The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2325: The debt collection is coming

Hua Wenbin shook his head. As usual, he replied with respect and respect: "Master, you know the nature of Nangong's domineering. You don't want to see him. He can give us the Taikoo Temple. Where can I stop? No, you still have to meet him."

The ancient Tianfang originally wanted to hide from leisure. When he saw that Hua Wenbin was not very good, he could only helplessly sigh and said: "Hey, let me go to the barbarians."

Just about to leave, Hua Wenbin asked behind him: "Master, the sister has not seen anyone for two days, she will not have anything?"

When Gu Tianfang heard it, he stopped his footsteps and said, "I said, how can you not open your mind? I have not said that she is not worthy of you? How can I still remember?"

"For the teacher to do this, I don't want to marry you any more. Your teacher and sister are too heavy. One heart thinks that everyone will avenge the father. Therefore, the teacher will simply let her go back to hell."

The ancient Tianfang was flustered and his eyelids were not taken care of.

"It turned out to be the case. I said that she was always in the past few days. It is a pity that the younger sister has gone, and we have lost a talented genius."

"Master, will she still be back?"

Hua Wenbin asked for his unwillingness.

"What do you say? How come back, I said, she is not worthy of you, you still die this heart early, and honestly focus on Zongmen."

"Now, Qin Hou is compelling, and the children's sentiments are all behind. When the Zongmen is over, everything is nothing."

Ancient Tianfang is cold and cold.

After that, I snorted and went out with dissatisfaction.

Hua Wenbin secretly sighed in his heart, and sure enough, the old fox of the ancient Tianfang is still lying, the sister is not in hell, but is already dead.

If the nightingale told me the truth, I am afraid that this life is still in the dark.

The ancient Tianfang swaggered to the main hall and saw the Nangong bully. He bowed his hand and said: "Brother, how come you, rude and rude, let the old brother wait for a long time."

"Don't, the ancient lord, you have a good step..."

Nangong Ba Tian just wanted to pull the big door, and the ancient Tianfang raised his hand to stop him. He smiled and said: "Namong brother, there are some things, you know that I know it, why do people know it? I want to do this to you. I have no benefit, right?"

"It’s better to talk to you and me, can you look good?"

The ancient Tianfang was not opposed by the Nangong bully, and went straight inside.

After all, Nangong Batian still has to be a little more hearty. Wherever he played the ancient heavens, he also knows that it is not so good to be on the facade with the night and the sky, and immediately walked in with the unhappy.

Seeing the tacit look in the eyes of the two people, Hua Wenbin knows that there is nothing wrong with the words of the nightingale and his own guess. The ancient Tianfang is likely to secretly join the Nangong bully day to ask for the night, they are in the same way. Chinese collusion.

It is even more annoying to think of this Hua Wenbin's heart. It is a good old-fashioned side. It is the right way to live on the right path all day long. It is said to be demonized. I didn't expect the bones to be so dirty.

The hatred of the younger sister, the great cause of Zongmen!

No matter which one makes Hua Wenbin feel, the ancient Tianfang cancer must be removed. At least he is no longer suitable to lead the Taikoo, such as these despicable villains, who can command the tens of thousands of people in the heavens.


Nangong Ba Tian just sat down and faced the tea from the ancient heavens. He raised his hand and refused: "The ancient lord, you are doing a good job, secretly talking to the night is a group of people, you have to pull the old man to deceive. I have hundreds of millions of spar mines."

"If there is no money for me, would you please ask the night to ask the world right?"

All night last night, Nangong Ba Tian was thinking about this problem. At this time, it was also a clear understanding. When I thought of the night, I didn’t know what happened. I didn’t kill Qin Hou. I also pitted hundreds of millions of spar. My heart suddenly became annoyed, and I ran to ask the sin in the early morning.

"Namong's younger brother, I don't understand you. You have made money, and I also paid money. Yes, I have a little relationship with the night, but the money is not enough, people don't have it. With hundreds of millions of crystal coins, we can’t do this.”

Gu Tianfang held a tea pot and smiled.

"Cheng, into your ancestors, the night is called to be killed, Qin Hou is about to hit the door, how to become." Nangong bully can be no matter how much, a table, screaming.

The ancient heavens are not annoyed, and they are calm and sorrowful: "Why didn't you have it? At that time, I saw a little bit of the situation at the time. I asked the night to show the body of the demon. The power is endless. Yes, the night is The defeat was defeated, but Qin Hou must have been seriously injured at the moment."

"As a result, even if Yan Dao does not have a heart with us, it is enough to kill Qin Hou."

"You spent a few hundred million, and you lost half of Qinhou's life. Isn't this sale worth it?"

The ancient mouth of Fang Tiansheng's clever mouth, such a flicker, Nangong bully touched the brain, I really feel that there are some truths.

At night, I asked the demon to print out the demon mark. At least I might not be able to get it. Qinhou is so powerful, and I have to lose three or four percent of my skills.

It’s really worth noting that it’s worth a

"Well, I don't talk about the matter of the night, money, you have to return it to me."

"You also know that if resources are tight today, the people in Qinhou are now the masters of Qinhou. Once he orders the ban, when Laozi’s tens of thousands of people open their mouths, there will be no rations."

"I have to look at the moment, save more money, money, you have to give it to me."

Nangong Ba Tiandao.

The ancient Tian Fang smiled and ate the things in his mouth and wanted to spit it out. The door didn't. As the first major in the heavens, Taikoo Zong has 30,000 people. It is more than a person who is separated from Huo Zong and Tai Qingzong. This money can be said to be charcoal in the snow. If it is still gone, how does Tai Gu Zong live?

"Brother, you are boring," I said that the money was taken away at night and everyone else was dead. You asked me where to go."

"Moreover, let's have a marriage between the two, and why is the family so clear?"

"If you have something to eat, you can't treat me, I have something to eat, and I won't miss your bite. You said yes?"

"In this case, let's not talk about money."

"If you have to talk about it, my old life is here, you can take it."

Gu Tianfang stood up and took a picture of his chest. He directly released the swear words and made it clear that he had no money.


Nangong Ba Tiandun was speechless.

He has always known that the ancient Tianfang can speak good deeds, but he did not expect that it is also a good hand to play, and his arrogance is really a seizure.

I really want to kill the ancient Tianfang, and it is not good for the joint resistance against Qin.

But this tone is not vented anyway, it is really annoyed.


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