The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2188: Become the devil

"General Drew, now the mind of the **** is changed because of the lack of a wise god, the archangel has been responsible for the demon master for years, but the position of the demon is not taken one day, and there is no influence on hell. Therefore, the most important thing for the most urgent task is to help the archangel to take the position and command the hearts of the people before they can fight the world with Qin."

"Drew, you are the most trusted angel army leader of the archangel, don't you understand this?"

Bruce Lang channel.

"Adults, can't be called the Lord. Now there is a smog in hell. When you call the Lord at this time, it will only make the original scattered people more broken. You have to call the Lord, we can be finished."

"I said the Heroes of the Dark, how many old Satans are watching? And the Nile Dynasty, the Galois, all staring at them, as long as you call the Lord, they will take the opportunity to rebel."

"Adults, can't make it."

Drew knew very well the things in the middle, and immediately squatted on the ground, screaming.

"is it?"

"I released the opinion of the Lord, and King Nero immediately offered the Satan's sword of the king. The parties are even more grateful. It can be said that it is the intention of the people, and how come the rebellion?"

Bruce Road.

"Bruce, you are the biggest destroyer of the Dark Royal Palace. Your madness will harm the archangel, and you will ruin it all."

"I'm going to kill you."

Drew pulled out the sword and roared.


Lucifer yelled.

"To call the Lord is my long-cherished wish, Drew, don't forget, we are heavens, we are God, even if it is fallen, it is also a high presence. In the early hell, I was weak and could only succumb. Under Death, Satan, I don't want to wait any longer."

"I need your support. If you think that I don't deserve to be in this position, it's good. I will hand over the order and go on my own."

Lucifer’s determination has been fixed and cannot be refuted.

For him, this war is a win-win situation that is secondary. He just wants to leave his life without regret.

"Adult, subordinates, although they are from Purin, but they believe that they are loyal to you. I naturally hope that we will fall down to the angels and command the hell, but the timing is not right. Since the adults are tempted by the traitors, I have nothing to say. Don't go over this, may you Changlong forever."

Drew was heartbroken and took out his tears.

When Lucifer took the cold and cold from his hands, Drew’s heart was cold. He knew that Lucifer’s heart was going to be black, but what Drew never thought was that he always thought The loyal and capable Bruce will give Lucifer such a bad idea. Even Bruce has become like this. Is there a rescue in this world?

Suddenly he sympathized with his own teacher. He finally went out to fight for hell, but he still suffered from the hatred of Markov and other villains. He was bogey for Lucifer. Maybe he really shouldn’t be called a teacher.

Drew left the Dark Royal Palace with tears. His recommendation did not receive Lucifer's mercy and reflection. On the contrary, Lucifer's face was lost and helpless. His most trusted Drew did not support him. Who can believe?

"Oh, people are not old, adults, Drew will oppose you, I didn't expect it, do you think about it?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah, I think that the people who will support me the most are this attitude. It is really chilling."

"Bruce, get ready, it's time." Lucifer sighed.

Bruce is overjoyed. In fact, he has been preparing for this moment for a long time. He only waits for Lucifer to open this mouth. Nowadays, the big event can be expected. Naturally, he is fully prepared.

The next day, the most sensational thing in **** happened. Lucifer, with the support of Bruce and many angelic generals, officially declared that he became the new generation of the demon in hell.

The Nero dynasty, the Galois dynasty and even the neutral zone sent messengers to congratulate the news, and the news spread throughout the hell.


In Heishuihe City, Prin is eating in the government. Since the stalemate, the grain of the 100,000 army has been restricted. Pulin himself has little spiritual and soup every day. The demand for energy by the practitioners is huge. It has already started to make trouble.

However, Pring couldn't think of any solution. Drew had already written a letter. Markov kept rumoring that Lucifer had not trusted him. The grain was reduced and reduced, but Prin could not expel the soldiers. The Black River is too big, and the 100,000-strong army has just guaranteed this iron barrel defense. Apart from reducing the ration, there is no other way.

On the other hand, Qin Lan, sitting in the thirty-three cities of the South and the surplus Angel City as the backing, continue to consume is completely unfavorable to him, but it is easy to get out of town.

Prin is like an ant on a hot pot, anxious, bored, and bitter.

So much so that the tea is not thinking, the daily eating is getting less and less, watching the Sike and others are not anxious.

Although Sike disagreed with Pring's strategy, but he stayed with the coach for a long time, he was respectful of the quality of the high-spirited festival.

"Adult, you haven't eaten for a few days in a row, the battle is now glued, and your body can't be paralyzed."

Sike worried.

"Can't eat, Sike, you are a good cook. If one day the city can't keep it, you will go back and push all the blame on my head."

"There are fewer and fewer good generals in hell, and you are the future."

Pring stood up He looked extremely exhausted, much older than when he started his army, which made Sike have a kind of inexplicable sadness: "Great coach, you have this, the city must I won't lose it. The brothers below can still maintain, but this is not a long-term solution. I can't seem to send people to go out and take a nap."

"The price of a trip is huge. Have you ever thought that Qin waited for work, and if we lose, how will the morale of the soldiers be low? This will aggravate the internal division of the city, which is not good for the overall situation."


"I know that it is food and grass that fights hard, but now the angels give less and less grain. If we spend a year and a half, there will be complaints in the whole north, and the situation will be out of control."

"Adult, I admire you very much, but now, I am not optimistic about the strategy of defending the city. Really, if the fight is also defeated, the defender also fails. I would rather choose the former, die on the battlefield, and always die than the shackles." It’s better here.”

"There is also a bad news. Qin Hou has launched a large army to start building bridges on both sides of the East and West. Although this looks like a joke, you should not forget that this person has not done anything, once he succeeded in building the bridge. Directly bypassing our level and entering the north, we become sinners of the ages."

Sike stunned.

"Building a bridge is an illusion. The Black River is a thousand miles away. It is endless, the water is soaring, and it is necessary to build a bridge. When the Satan lord was in the first place, there was no need to attack for so many years."

"Steady is the only solution."

Prin always insists on his own opinions.

Sike opened his mouth and did not say anything.

At this moment, a guard led the messenger to the door. "The handsome, the messenger of the palace came."


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