The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2192: You are not worthy

Prin and the public will not change their face. At the moment they entered the city, they also sharpened their knives and waited for the killing, and got everything that belongs to them.

Now that the city is in hand, no one can laugh out.

From getting the city pool to the sneer of Darcy, everything is so ironic.

They only watched Darcy and others laughed.

"Come on, withdraw troops." Prince's deputy shouted.

"Can't go!"

"Since Qin Qin gave us the city, it must have cut off the road, and we can't go back."

"If you come, you can find it in the city."

Purin ordered.

The soldiers searched in the city with the last hope, but the answer was bitter. They could not find any useful things to solve the problem of food and grass.

In other words, they can only hungry for up to two days.

Two days, in normal times, it was too short.

But for Purin and the army, it is undoubtedly the same day. After two days, the army ate the last ration, a piece of animal meat, and everyone began to starve.

Grain and grass are the lifeline of the army. The 30,000-strong army began to panic. The soldiers began to look out of the city. However, Qinhou had already surrounded the entire No. 4 city. Every time the breakout was forced by the strong artillery, except for the increase. Casualties have no effect.

The soldiers were huddled in the city, and they were resentful. At this time, the Grand Master, in their hearts, was no longer an invincible **** of war, but the chief culprit in the desperate situation.

Not only that, but from time to time, people with Qin Hou shouted outside and let them vote.

At first, relying on the prestige of Pring, the army can barely persist.

However, with the seeds of Selcy's spread in the military camps, the flames of the soldiers' inner flames became more and more prosperous, and a dozen generals jointly launched the soldiers.

"Master, big things are not good, Sucre's gang is rebellious."

"They want to hold you and vote for Qin."

"It's too late, let's go."

The guards came in and urged the old Prince.

Prin sat in a chair and calmly said: "Walk, where can I go, hey, the **** is dead."


The door was kicked open.

A golden beard and a big man led a group of generals, and the murderous smashed in.

"Prince General, the loss of the heart of Lucifer, is no longer worth the end of life. Qin Hou is the savior of hell, please immediately order, and vote for Qin."

Sucley sang, and the tone was filled with irresistible majesty.

"Sukley, you are arrogant, dare to talk to the coach..." The guards screamed.


Sucree waved a long sword in his hand, and the guardian voice did not fall, but fell into a pool of blood.

"I want to let me drop is impossible, I am here, you can do it." Prin sighed slightly.

He did not resist.

Because that doesn't make any sense.

He can die, but he can't die in the hands of these incompetent generations.

"take away."

Sucley waved.


Qin Lan is playing chess in the city's main government, and it is difficult for him to keep his hands clear. This is good for him to keep his mind clear.

"Hou Ye, the four cities rebelled, and Sucre and others held the Pring and offered to vote."

Iraqi channel.

"Yeah." Qin Hao nodded, and all this was in his expectation.

"Hou, you, are you accepting or not?" Yitong asked.

Since following the Qin dynasty, snoring is a game. You can win without a soldier, and only the military strategy of the East.

"Accept, let them wait a few more days, I said that I went to Angel City." Qin said.

This kind of thing is not subject to anyone who wants to vote!

How to cast, how to drop, everything must be mastered by Qin.

Five days later, Sucre and others had already hungry front chest stickers, and many people began to pull out the city to get rid of the hunger.

"Qinhou is suffering or not, we are starving to death here! Please also ask the Darcy brothers to pass a message and give a quick speech." Sucre can't stand it, once again find Darcy request .

Daxi smiled and said: "Congratulations to the generals, Hou Ye has already returned, and will come to the city to be accepted in the afternoon."

"Well, come on."

"There is always a landing."

Sucre and others are very happy.

In the afternoon, Qin Yu and Yi Tong led the defenders and civilians in the original city to return to the No. 4 city. Outside the main square of the city, Sucre and others took the form of Principal to accept the acceptance of Qin.

"Respected Qin Hou adults, I have already taken Prin, I am willing to call Hou, and I hope that Hou Ye promises."

Sucree kneeled on one knee and prayed to Qin Yucheng.

Qin Qilian didn't bother to look at him. He went straight to the weak and unprepared Pulin, personally solved the rope on his body and smiled. "The old general suffered, the means of war, and the sea culvert."

"A good Qin, a temperament, a means, and a defeat in your hands."

Prin smiled lightly.

"Come on, the more than a dozen thieves will be beheaded."

Qin Hao turned his head and ordered.

"Hou, I, I am waiting for all my loyalty, but I have merits, why should I kill me, etc." Sucre and others were shocked and asked.

Not only them, Yitong and others are also puzzled.

Qin Hou’s road to this battle is almost rarely killed. Why do you want to kill these few meritorious ministers?

The Qin dynasty looked around Just saying: "The so-called descending, the lord is not righteous and unjust, the wise move is a great achievement, great good. And the Lord is righteous, right, and has If you fall down, you will be a hypocritical villain, a chaotic traitor. The generals of Purin are loyal and unparalleled. You wait for the Lord to fight for death, and you are shrinking because of the belly and artillery. You are despicable. Military, it is not worthy of my use."

"This is also telling you to wait. As a soldier, loyalty is the first priority. It must be remembered."

Qin Lan also praised the Yitong public.

The talents understand Qin Qin’s intentions and they are awe-inspiring.

Sucre and others were speechless, dragged down by the soldiers, and cut their heads on the spot.

"Master, a city in the Syrian."

Qin Hao raised his hand.

Prin nodded and went to the city with him.

"If the old man doesn't, the first thing that is messed up is definitely me."

"It's a pity that Lucifer doesn't know the goods, and the people don't understand your intentions."

Qin Lan walked to the high wall and looked at the black water river in the distance and sighed.

"Not lost in Lucifer, but in the hearts of the people."

"The **** has been silent for too long. This machine has long been decaying and stale. It’s just that Lucifer pretends to be invisible and sticks to this vain prosperity."

"You tore off this dirty curtain and let them show it out."


"Master, come with me, you should stay and see a new Wanli River, believe me, he won't let you down."

Qin Hao sincerely said.


Pulin Yang laughed a lot.

PS: Today, the three are sent, I wish my friends a happy new year, I want to make things happen, the fortune of the fortune, Want Want!


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