The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2172: 7 city plot

Qin Hao’s hand made the Antowan, who was still watching the movie, dumbfounded.

They originally expected Qinhou to fight Yitong and hide in the rear. Now Qinhou and Yitong have joined forces. This whole southern is afraid to become a fish on the chopping board, and then want to play with flowers and intestines, fearing that it is the door. Nothing.

In order to break this stalemate, Antoine personally united the trades in the weekdays, the private relations were better, and the city owners along the Angel City convened a conspiracy meeting.

"The city owner, the other people are all together." Kerry walked in and reported to the awkward Antoine Meeting.

"I will be there soon."

Antoine waved his hand.

This time he must be foolproof. Since dealing with Qin Hou, Antoine has deeply realized that Qin Hou is a wolf, a wolf who eats people, and fighting this kind of person is a huge challenge.

After careful consideration, Antoine walked into the secret hall, and several city owners in the hall were all looking dignified. Obviously, they all realized that the end is coming.

"Everyone, Qin Hou and Yi Tong have joined forces. In the past days, whether it is me or you, it is a crime to offend our young regent."

"Today we are here, I want a solution that can solve the puzzles at the moment."

Antoine came in and opened the door to see the mountain.

"Resolve? Your brother has hung up the banner of Qinhou, and you can sit back and relax. We are now called a miserable, and there is the possibility of being beaten at any time."

"What are you afraid of? If you can't make a big difference in the city gate, what can he do with us?"

"Yes, we don't have to be afraid of the surname Qin. We must know that the soldiers and horses of several cities in the city are united together. There are also more than 100,000 people who fight and fight, why are you afraid?"

Several other city owners have smashed up.

"Everyone, don't worry, let's listen to Antoine."

"Hit, you can't beat Qin Hou, are you still better than the angels? Don't forget that Yitong is defeated by Qin Hou, not us, as long as he slows down and turns the gun, it is hell. The most ferocious tiger in the game."

An old man with a white hair and a majestic face shouted.

Apparently the prestige of the old city owner was extremely high, and everyone closed their mouths and looked at Antoine.

"Gannan adults are right, they can't beat them. I mean, let's work together to make a plan to lie to Qin Hou and then kill him."

"As long as Qinhou and Yitong die, they become headless flies. When Lu Xifa’s army arrives, they can sweep everything. The most important thing at the moment is to get rid of the evil."

Antoine Road.

"Wait, Antoine, I am so hearted, your flag is playing well, and it is close to Qin Hou. Why do you have to catch us?"

"Also ask the adults to explain, after all, people are separated by belly, who knows?"

The city owner sitting at the end is still dissatisfied.

"Is this still used? I was originally trying to deal with Yitong. I had to succumb to the Qin thief. I am the best supporter of the Satan family. I have to wait for the world for generations. What is the scenery? A rule in the East, a rule in the West, sooner or later, we should devour and control our interests."

"If I don't unite again, I will only have one dead road. I will say this. If you still think that my heart is going to Qinhou, let me go."

Antoine’s sleeves were extremely dissatisfied.

"Well, Antoine has been personally with us for many years. Everyone in his heart must have a lot of thoughts."

"You still have to talk about the specific plan. There is no doubt about dealing with Qin Hou."

Gannan glanced at the mouthful guy.

Antoine continued: "A few days ago, an old friend of mine told me a top secret message. The king of Nero sent a demon army to assassinate the Qin thief. I have already entrusted the old friend to pay the gold to the leader of the devil army. Work with us."

"A few days later, we invited Qin Hou and his key personnel to receive and sign the agreement with the ceremony of offering sacrifices and honesty. When we arrived, we set up a volt in the city of Huo Luo and killed Ba Qin together with Basha. ”

When Antoine’s voice fell, everyone cheered loudly.

They haven’t had a good time with Qin Hou, but the Devil’s Legion of Basha is notorious. The reputation of this legion is even above the Assassin of Carter’s Church. Their mystery, their cruelty is exactly what’s right. What the seven major cities need.

The best hired killer organization in **** to deal with Qin Hou, what is a sure thing.

"Everyone, in order to let Qin Hou feel at ease, each of us can only bring up to three hundred guards." Antoine said.

"Three hundred guards are enough. I still have 30,000 defenders in the city of Luo, and I really have to play with the surname Qin. I can cure him."

Gannan Road.

"Great, everything is Laoganan."

"Gannan adults do things, we are relieved."

Antoine and others quickly thanked.


Qin Lan did not rush to attack the city and plunder the land. Instead, he was patiently trained by Yitong, Tarim, and Howard, and with new impetus, Yitong and his department quickly recovered their vitality. After the hardships of the elite Black Army, they once again spurred a strong fighting power.

The night is deep, and Qin Lan is still echoing the last words of Satan, and hides the deepest secrets of the Satan family in the altar of the Dark Royal Palace. What is it?

Can you find the power of destruction there and break the myth of Qin Guangwang's immortality?

When I thought of Qin Guangwang, Qin Xin’s heart was faintly painful, and the executioner was still laughing happily. He came to the West for many days. The Eastern God Lord did not have any expression, and his general manager, Heilongjiang Qin’s father and son, had already When he died, Guang Wang could not be unaware of it.

What kind of conspiracy is he brewing?

Qin Lan can not fear the conspiracy of Lucifer's but the only thing that can't be seen in Guangwang is that they are like a family of life and death, always staring at each other in the dark, looking for A chance to make a fatal blow.

"Hou, Anto has something to see you."

Miller came in and broke the meditation of Qin.

"Let him come in."

Qin Lan returned to God and raised his hand.

Antoine walked in with a smile and respected him: "I have seen Hou Ye."

"Look at your spring breeze, is there anything good?" Qin asked.

Antoine smirked and said: "I don't know Houye, it really is. The city owners of the six major cities, such as Huo Luo and Na Luo, fear the adults and your gods, ask me to find a way, and say that they also want to hang the banner of Hou Ye. I want to be officially for your department. I don’t know if Hou’s consent?”

Qin Xiaojian raised his eyebrows and smiled loudly: "This is a good thing, of course, I agree. They are also interested. I am going to grind the butcher knife and talk to them. This will also hide. So let them six people come. Angel City offered a book, and I re-addressed it, and it is best to bring the sincerity of the sincerity."

Antoine quickly said: "Hou, this, this is a bit wrong."

"What is wrong?" Qin Hao asked.

"According to the rules on our side, it is generally the monarch who enters the city to accept the sacrifice. Moreover, they are afraid of you. If you come to your city, it is difficult to reach an agreement for security reasons."

"After all, they don't know your righteousness. I discussed this with them. They all agree that it is best to meet you in Huoluo."

"Please also ask Hou Ye to think twice."

Antoine Road.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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