a good job these years."

"Bao Luocheng did not let me down, you still have merit."

Lucifer’s heart was so happy that he couldn’t help himself.

However, there was no response behind him. Lucifer looked back and neither Carroll nor Bruce came in.

He didn't think much about it. After all, it was normal to enter the Treasury and the two of them would avoid it.

I was about to go inside, and then I saw a joy, but when I heard a loud bang, Lucifer realized that it was not good, and the flying body would be plucked. However, it was already late, and the gate of the treasury was completely closed.


Lucifer suddenly realized that this was probably a trap of Carroll.

"Carroll, you dare to rebel against me, I see you are impatient, let me go out, or I will break you down."

Lucifer roared.

However, the powerful enchantment, even if he is a supernatural power, the sound is difficult to penetrate.

He realized that he was going to be trapped in the treasury.

Maybe it is a year, maybe a lifetime.


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