The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2185: Depressed Markov

"The five cities were broken, and the water scorpion was isolated from the east and west city pools. On the land, there were many aids. The army couldn’t get into the land. I know more than you, and now I can only give up the nine cities. "Prin took the opportunity to break the road.

What he is best at is defending the city. Now the Ninetowns have been smashed into rotten plugs. Whether you enter a city or not, you have to carry a baggage, but it is not conducive to play. On the contrary, if you can retreat to the Black River, where it enters the north. Finally, the throat is the way to go, as long as the gatekeeper is good, to quietly brake, and then look for a chance to counterattack.

Prin looked at the war situation very clearly. Qin has become a climate. It is almost impossible to solve him quickly. Now he can only keep it and consume it with him.

"Adult, you have to give up the Ninetowns, which is equivalent to exposing the Heishui River to the eyelids of Qinhou. The Ninetowns will be like a sharp knife on our throat, and the Ninetowns will be fertile and well-stocked. Taking the Ninetowns is equivalent to sitting on the Golden Mountain and fighting with us. We will be in a passive position."

Sike opposed the road.

"I am the coach, you just have to convey the order and execute it."

Prin did not want to make too many explanations. These people are still too tender. In order to mobilize the aids, the forces will have to be dispersed. As a result, Qin Xi’s sorrow is in the middle of the battle. The last battle of the dynasty was afraid to get in.

Sike and others only saw the situation at hand, but they did not consider it so much. This is why they can never beat Qin.

When Pring hit the horse, the Sikes would all stand in the same place. No one expected that the famous ferry would give up the most fertile Ninetowns, and it was too unbelievable. In the public, especially the status of the young main war faction generals such as Sike, the position of the generals plummeted.

"General Sike, still report this news to the archangel, you said that the adult is not old, do not dare to go with Qin Hou, we have 100,000 soldiers and horses, as long as they call back one or two cities, You can play the battle with Qinhou on the banks of the Black River. Now that the war is directly led to the Heishui River Pass, is it not worth the loss?"

Another vice president is quite dissatisfied.

I lost nine cities in the first place. This is really hurt for the generals who are eager to make great contributions to the war.

"This kind of words can't be said later. General Prin is the person who is respected by the archangel. He is the last star of hell. It is the magic weapon to restrain Qin and Yitong. We must obey and support him unconditionally. Only in this way. Let's win the battle."

"As for the things here, I will report them to the archangel, and he will go to talk to General Prin."

After all, Sike is the person who takes care of the overall situation, suppresses the dissatisfaction in the heart, and comforts the humanity.

Although everyone is uncomfortable, no matter whether they are qualifications or the needs of the current situation, they can never be guilty at this time, and they can only accept the orders of Purin.

Prin gave up the Ninetowns and went directly to the Heishui River Pass, which was a nightmare for Markov.

Markov’s life is arrogant and arrogant. He is one of the best geniuses. Unfortunately, he has been suppressed by Yitong. He is so unsettled, he has finally defended the world’s first level, and has entered the life in the historical vortex. At the peak, you can make a big difference right away, even the name of Qingshi.

When Markov humiliated Yitong in the city last time, he knew that he and Yitong must be the end of your life and death. However, Yitong had returned to Qin, and he did not feel ashamed of his wishes. He once again became a big man in the city. .

This made Marcofu extremely uncomfortable. In order to suppress the limelight of Yitong, Markov originally wanted to use the general army of Pring to attack the Ninetowns. After copying Yitong from the back, he made a wonderful achievement. I did not expect that Pring actually gave up nine. City, and want to come to the city to meet him.

Isn't this a clear-cut to take credit?

Who doesn't know that Heishuiheguan is the world's first big mark. When Satan attacked this level, he played a whole number of ten years. He killed and injured countless people and took it down to hell. In other words, if the guardian will have a little brain, then Hold the city gate and set the merits of the world.

Markov believes that defending the city is only a small matter. Now, Pring will have to insert this foot, not only disrupting his merits, but also more likely to steal his position.

Markov's hair is almost white, but Prin is a famous, there are countless auras, and this is the commander general, the status is absolutely above him, can he not switch?


"Principal 100,000 troops have come to the outside of the customs, so that we can quickly release the customs, and also ask the adults to order the opening of the city."

The guards rushed in and reported.

"Is there a mistake, the Ninetowns do not fight, rushed here to squeeze, we have 50,000 defenders in the city to guard, this is another 100,000 people, still not crowded, this old guy he wants to do?"

Markov’s next general was dissatisfied with the big door.

"What is the defending city star, I think he is afraid that the night will not be guaranteed ~ ~ want to rely on our city, maintain his reputation, hey, this is careful, who can not wear."

"Famous, I am jealous."

Several other generals are also filled with indignation.

"Well, people are coming. It’s useless to complain here. I will go out with the city to meet."

Markov stood up and gloomy face and went out first.

When he arrived outside the city, the 100,000-strong army was as majestic as the mountains. The pressed Markov was a little breathless. He led several ministries and rode the city out of the city.

"At the end, Markov will see General Principal and the generals." Markov first worshipped.

"You don't have to be polite, from the perspective of city defense, you will also defend the city."

Pulin asked for a nod and praised.

"Master, Markov is one of the most outstanding trials of the fallen abyss. It was a personal talent with Yitong." Sike was on the sidelines.

"Don't dare to be." Markov said modestly, and said: "Adult, the subordinates know that you are coming, deliberately prepared enough food and grass, and then go back to the camp of the adults."

When Markov said this, all of his men were secretly calling Gaoming. This is just right. It is euphemistically refusing to go to the other side of the city. If you still want to enter the city, it is undoubtedly self-deprecating.

However, Sike and others have changed their faces. No one has thought that Markov is so bold, and they dare to change them. They must know that they are holding the Lucy Law, and all the heroes must cooperate with each other. It’s really irritating to keep doing this.

After finishing this, Markov looked at Prin and others with a stunned look and expressed his position.

However, he underestimated the determination of Principality to protect the soil.


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