The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2129: Bao Luolai

Lucifer was silent.

During this time, he frequently gave birth to a retired heart. There is a very important reason why he is tired.

He found that everything was out of control, and Yitong, who was regarded as a foster child and successor, was stunned. He had not died yet, and he began to jump out and grab the power. The flow of Bellier and Carroll is simply not enough to trust.

The so-called powers have all become clouds in times of crisis.

What Qin Lan said is the truth. The connotation of Lu Xifa is empathy, and I can't understand it.

It’s just that his already mottled, hurt self-esteem is unwilling to accept this cruel reality, and Hell is out of his control.

"The road is in front of you, choose."

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

Lucifer had a long sigh, and he wanted to tell Qin Hao that everything was over.

But he can't, he knows very well that once he loses his rights, he will be nothing, and the angel city of his life will be completely ruined.

He is destined to only block a fighter, live forever, fight, so that he can save everything he wants to preserve, in order to guarantee his own value.

"Let you exchange hostages, who is the request, is it Yitong?" Lucifer asked quietly.

Qin Xiao smiled and said: "You understand, the most wanting you to die is Yitong and Bellier. You should be glad that there is also a loyal comrade-in-arms. Tell you the truth, it is Bruce. Yitong caught me. I will negotiate with Bruce and exchange the one with you, nothing more."

When Lucifer heard it, he was furious. "What, my worth is only for one participant? Qin Hou, are you insulting me?"

He originally thought that Qin Lan would exchange him for a city or a bigger interest. He did not expect it to be a small participant. This is a kind of irony.

The figure of Qin Lan floated in the mirror, and the sound became colder and colder: "Luke Lucifer, I said, you are overestimating yourself. In fact, I use you to change a participant. Can it be an unknown? Because Yitong may not let people go, in his eyes, my participation will be far more valuable than you."

"For Yitong, the most valuable thing at the moment is the adults."

Qin Hao is ruthless.

The fallen sword in the hands of Lucifer bloomed with a flaming black and white flame, and a painful roar in the sky: "Itong children, I am so painstaking to train you, I did not expect you to be so ruthless and hateful."

"Well, this is not a good thing to say. Your life is not in my hands. It is controlled by Yitong, Bailey and others. If they don't agree, you will only stay in the treasury until this life. Turned into ashes."

"So you better pray that your good disciple will be able to make a difference and give you a way to live."

"Of course, you can also choose a hundred, decent to leave. Or use your fallen sword to try to open the gap, I wish you good luck, Lucifer."

Qin Xiao smiled and the figure dissipated from the mirror.

"Itong, Bellier, you two dog thieves, want to swear at me, bully me, the door is not, as long as I can live out, teach you to smash the corpse."

Lucifer held a sword and swears his teeth.

In the city's main government, Qin Yu took a deep breath, and the gods were separated from the chaotic mirror. Although his cultivation was not as good as before, the soul force was still very powerful, and the chaotic mirror was used to map on the ordinary mirror of the treasury. God thought, to achieve non-destructive communication with Lucifer.

"Hou, what's the matter?" Tarim and Carroll rushed to ask.

"Lucifer should be heart-warming and willing to make this exchange, but the key is still in the dark royal palace, can our messengers achieve this mission."

"There are a lot of people in power at the moment who want to be killed by Lucifer. It is not necessary to talk."

"have a look."

Qin Yu faint.

"Hou Ye, the messenger I sent this time is called Hollins. I was also a deputy of Miller. I have a certain ability to negotiate. It should not be a problem. After all, Lucifer is the Lord of Hell. Yitong and others don't want him. Going back, his cronies always think about it."

Tarim Road.

"Hey, send this **** away early, or else the money in the house will not be available, urgency."

Carol sighed and sighed.

"Going is sooner or later, you are going back and waiting, it is best to take this time, go and see a few good places, and there will be an Ansheng in the future." Qin Hao looked at Carol.

"This is a good suggestion."

Carroll is happy.


Hollins, the messenger sent by Tarim, arrived at the Dark Royal Palace with a token.

Hollins and his team did not follow the normal envoys as the official road, because Yitong will definitely kill in the middle of the road. He used Carol’s ambassador for help. He bypassed the south and could have arrived in just two days. The journey, spared a full seven days, finally met Bruce.

Bruce was originally detained in the Yitong camp, if it was not Yitong defeated ~ ~ whether he can retreat is an unknown number.

Back to the Dark Royal Palace, Bruce immediately announced the fact that Lucifer was defeated and Yitong was defeated. The entire Dark Royal Palace general was nothing but a loss.

The purpose of his doing this is naturally to shock Yitong, the province's guys are again messing with dirty water, or play with the title.

As a result, the reputation of the Hero of the Dark War, Yitong, was also greatly damaged. It was difficult to control the Dark Royal Palace at least for a short time. However, the trouble was that Bailier led the 30,000-winged soldiers back to the Dark Royal Palace on this bone. As a result, the fallen army and the wing corps of the group dragons have a tight relationship in the city, and there will be a civil war.

The always-famous Bellier even spread rumors everywhere, saying that Bruce assisted Carroll in the imprisonment of Lucifer, and all the conspiracy theories spread, which made the fallen army soldiers of Lucifer also have dissatisfaction with Bruce.

To know that two-thirds of the fallen army's power is loyal to Lucifer, and one-third is Bruce, which is the root cause of Bruce's return to the overall situation.

"The deputy commander, Baoluo City came to see you."

The soldiers came in and reported.

"Oh, Baoluo City is still dare to send people now?" Bellier sat on the left side of the head. The position next to Lucifer was Bruce sitting in the past, but now Bellier has occupied the upper hand and spontaneously sits. Go up.

Bruce was originally arguable. According to his past personality, he certainly would not give in, but since the Qin Dynasty, he has settled down, knowing who will fight this time, and will be the biggest enemy of Lucifer in the future.

"Call in."

Bellier ordered.

Immediately there was a general, and the murderous murderous Hollins came in.


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