The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2194: The end of loyalty

"Wait for what to do, immediately follow me to the ferry to meet the coach." Sike was overjoyed.

"Mr. Markov, can't help, can't be as you wish, the coach is back."

"If you don't mind, you can stay and drink a drink."

Sike turned around and sneered at Markov, who was cheeky.


Markov took a sip and waved his hand and led the men to leave the Blackwater City Pass.

Sike personally greeted the ferry and welcomed Pring back to the city.

As soon as he entered the city, Prin ordered the blockade of the city gate.

"Grandma, what happened? What did Markov say about the Sucre rebellion?" Sike couldn't wait to ask.

"Our people are indeed surrounded. It is Qin Hou who put me back. Sucre and other rebels have been executed by Qin."

"Sec, from now on, we can only keep a way out, do our best to make the last effort for hell."

Prin calmly said.

The situation at the moment is clear. The gap between Lucifer and Qinhou is too great. The results of this war have become clear.

"Master, Markov has come, want to win, see his posture will not be good."

Saike Road.

"Everything is up to him. As a soldier, we can only fight for death."

Prin can't help.

Now he has no choice but to deal with Qin Xiao’s strategy, and he has no extra effort to deal with these villains.

The morale of the city has declined, and the soldiers have come back together. They talk about the benefits of Qin all day. At this time, there is no way to stop the spread of this low morale.


When Markov returned to the camp, several deputies greeted him and asked about the results of the persuasion.

Markoff was on the spot: "This Qinhou is already crazy. He grabbed Prince. Not only did he not kill, but even the soldiers were sent back. It seems that we can only use other tricks."

"Come on, to transfer this secret to the Lord, I have to see how long Prin still persists."

Markov personally wrote the secrets and let the commanders immediately send them to the Dark Royal Palace.

In the Dark Royal Palace, Lucifer is immersed in the joy of the Lord, and the congratulations and beauty of the tribute to all parties have made him more convinced that the Lord is not only a dream of his own, but also an absolutely correct strategy.

"The Lord of the Lord, Markov's intimidation is here." The guards got together to entertain Lucifer's ear from the other two prisoners, and whispered.


Lucifer stood up and greeted the messengers and walked into the hall.

He took a close look and saw his face gloomy and frowned. "Go, call Bruce to me."

A moment, Bruce came to the partial hall. As soon as he saw Lucy's face unhappy, Bruce was happy in his heart. It was expected that Qin Xi would give Lucifer a problem.

"The Lord, what is the command?"

Bruce asked respectfully.

"Look at it."

Lucifer threw the secret to Bruce and said coldly.

When Bruce saw it, he handed it over to the guards. "Come well, don't let the third person see it, go on."

When the guards went on, Lucifer said with angrily: "Look, I said that this Satan's people can't stand it, and what the city's famous star is, it's just a shame."

"The devil, fighting and winning is a common practice, not a word."

Bruce persuaded.

"It’s okay to lose. Markov’s letter is very clear. Qin Hou personally escorted the general army back to the city. Not only that, they are said to have been alone for two hours. Markov has played many times in the past. Contrary to this, I originally thought that he would not betray my army of **** because of his respect for Satan. I didn’t expect this old man to be so ignorant, even dare to privately conspire with Qin."

"The Heishuihe Pass must not allow such a thief."

Lucifer said this, and the fierceness in his eyes was revealed. "Prin is too long to live. It is time for him to rest. What do you think of Bruce?"

Bruce is silent.

Prin is not guilty, and Markov’s treacherous villain is undoubtedly warned. This is an unwarranted charge.

With Bruce's understanding of Pring, the veteran general who fought side by side in the past was highly respected and would never do anything unfavorable to hell.

Lucifer wants to get rid of him, not because Purin has lost, but more because Pulin does not recognize his demon status, a person who does not support Lucifer, and has mastered the most important city gates. Will be assured.

Lucifer showed the butcher knife, but Bruce was too happy.

He respected Pring in his heart and only had infinite respect for the veteran.

But he must make a cruel decision.

Starting from Drew’s invitation to Pring, he was destined to coexist with the veteran.

He has a bigger dream in his heart. He wants to return to **** with his angel. Prin is the stumbling block.

Now he can only make this difficult choice.

"Prin is the world's best, such a big event, the subordinates can not rumor, the Lord can break."

Bruce expressed his opinions in a subtle way.

He has no objection, and that is the default to get out of Purin.

Lucifer was satisfied with his reply. With the thorn of Yitong, he does not need a capable person now, just a person who is obedient.

"Since this you are also acquainted with him, run it for yourself."

Lucifer took out the order and handed it to Bruce with a small porcelain bottle.


Bruce hesitated, and eventually reached out and took the poison.



Thunder thundered, and Bruce's messenger squad reached the city under the **** of Markov and others.

"Go to the order, the deputy chief of the angel, the special envoy of the devil, Bruce, arrived, and called Prin quickly to open the city to meet." Markov personally walked down the city, screaming.

Prin stood in front of the government gate and watched the heavy rain. Sike stood by his side and looked sad: "Adult, Bruce is coming."

"It's still coming, you go and ask him to come in."


"grown ups."

Sike squatted on the floor and burst into tears in his eyes.

He knew that Bruce had come in person, and that most of Prin was leaving. For a short time, Sike had already respected Pring as a father. He couldn't stand this unwarranted persecution and was not worthy of Prin.

"Sike, remember what I said to you last time, go." Prin calmly said.

Bruce is here.

Prin waved his hand and Sike retired and personally guarded the gate.

No matter what the outcome, he must first know.

"Old General!" Bruce bowed to Prin with apologies.

"I am very pleased when you came. When Lucifer and Satan fought side by side, your younger generation was scheming and could stand up beside Lucifer. You are a bad person." Prin sat down and fell. The wine.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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