The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2134: Bellier got into the water

Carroll understands that Qin Zhen’s poisoning is not only to let Lucifer vent his hatred, but also to remove himself and save the 30% of the treasury.

He should have long understood that a ambition like Qin Hou could give up 30% of the treasury. The 30% of the treasury, falling in the hands of him, can completely change 30,000 soldiers.

However, regret was already late, and Lucifer’s fallen sword fell on his neck.

"Adult, I, I am wrong, I beg you to show me a way of life when I follow you for many years."

"I really don't want to die, I don't want to die."

Carol scared directly to the ground, crying and crying.


Lucifer had only two words, and the sword waved, and Carroll’s head was dropped on the ground.


Lucifer had a long sigh of relief, and the evil that had been suppressed for a long time was finally relieved.

He always thought that the biggest mistake was to lose to Qin Hao. It was late for Carroll and it was not shameful to lose to Qin. But he will never allow himself to be ruined in this scum. If there is anyone in the world who wants to get rid of it, it is not Qin, but Carol and Yitong.

The former betrayed him, and the latter failed him.

"Yeah." Qin Hao waved his hand and all the cannons were unloaded from the captain's shells.


"Qin Hou, I like your confidence, I will meet you next time, I hope you still have such good luck."

Lucifer nodded slightly, and smiled coldly. Five pairs of dark wings were born behind him. Five black and five hundred, the light shines, and with the wings, the flats suddenly fly to the sand, everyone is not shocked, but a blink of an eye. He disappeared into the darkness, and even Qin Lan could hardly capture the slightest breath.

The ten-winged fallen angel, the first person in **** is not a name.

Even Qin Qin, in the face of such a powerful absolute force, is also greatly weak and right. He also understands the humanity and defects of Lucifer. Otherwise, the power of Lucifer is so far.

However, this is what Qin Yu expects. The next thing he has to do is to spread the big situation and accelerate the pace of eating away the West Law. At the same time, he will get more powerful power, crushing Lucifer, Beil, etc. Western hell.


After Yitong sent Miller, his heart finally settled down. He carried the **** head and went straight to the house of Beil.

At this time, Bellier also fell into deep distress.

Yitong can sell him. He is also wary of Yitong in his heart. Therefore, he has been forbearing and has not sent his elite to assassinate the mission.

"Where is the mission?"

Bellier asked irritably.

"It is reported that Bruce secretly sent an army to **** the mission. At this time, it is already approaching the southern Luoro border."

Bellier’s confidant Jason Road.

"Call, bypassing the south, they will quite pick the way. It seems that at least Yitong is not released. It is estimated that this kid is not so stupid." Bellier was a little more concerned, then said: "I Is there any news on the other side? Miller’s head, when will it be delivered, and later, we are afraid to miss the opportunity.”

"Adults, General Yitong has blocked the news very tightly, and our people can't detect it. Otherwise, let's get the hand first, otherwise people will go out of hell, we want to chase it too late." Jason said.

"No, Yitong doesn't go into the water. We can't do it. If the kid hits it in time, it will not be a joke to splash all the dirty water on us."

Bellier firmly said.

As I said, the guard outside the door said: "Adult, General Yitong asked for advice."

"It's really good to hear, let him come in." Bellier was overjoyed.

Yitong waisted the sword and strode forward. He took the head to the table and smiled proudly: "Belier, I personally brought it to you, and it’s time to see you."

"The general is really interested. I thought you didn't dare to move."

Bellier smiled happily, carefully checking the head, and then handed it to Jason to look carefully. After confirming it, the look really relaxed.

"This kind of god-given opportunity, I can miss it, adults, my sincerity is here, it’s up to you."

Yitong laughed.

Bellier no longer hesitated, and waved his hand: "Jason, immediately conveyed the message to us as soon as possible, and must kill Hollins in the city of South Luo."

"Yes." Jason was leading.

Yitong was overjoyed. He just got the top secret message. Bruce sent out to protect the general of the mission, Juventus. He was the deaf friend of Lucifer’s dear general, Drew’s nephew, and he was afraid of the wind. Will not let go of a live.

When Juventus died, Lucifer would be furious and he would offend the important generals of the fallen army. Bellier will have no turning back.

In order to ensure the news, Yitong also lazily returned to the military camp, and settled directly in the house of Beil.

Until the evening, Jason came back, and his face was full of joy. Please say: "Adults, generals, things have been done, and the regiment and the guards have a total of 136 people, all killed."

"Are you sure you have no mouth?"

Bellier is pleased to ask OK! ”

"Too good, let the wind go out, let Qin Hou know that his mission has been completely destroyed, and Miller is also beheaded, to irritate him to the maximum extent, let him remove Lucifer."

Bellier is happy to order.

Yitong was fascinated. If nothing happened, Miller and the mission had already arrived in Baoluo City at this time. Lucifer was afraid to be on his way back.

Bellier also went to the wind at this time, it was just looking for death.

He secretly fortunate that he did not wear the same pair of pants with Bellier, otherwise the pot would not really be back.

The news that the regiment and the guards were killed was soon spread in hell.

Bellier is still imagining that Qin Qin is furious, killing Lucifer, and when he died trading, Lucifer has appeared in the house of Bruce.

Stepping into this familiar mansion, Lucifer’s heart is mixed.

If it is not his old comrade-in-arms, old partner, he is afraid to die in Baoluo City.

As long as Bruce and Bellier wear a pair of pants, Lucifer knows the hope of his return and completely loses his value.

At the thought of the previous suspicion of the old partner, Lucifer had a flaw in his heart.

Seeing loyalty, blues, good people, good brothers.

Bruce was sitting in front of the table and looking at the mysterious book of the East. Qin Hou said when the three countries read and understood, when he was qualified to talk about strategy and art of war.


Lucifer was like a wind, and he appeared quietly.

"Angel is long."

Bruce closed the book and calmly stood up and saluted.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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