The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2126: Change 0 to 45,000

"Turn left!"

Qin Hao's ears are agile, feeling the turbulent movement of the underground, with a precise memory of the swamp's flow, the horse turns sharply to the left.

On these days, the army had already been secretly trained, headed by Tarim, and immediately followed the Qin dynasty to the left, and the entire brigade galloped to the left.

At this time, the turbulent flow just happened to the large area on the right. The left area that originally belonged to the swamp land became a solid land. The Qin dynasty led the group to just set foot on the swamp land, and the back was already swallowed by the swamp.

Yitong is sitting outside, and it’s really awkward.

"General, you see the Qin thief changed to the left, he is not eyelid, there can be all swamp muddy, he is to find a way to die?" The deputy will squint, incredulously cried.

"Yeah, this Qinhou is too thief, and I always feel that it is not good."

Yitong’s eyes were stunned, and the look on his face could not be relaxed.

It seems that Qin Lan is like leading the brigade to death, completely falling into his own plan and being expelled into the swamp land, but even the vice-president can see that the swamp land is dangerous, and it is a Dead, Qin Hou can be stupid to see?

To know that Qinhou Trail goes straight north, the green grass seems to be able to go, and the left side is muddy, which is not the usual way.

Yitong was very human. He soon felt that the problem was likely to be in this swamp land, and he would cover the vast swamps in an instant.

Rumble, the sound of the swamps flowing in the ground, separated from the noisy horseshoe.

Damn, this swamp will move, and it seems that Qin Hou seems to have mastered the movement of the swamp.

Yitong once again thought of Curiti's rebellion. Then Qin Zhen probably knew that it was a conspiracy a few days ago. It was very possible to have a detailed investigation into the swamp early.

"Not good, retreat, retreat, all give me a stop attack."

Yitong’s face changed greatly, and the power of the force made a terrible roar.

"General, what happened?" The deputy on the side had never seen his commander so confused, and asked quickly.

"Let's finish."

Yitong’s face was soaked in blood, his body was awkward and stunned.

The army has received orders, and does not say that it is rushing to kill, and it is impossible to accept the order to withdraw troops mentally at once, even if it is too late to reflect.

Because Qin Lan has taken them completely into the dead zone.

This swamp is not big, it is not small.

With the movement of the swamp, coupled with the trampling of the 70,000 army, the muddy layer is extremely unstable. It is precisely the position of 20,000 people who can stand safely. The rest are instantly swept by the swamp. cover.

During this movement, Qin Lan was almost squatting, perfect stepping on the horse, and ran on the seemingly swampy mud, often his horse arrived, and the large swamp just moved and formed. Strong soil.

The soldiers were also horrified, and their leaders and death races. They could even clearly feel the fear of falling into the mud in the bottom of the horseshoes. It was only a moment, and it was like being given something for life. .

The fear of dancing on the tip of the knife and passing by death is something that everyone will never forget.

For the Heilongjiang army of Yitong, the swamps are extremely unfriendly. They were originally chasing the enthusiasm, and they will form a state of encirclement. I didn’t expect the horses to scream, but then it’s like There are countless pairs of demon hands, tearing open the seemingly sturdy grass, desperately pulling them into the quagmire.

Yitong’s withdrawal command is like a token of death, floating in the swamp.

The soldiers of the Black Rocks have not had time to react. The power of the swamps is not strong enough to be resisted by manpower.


The turbulent flow of the swamp land is savage, madly swallowing war horses and soldiers.

The desperate mourning of the soldiers and the horses, flying in the night sky, was so cold that Iton’s heart was frozen.

Qin Lan and his 20,000-strong army did nothing to do. Everyone was shocked and witnessed the most inhuman death scene in hell.

The black-roast soldiers struggled one by one, mourning the constant disappearance from the swamps where they were less than fifty steps away.

There is no roundabout, no possibility of saving.

Countless black soldiers, so swallowed by the swamps.

The rest returned to God and fled.

However, because it was too deep, except for a small number of individuals, the soldiers who were on the edge of the swamps were able to escape, and the rest were almost completely wiped out.

Yitong looked at the victory and glory in such a blind eye. His guards, one person did not hurt, and one did not kill, so he lost in the hands of the oriental youth.

Yitong and Qin Lan are across the crowd, and the oriental is still so light and light, as if all this is in his grasp.

He did not lie.

Sending 20,000 people is really too much to see myself, even if he is alone today, this painful ending can not be changed.

He lost!

The defeat is too miserable, and the defeat is convinced.

Yitong finally understood why his teacher Lucifer would be so jealous of Qin Hou and would be so addicted to the study of oriental culture.

The Orientals are Too powerful, he thinks that this battle is well prepared, but it is still a failure.

Yitong is regretting at the moment.

Qin Lan’s understanding of the swamp is ten times and hundreds of times. He only made a general decision through his feedback on the swamp. He did not personally find the law of the swamp to eat people, and gave Qin Qin a hole.

Regret later!

The defeated soldiers fell, and the 50,000 soldiers escaped from the swamps less than 5,000, and the rest were all swallowed up.

"General, it's too late, let's go." The deputy will face the face, and the steel teeth will be broken.

Yitong returned to the gods, and hated the last look of Qin Yu, whipping the horse, roaring: "The surname Qin, everything has just begun, I will not let you go."


After letting go of the rumors, Yitong led the five thousand remnants to fight horses.

"Hou Ye, Yi Tong, this kid is stunned, haha, let's kill him. I can guarantee that we will be able to catch up with Yitong in one hour and kill him."

Tarim and others followed the Qin dynasty and walked out of the swamp, and asked for it.

"I will also want to kill Yitong together." McCann also agreed.

Today's war is definitely the most exciting and exciting war in the history of hell. It has been replaced by zero for four thousand and five. It has never been seen since ancient times.

At this moment, McCann and others completely regarded Qin Qin as a god, what the Lord of the Lord, and what the Lord God had already turned into a cloud in their eyes.

"No, it’s much better to keep it than to kill it."

Qin Lan looked at Yitong, which had only black dots left, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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