The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2330: Singer

I didn't expect to kill Hua Wenbin in the horizontal, not only the world's outstanding, but also a talented person. The temperament and the proper value are all above Xing Manjun.

Nangong Feng did not agree at the beginning. As a result, on the first day of Hua Wenbin’s visit, the woman looked silly. She agreed to the Nangong’s tyranny for her, and spent three days at the end of the banquet to see Hua Wenbin. .

Not only that, in order to express his admiration for Hua Wenbin, Nan Gongfeng also danced in person during the dinner. Although this full-fledged man of Feifei danced his appetite, this is enough to prove how deep her love for Hua Wenbin is. .

"Master, the surname of Hua is back, and I have been drunk tonight."

"Yeah, you are jealous of his madness, but you still have to take power from the fire palace. It seems that this is the son-in-law who is the master of the palace."

"Master, we are all respected by the younger generation of Huozong. You will be honored by you in the future. I will hope that you will rise to the elders in the future and take me to eat spicy and spicy."

"Now the white face of this surname is coming, and Nangong Feng is fascinated by the five fans. If this continues, it will be detrimental to the overall situation."

Xing Manjun was surrounded by a few confidants, standing in the corridor, looking at Hua Wenbin and others, very dissatisfied.

Xing Manjun’s face was gloomy, his body was tight and his bones were crisp.

At this time, Hua Wenbin in the distance had already seen him, and he also erected a thumb at him. When Xing Manjun was not clear, Hua Wenbin’s thumb went down and provoked him to laugh. .

"The **** is raised, it’s against the sky, go, I will do it today."

If you have a disciple, you will have an episode.

Xing Manjun is even more angry with the lungs. "The boy named Hua is too arrogant! Gao Qiang, you bring a few brothers, give me a meeting. Remember, don't beat the surname of Hua, you can't beat him, specifically pick that Weak stepping, our purpose is to find things, not to kill, understand?"

"Leader, Master, my fire **** palm has just been cultivated and successful, there is no place to make it, just take this grandson to open the light." Gao Qiang's strong man patted the chest.

Gao Qiang immediately ordered more than twenty disciples who were highly educated and went directly to the collapse of Hua Wenbin. It was a temper to catch the disciples of Taikoo.

Taikoo Zong came to help this time. The ancient Tianfang was to hold the minds of the masses. The senters were all the disciples. The repairs were much worse than those of Xingmanjun. Don’t look at the people, but except Hua Wenbin. With a few confidants, the others were all thrown to the ground and cried and shouted.

Hua Wenbin just returned to his place of residence, and his disciples rushed over and said that the younger brothers were beaten.

All of this is in the expectation of Hua Wenbin. Sure enough, he has succeeded in angering Xing Manjun. At least the forces headed by Xing Manjun are determined not to be truly united with Taikoo.

"Senior brothers, the younger brothers are waiting outside for you to preside over justice. Go ahead."

The third division's Li Muxi came in and asked anxiously.

Hua Wenbin deliberately screamed a few times, put on his clothes and walked outside the door, and glanced at the beaten disciples.

About 70 or 80 people were beaten. Xing Manjun’s people were very well-informed. Most of them greeted their faces. Those disciples were not covered by old boxing, or burned by fire. Cheeks.

In a word, there is basically no killing and disability, all of them are going to work hard to see people.

Hua Wenbin secretly has a happy, Cheng, this is just the evidence that can actually make trouble. Minger can naturally play the subject.

Immediately, he pretended to be a form of indignation, angered the disciples of the Temple of Fire, threatened to find a fairness for everyone tomorrow, and then sent the waste, and went back to the house.

"Senior brother, now it is like this. I can't stay in the fire palace. If you still have to go back to Taikooshan." Li Muxi closed the door, quite helpless.

What Hua Wenbin needs is exactly this situation. How could he go? He said in a sigh of relief: "Go? The three divisions, do you think that we are going back now, do you have a face to see Master? People are beaten, this justice is Be sure to come back, rest assured, I will naturally give you a statement tomorrow."

"Well, then everything depends on my brother." Li Muxi sighed.

Ancient Tianfang is the best face. As the first major in the Three Realms, Taikoo has the strongest strength and the most disciples. If they go back so ugly, I am afraid that the ancient Tianfang will directly pull them out of the mountain gate.

The next day.

There is only one day left before the appointment with Qinhou, and Nangong Batian held the Zongmen Conference in accordance with established practice.

In addition to the four elders, Nan Gongxiong and other real powers, Xing Manjun and other confidant disciples also attended, and of course, the future of the Nangong bully satisfied with the female son Hua Wenbin.

To say that Hua Wenbin has been here for a few days, although it has been making trouble, but Nan Gongfeng has been blowing hair in her relatives all day, saying how good Hua Wenbin is, how good is it, and the Nangong Ba Tian is still really aware of Hua Wenbin. Yes, it is already treating him as a son-in-law.

Therefore, in the row of seats, Nan Gongfeng and Hua Wenbin's chair was placed before Xing Manjun.

This made Nan Gongxiong, Zhou Baishun and others all secretly dissatisfied, while other elders thought it was appropriate. According to the rules, once Hua Wenbin got started, it was the son-in-law of Nangong’s family, and he did not say that Hua Wenbin was a famous young man in heaven. It is this identity is also enough to let the old school of the Nangong family recognize him.

"Master, how is the big battle?" asked Nangong.

"Big Brother, these days, under the hard work of the Manchu and other people, the innate departure from the fire has already been drilled and orderly. It only takes a few more hours to conduct the drills. There should be no big problems."

Nan Gongxiong intends to raise Xingmanjun.

"Yeah, this is one of the lifebloods of our fire from the fire. Now there are more outsiders. It’s always impossible to get through the exercises. It’s not bad to have them in the army."

The four elders Zhou Baishun must be attached to the road, and the meaning of the words directly refers to Hua Wenbin and others can no longer stay in the Temple of Fire.

"Chou Zhou, do you know who you are talking about? Is it Wen Bin? He is not an outsider. Gu Tianfang has already used the sword to make a gift, and has reached a marriage with my father. Waiting for Qin Hou, Wen Bin Is it the people of our Nangong family, how can we say that it is an outsider?"

Nangong Feng heard that the two men jointly attacked Hua Wenbin and immediately stood up and held the road.

Hua Wenbin looked at Nan Gongfeng with a **** scorpion, a big face that talked to the chin on his chin, and his heart was disgusting.

In his past temperament, there is no need to please such an ugly woman, but in order to avenge the younger sister, in order to disgust the ancient heavens, he said that it is a tribute to the music, even if he is really conscience and smashed Nangongfeng, he also Do not hesitate.

"It’s still the case of Missy, Wen Bin, from the first day of his departure from the fire palace, told himself that afterwards, Huamou was a member of the Nangong family."

"Also please uncles and uncles, brothers can give Wen Bin this opportunity."

Hua Wenbin quickly got up and hugged his fists around.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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