The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2131: Sophisticated

Yitong and Bellier are by no means friends, especially at this moment, they must be guarded against each other because they are the most powerful in addition to Bruce to take over the Dark Royal Palace.

Yitong’s qualification is a disciple of Lucifer, and he is like a teacher-apprentice relationship between father and son. Bellier is the four lords of hell. In the past, he established the founder of the Hell Order together with Satan Lufa. The prestige and argumentation methods are the most competitive.

Therefore, for the arrival of Bellier, Yitong has a strong defense mentality. Similarly, Bellier is also full of wariness for him. If this is not the case, he will never be with Yitong. cooperating.

"I know that the generals are busy, so I don't want to go around. Lucifer's business must have been known. He has been trapped in Baoluo City, but now there are variables..."

Beller’s voice was still down, and Yitong interrupted him: “What do you mean by adults? Do you want to watch my teacher die?”

"General Yitong, since I came here today, I will explain the vernacular to you. If you talk to me like this, if you talk to me, I will never come." Bailier’s eyebrows sink. Not happy.

Yi Tongton paused and smiled and said: "There are more people who want to die of angels. I don't mean what adults mean. Why are you angry? Please follow up."

"Yes, there are so many people who want to grow an angel. What do adults think, isn’t the fact already in sight?"

"I am not talking to you about this issue today. Now Qin Hou sent people to negotiate. I will replace Lucifer with a singer named Miller. I know that people are here. I don't know how Yitong adults plan to deal with it. ”

Bellier re-sit down and cold.


Yitong can't believe his ears.

Immediately, he laughed happily: "With a small ginseng, I will change the way to Xifa. He really did it. This Qinhou is a clear person. His meaning is very clear. I want to let the teacher come back. This is a good thing. ""

Bellier slammed the table and yelled: "General Yitong, open your mind and talk. Is it all right? When Lucifer came back, the first one was you, the rescue was weak, and the soldiers lost. You thought you had Good fruit to eat?"

"I don't have a good fruit to eat, but adults are similar?"

"You have not sat on the throne of the teacher in the Dark Royal Palace these days. You feel that you can be better with the teacher's character?"

"Well, I hope the teacher stays in Baoluo City, let's talk, your thoughts."

Yitong gave Bellier a good drink and smiled.

He just wants to force out Bailey's heart, so that he can talk about it. Otherwise, if he reveals his heart, he will be led by Bellaire.

"Let Qin Hou to retain Lucifer is a rare opportunity. The disadvantages of Lucifer's return, we all know well, so we must not let him back."

"But now, Bruce is ready to welcome him back, and this old dog has already got the support of most of the generals of the fallen army. We are afraid that this fact cannot be changed. It is best to start from that Miller."

Bellaire Road.

"Please speak." Iraqi channel.

"Killing Miller, this way, not only can anger the Qin dynasty to get rid of Lucifer, so it can also destroy this exchange task, what do you mean?" Bellier said.

Yitong’s eyes are bright, this is indeed a good idea. As a result, there is no way to talk about exchanges. It’s best to provoke Qin Yu to kill Lucifer, and that’s all.

"The idea is good, but since Qin Hou insisted on sending Lu Xifa back, we are afraid that it is very difficult to irritate him, you still have to be prepared."

Iraqi channel.

After thinking about it, he said again: "Miller has given it to me. You have to do something, remove the mission, and do it clean."

"Well, I will arrange it. If this is not the case, they are already on the road. Bruce has always been wary of you and me, and will not prevent this." Bellier nodded.

When Beiler left, Yitong’s confidant would come in. “Adult, Bellier walked.”

"Qin Hou will use Miller to change the teacher back. Do you think I want to kill Miller."

Yitong asked.

"Killing Miller? General, this is definitely not a wise move. In the eyes of outsiders, it is a foolish act to exchange Lucifer with Miller, but you still don't know the value of Miller? He used to be like you. Living in the Temple of Heaven, talent and talent are outstanding. For him, the general is more clear than me."

"Although he is only a participant, it may be the successor of Qinhou."

"This is basically a reciprocal transaction. If you listen to Beller and kill Miller, it will anger Qinhou. If the angel does not come back, your sin will be far worse than Beil. It’s ten times bigger.”

"On the contrary, the generals of Beryl go to kill the ambassador, and the generals quietly cooperate with Bruce to talk about this negotiation, which is the great merits of the great. Even if the angels come back, read the old feelings, and the value of the adults, still Will reuse you."

"And the general can take the opportunity to take a breather and run slowly. I even suspect that Bellier will not do anything to the ambassador, because from the overall situation, the archangel itself is not badly damaged, and it will be a foregone conclusion. You have to kill. Miller is undoubtedly bringing Bellier's recent limp to to give him a mouthful."

The deputy will analyze.

In fact, these days he guarded Miller, and he was deeply respected by Miller's character. In the dark, he was also a cherished cherish. Now naturally, he has to say good things to Miller.

Yitong fell into silence, thinking about it back and forth in the room. Finally he looked up and smiled. "You are right, I can't make a pot for Bellil. The teacher has always been overbearing. This time I will come back and take the knife. To vent this grievance, it’s not that I am Bellier. Now that I can’t stop the teacher from returning, I will only make a sin.”

"As for Bellier, this old-fashioned guy is the fox tail, and this time he is rushing out, he has to pay a price."

Yitong haha ​​laughed.

"General wise!"

The deputy will be very happy.

"Go, let me see Miller."

Yitong laughed.

He also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately he did not have a moment to get rid of Miller, or else he was deceived by the old fox of Bellier, but how to let Bellier go to assassinate the mission and sit down on the crime. He has to make a good calculation.

The two just stepped out of the barracks, and a guard quickly walked over and whispered a few words in the ear of Yitong. Yitong suddenly frowned and his face changed slightly.

"General, what happened?"

The deputy will ask.

"Qin Hou's messenger group came, and I will see you when I name it." Yitong frowned.

"What? Their courage is big, let's wait for Beiler to set up a game, or else I will send troops to expel them."

"Forget it, they dare to specify the meaning of Qin Hou, he is eating me."


Yitong sighed slightly.


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