The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2142: Siege

Carter is in the same place, his heart is gray.

He has never lost so badly. He has always set a set for others and shot arrows to kill the enemy. Now, the screams of desperation of the brethren in the ear, the blood of the earth, makes him a little numb.

The Templar Assassin's Regiment is over!

On the occasion of Carter's blasphemy, a sharp arrow crossed the sword net, and the precise hole penetrated the subordinate of the positive force.

The lower body was stunned and fell in Carter’s arms.


Carter made a desperate roar.

"Stop, stop, Qinhou, come out, you give me out!"

Carter screamed and screamed.

Qin Lan stood in the dark and waved his hand. Tarim raised his bow and arrow and said: "Hou Ye has orders and stops."

Thousands of archers ambushing between trees immediately stop shooting!

Qin Lan and Tarim and his group walked in a pool of blood and slowly walked toward Carter.

Three hundred assassins, only a few people holding swords, very fearful protection around Carter.

The sacred assassin, once a sacred priest, is now like a dog of a family, incomparably lonely, fearful, and the blood and dead bodies on the ground declare that this assassin's army, which is invincible in hell, is completely destroyed.

"The head of the Carter Army, we met again."

Qin Hao smiled and said hello.

"Qin Hou, you really are not ordinary people, I am defeated." Carter's **** pupil gaze at Qin Lan, unable to lose the blade in his hand.

The sacred assassin has always been a **** one. After so many deaths, Carter has no idea of ​​living.

It is also a shame to live, but death is the final glory.

"Nothing, there are more people who have lost in my hands. You are not the first one, nor the last one, not a shame." Qin Xiao smiled lightly.

Carter took a deep breath and said coldly: "I want to know, which part of the link did I have a flaw? Or who sold me?"

"Do you really want to know?" Qin asked.

"I must know, otherwise the soul will not be peaceful forever." Carter Lengsensen said.

"Okay, I will tell you."

Qin Lan took the hand in the windbreaker and slowly approached Carter, quietly speaking three words.

When Carter heard it, there was a surge of blood in his chest. He spit blood on his face and his face faded. He said: "Why, why is he?"

The answer is Bruce.

Qin Hao does not have to lie to a dead person.

Carter never imagined that such a trust, Bruce, who is extremely loyal to Lucifer, turned out to be a person of Qin.

"Lu Xifa has long been unpopular. He does not know that the most powerful force in the world is not the sword in his hands, but the righteousness and the righteousness."

"Even if you don't have today, your end is just a short resignation."

"This is the doomed answer."

Qin Hao proudly said.


Carter doubled his fists and bowed his head and sighed.

He knows that Qin Yu is telling the truth. Now that the Dark Palace is truly loyal to Lucifer, how many people are there?

"Someone once told me that the general's heart is like steel, and he has great respect for the fallen angels. I am a loved one. I wanted to take you into the shackles and build a more refined assassin army. Now it seems that only Can be a luxury."

"You please."

Qin Lan looked at Carter and sighed.

From the first time he saw Carter at the Dark Royal Palace, he knew that this was not a tamer. The assassin was also a dead man. The national sergeant and the good lord could descend.

Carter closed his eyes and respectfully bowed to Qin Hao's knees, then stood up sharply, his blade slid over his neck, and with a burst of blood, it was the end of a generation of assassin's mission. .

"Three hundred heads, all bagged!"

Qin Lan turned around and was cold and cold.

Tarim and others are also embarrassed. The church sects that once made the **** of the people stunned, suddenly disappeared, as if the most dazzling stars have passed away, it is really heart-wrenching.

The Tarim public will salute Carter and express his respect for the soldier. The knife is lowered and the head of the three hundred assassins is removed.

After the smashing, it is a big joy.

This is definitely a big victory, not only the destruction of the Templar Assassin Legion, but also the encouragement of the barren soldiers to fight for confidence.

Even Carter can beat, what else is there that they can't beat?

In the early morning, the dew was soaked in blood, and the wild birds in the forest cried, and a new day came.

Bellaire stood back and forth in the camp, and he couldn't wait to attack the city, breaking the **** deadlock, and whether Qinhou could beat Carter last night became the key.

But obviously, Qinhou will never let people down.

When Tarim carried a **** big bag and violently threw it in front of Bellier, he laughed loudly: "Belier, you want something."

Bellier's heart was in a big move, and he couldn't wait to open the bag. It was suddenly a pile of **** heads. It was Carter who was the first to bear the brunt.

"Carter and the three hundred assassins in the city, a lot, all here, now you can attack the city."

Tarim arrogant.

"Can you tell me what is Qinhou now?" asked Bellier.

"Hou Ye is naturally intact." Tarim Road.

"Impossible, impossible... This is Carter." Bellier shook his head and was very pleased with the results. There is no such thing as Hou’s in this world. It’s your turn to attack the city, no action, and Carter’s end is your example. "Tarimu can have no good feelings for this lord, and he swears."

Bellier snorted: "Reassured, you can kill Carter, I can lay down the Angel City."

"Transfer, start at night."

Bellier turned and ordered.

When the night was deep, under the eyes of Qin Yu, Bailier and others finally got out.

Wings are a race between fallen angels and demons. They are as long as angels, but they are more slender and less powerful than angels, but they have a more flexible skill, faster speed, even if The ability to adapt to the water is also super strong.

Nine thousand wing soldiers wearing special diving suits lie on the water, like nine thousand wild ducks, a fierce plunged into the water, not even a wave of spray.

Bailier personally walked under the water. Angel City also set up many enchantments under the Red River, but because Bellier had already known the defense, the powerful enchantments did not work at all, they quickly lurked behind the Angel City. Waters.

After Bailey determined the entrance many times, he made a gesture, and everyone also carried enough energy to sink under the water.

The red river is extremely deep, and ordinary people do not go to the water at all. Even if the wing soldiers have low blood on the spot, they are vomiting blood, but they can't do it. The accompanying generals will hit the spot and crush the soldiers. In order to prevent the body from floating on the surface, it was discovered by the defenders of Angel City.

At the bottom of the water, at least a thousand wing soldiers were crushed by their own lives because they could not withstand the pressure of water.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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