The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2168: Who is this?

"General, at most one more tea, the gates will open, and I will wait for the soldiers to enter the city and get drunk."

Darcy pointed to the city in the war, and he was very happy.


Yitong held his sword in his hands. Although everything was properly arranged, but for this plan, he could be said to have exhausted his efforts and wisdom. Now, at the moment of harvest, his heart is equally excited.

"Yeah, we can't afford it. This battle will be recorded in the annals. This battle will reinvigorate the name of my **** of war and let the people know that I am still the most capable and capable person in hell. !"

Yitong’s eyes are far-sighted and unparalleled.

He needs a war victory too much to fill the inner fear.

Since the encounter with Qin Yu, he has seriously doubted his heart. He even feels that he is aging, degenerating, and falling.

He didn't understand what happened, why the most exquisite tactics he had learned in heaven and in hell, all in the eyes of the East became useless garbage.

This is a disaster, and now everything can stop.

When Darcy saw the hunger and thirst for his victory in his eyes, his heart was finally settled. He knew the importance of this battle to Yitong and to everyone.

Wait, just wait!


The huge noise broke out from the ground, and the whole earth was shaking!

Yitong’s heart came with an ominous premonition. “Darcy, what is going on here, send people to investigate.”

Darcy had not had time to order, a squadron panicked and ran over, and did not take the breath: "General, out, something happened..."

"Fast... Quickly!" Yitong vaguely guessed what, blood began to twitch in his heart.

"The people led by General Stone should be seen by the enemy. Antoine set fire in the tunnel. The eight thousand soldiers who entered us did not survive, and the flames smashed into the sky, and even the rear of them was burned."

The commander shouted.


Yitong only felt that the original starry sky was bleak and dull. The splendid siege sparks were so stunned that there seemed to be no trace of life in the whole world. Only death was accompanied.


Yitong tried his best to suppress the heart and blood, and opened his mouth and spit blood.

His plan failed again, and he also took the life of eight thousand elite and most loyal soldiers. This was a fiasco without any excuses.

At the same time, he announced that his last card was completely abolished.

There is only one desperate dead path left in front of Yitong.

"General! General!"

Darcy quickly supported the crumbling Yitong.

However, the disaster is not alone. Another commander rushed to the horse and screamed: "General, it’s not good. Angel City sent 10,000 troops and is attacking our rear. The brethren can’t stand up, and the death and injury are heavy. Also, please order the troops to withdraw their troops."

"Qin thief, hateful, hateful!"

Yitong's chest smashed like a general, his eyes were black, his legs were soft, and he fell to the ground, and he vomited blood in his mouth.

"Military doctor, military doctor."

Darcy called.

Everyone was in a mess, "withdrawing troops and withdrawing troops." Darcy was ordered as a deputy.

Antoine is standing on the wall, watching the fire from the back of Yitong, killing the sound, and seeing the Yitong soldiers rushing back like a flood, they know that Qinhou must be sent out.

This war ended in the fiasco of Yitong.


Antoine was in a good mood and raised his arms and shouted.



The soldiers who had resisted for a few days cheered at the same time. In the lively celebration, Qinhou’s banner fluttered high above the city of Hunluo. No one complained at this moment, including Kerry. If there is no Qinhou timely It is found that this will undoubtedly be a fiasco, otherwise it may be Yitong’s butcher’s knife waiting for them at this moment.

"Adults, Yitong withdrew, did we promise to give Qinhou the grain before the shipment?" Kerry asked.

"First give half, I said that the army in this city is seriously depleted and urgently needs to be replenished."

"The adult means..." Kerry’s face changed.

"Remember, Qin Hou is an outsider. At the moment, his army is flourishing, so we will return to him, but believe me, the South is not what he can rule."

"Up to a month, he will disappear into this land."

Antoine Yin smiled coldly.


In the city of Angel, Howard was covered in blood. He dragged the general's helmet and laughed. He walked into the city's main government. When he met, he laughed loudly and said: "It's so happy, happy, I haven't played so happy for a long time, Hou Ye, Tarim, you guys. I don’t know, Yitong was chased by us like a drowning dog, and even the heavy food and grass are not needed. We have obtained it for us, and this time we have at least 5,000 seizures."

"Five thousand, good guys, that's okay, Yitong, the 50,000-strong army that came back and forth, should be almost the same?" Tarim cried incomparably envious.

"Haha, it’s more than a defeat. I heard that Yitong has repeatedly vomited blood, and I am afraid that it will not last a few days."

"There is no such thing as a kid, but it is a big fire. This time, the fiasco is enough for him to get a few liters of blood."

The crowd will be laughing.

"Miller, to the angels of the military will remember the merits, according to the rewards of the awards, but whoever wins the battle, dare to stand the military merits, there is no chance for me to be rich and wealthy."

"You, remember, if you want to be respected, the only way to get honor is to have the sharp knife in your hands and your blood."

Qin Lan stood up and raised his glasses.

"Hou Ye is mighty, Hou Ye is mighty."

The public will raise their glasses to and shouted.

At this moment, they are like the sense of heroism that the fallen army has just stepped into the **** from the heavens.

Only a small battle is needed, they can find the blood of the year, the fighting power of the year!

"Howard, then you have a rest, Tarim, you rate two thousand savage soldiers, chase Yitong along the way, continue, only chase or kill, I see how far he can go north."

Qin Lan continued to order.

"The end will obey."

Tarim was not given the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. Even the wine could not be drunk, and he got up and walked outside.

"Adult, don't you want to kill Yitong?"

Miller whispered in the room.

"Well, Yitong still has some skills, but the fortunes are not good." Qin Hao slightly sighed.

If this sneak attack can be half a day in the morning, even if it is an hour, the result may not be the same. At this moment, it is Yitong.

Can only say that the sky is not blessed, the gas has been exhausted.


The carriage was flying on the road, looking at the city near the foot, but it was never accessible. Even the military food of one night could not be found. Darcy’s heart was bleeding.

He has forgotten that this is the first few to reject their city.

Is this the **** under the reign of the Regent?

Who is this?

Darcy is puzzled.


After a bump, Yitong woke up in a faint, painful chest pain, and the mouth was filled with strong **** smell.

After drinking a few bowls of water, Yitong was sober.

"Darcy, how many people are there?"

Yitong trembled and asked, his eyes were ignorant, such as the dead of the wood.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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