The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2316: 3 meetings

Looking at her graceful back, Qin Hao took a sigh of relief and saw that he could come out of hatred. He also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the rest of the two may not have another intersection, at least he knows that he can still have a good time and is very comfortable. This is enough.


The arrival of Qin Lan is undoubtedly a huge earthquake for the heavens.

If it was before, no one would be awesome to a little prince of hell, but now it is different, Qin Hao is the victory over Guang Wang.

Who is Guang Wang? With one's own strength, the three gods of the heavens have not dared to face the **** for many years. Even if they are as strong as the derivation, they can only send the piano to act as a target, and secretly engage in subversion.

After getting a reply from Ke Keer, Yan Dao stayed up all night.

The conditions proposed by Qin Lan are undoubtedly harsh. As a result, the temperament of the entire heavenly cultivator is likely to be controlled by the Qin dynasty. In addition, the passage of the heavens and the other two circles is closed, which represents the celestial congregation. The gray interests brought about by the dark forces supported by **** and the mortal are all lost.

Although the three realms are not interoperable, it is the law of the day after tomorrow, but Qin Yu must forcefully control the order of the Three Realms. It is undoubtedly a heavy punch for the three people who have always been in their own hands and who think that the heavens and the earth dominate.

Derived in the natural heart is not willing to obey, Qin Yu not only to establish order, but also to pinch their lives.

Give the fate to others, not to mention that even if they are ordinary people, they will never agree.

However, there is a kind of hunch in Yandao. There is no such thing as Qinhou’s failure in the world. They have been away from the gray area of ​​the law for many years. Perhaps Qin Houzhen is the guardianship sent by God, and it is time to punish them.

"Master, haven't you slept yet?"

"This is the soup that you are giving you. You can drink it."

He entered the backyard and handed the soup bowl over.

Yan Dao waved his hand and sighed with a long sigh: "Apprentice, Qin Hou is overbearing. This article clearly shows that it is our life. It is really unacceptable."

"Master, what are your plans?" Hey, frowning.

Yan Dao is like a father. She naturally does not want to see him being controlled by the Qin dynasty.

"I can't do this alone. I will call the ancient Tianfang and the Nangong bully tomorrow to see what they think."

The way of the road is silent.

"Master, if they don't agree, you will also fight against Qin, and fight with him?" He was worried.

Yan Daofu sighed: "It is too early to say this, and take a step and take a step."


Qin Lan’s essays have already fallen into the hands of the ancient Tianfang and Nangong’s hegemony. The two people’s ancient Tianfang’s cards were still so heavy because of the night’s card, and the Nangong’s arrogance was arrogant and the disciples were full of people. All of them are arrogant, naturally one hundred dissatisfied, clamoring to fight with Qin Hou.

Yan Dao made the East and held three conferences in the Linyi Pavilion in Heaven.

The meeting was secret. Except for the three, there was no other person present, and there was not even a cup of hot tea for reception.

The three defenders are guarding each other, and their calculations are notorious. On the surface, they are all in harmony. In fact, they all want to take advantage of the opportunity to put the other side to death.

"Everyone, the news must have been known to you. Qin Hou gave us two roads. One is to set up aura conversion in the heavens, to close the three-boundary passage, and the other is that he forced the order to change by force. Today, the two are called here. Just want to hear your opinions."

Yandao opened the door to see the mountain road.

"Opinions, I can have any opinions, he loves tossing and tossing." Ancient Tianfang does not shout.

He still has some enthusiasm for the night, this **** first demon, has been in the blood pool for many years, the strength has increased greatly, even if Qin Hou has defeated the strength of Guangwang, it may be similar to the night of the day. .

Now, it’s hard to say who these two people are dead.

"Toss a fart."

"Our heaven is always dominated by the people. We have always only dominated others, and no one can dominate me."

"If you are afraid of this surname Qin, I will come to him."

"In any case, I want to bow to the head of a hell, and I don't have a door."

Nangong’s arrogant yelling.

"Two, don't talk nonsense, I want to get a definitive result today, is it a war or a drop?"

"Of course it is a war."

"Derivatives, I think that the more you live, the more confused you are. On the Tao, your too clear, you can change your life, it can be said that it is heaven and earth. How, this Qin name will scare you like this. ?"

Nangong bully sneer.

"Derived brother, you don't need to raise the ambition of others to destroy your own prestige."

"I see the name of Qin is nothing but a bluff. He gave us a gauntlet. It is nothing more than trying to increase his popularity. He said that he has to fight three in heaven and return to **** to have a gimmick."

"He doesn't necessarily dare to fight with us."

The ancient Tianfang is also the echo road.

"Well, I understand the meaning of the two, then let it go." Yan Dao and Xiao Xiao.

"Wait, Yan Dao, you are not doing enough to do this, we mean to say, you always have a look."

Gu Tianfang was an old fox and asked quickly.

However, compared with Yan Dao, he is obviously more tender. Yan Yan directly throws a sentence: "Everything depends on God." He has concealed his true intentions.

"Hey, this old thing, I think he just wants to be a tortoise, and he is afraid of shame. Let's come to class for us first." Nangong Batian did not have a good air.

"Nan Gongxiong, I heard that you have a daughter. The longest is Tianxiangguo, and it is the age of marriage. My big apprentice Hua Wenbin, you also know the talent. In the younger generation, it is a first-class one. Exist. I think, how is it that we are married?"

"So some people want to swear when they fight with Qin Hou, they have a heart, and the other side can also reinforce, how do you feel?"

Gu Tianfang blinked and smiled.

"The advice of Tianfangxiong is good. I think it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Let's set this up today."

Nangong is in a hurry.

At the moment, all three of them are each holding each other. If Yan Dawei is fighting with Qin Hou and then coming to the bottom, I am afraid that I will be connected.

The ancient Tianfang is a villain, but if it is a marriage, at least one more guarantee.

"Well, this is the case. I will go back later and urge me to take the dowry."

"However, Nangong brother, I see that you are not in a hurry to shoot, I know that there are individuals, repaired to get it, if it is for him to take the lead in trying water, it may be a good choice."

Ancient Tianfang mysterious road.

"Guo brother, don't circle, tell me."

Nangong Ba Tian is an acute child, and quickly urged the road.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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