The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2335: Tough stance

Everyone looked at it and saw that the young boy was fluttering, like a green mountain snow ridge, standing with his hands on it, looking at the heavens and the earth, arrogant and extraordinary, as if from the nine days of true immortals, overwhelming mortal.

Before seeing Qin Yu, Nangong Ba Tian and others were speculating on the sacredness of the **** master who defeated the night and the king, and whether it was three or six arms, but at the moment, it was a handsome man. It can't help but be amazed.

In particular, Hua Wenbin and Xing Manjun saw that there were stars and stars and the universe was awkward.

The same is the younger generation, Qin Hou has dominated the hell, so that their masters are timid and scared, and these self-proclaimed geniuses are still relying on the breath of others to live, it is really human, mad.

The crane steadily landed on the square, and Qin Hao walked slowly into the venue.

Alone, but the powerful gas field is like the world is dominated by him, even if it is a disciple from the fire palace, it is also a mysterious tension, breathing becomes difficult, everyone screams at the same time, the big square For a time, it turned out to be extremely quiet.

Nangong Ba Tian also gave birth to a weird feeling, as if the host of today is Qin Hou, he is the one who is subject to people.

This feeling is really too bad, which makes him extremely unhappy.

Therefore, Nangong Ba Tianhong loudly laughed and broke the **** boring, he never wanted to be dominated by Qin.

"A long time heard of Qin Hou's name, today is really extraordinary at first sight, no wonder dare to ask the three worlds."

"This seat is the ancient Tianfang of the Taizong sect, this is the lord of the palace of the fire, the Nangong bully, and his brother Nan Gongxiong!"

Gu Tianfang took the initiative and said hello.

He is skeptical about Qin Yu. Once Qin Houzhen has the strength of the heavens, Gu Tianfang will not touch his edge, but will choose to obey to ensure the interests of himself and Taikoo.

Therefore, in the bright face, he will not be like a fire palace. When you play, you will have a life and death.

Qin Lan just smiled coldly and did not return to him. He was also reading the world, whether he knew it from Yan Dao or Qi Ke’s mouth, or saw the gas of the ancient heavens, he knew that this person is a small knife with three sides. people.

If it is really a heart with the fire palace, it will be as hot as his initiative.

The ancient Tianfang’s initiative showed that the hot face was attached to the cold ass, and it was a good time.

On the other hand, Nangong is dissatisfied with the cold road: "The ancient lord, what is extraordinary? Not a nose and two holes, like me, I have no difference."

"Qin Hou, since I am here, let's sit down, just tonight I will tell you about the rules of heaven."

Nangong Ba Tian did not rise, but raised his hand to signal Qin Qin to sit down.

The chairs of the three sitting and Nan Gongxiong were all made of the finest spar, and the real wicker chair prepared for Qin Lan was obviously lower than several grades.

"Hou Ye..."

He said that he just wanted to get up and give up.

Now that he has been loyal to the Qin dynasty, he even hopes that the Qin dynasty will create the heavens and the celestial beings. It is not too much to say that Qin dynasty is his lord. How can he let his own lord be so humiliated?

Qin Lan was very casual to sit down, a green shirt, smiled and said: "Well, I first came to see, I want to hear the rules of the heavens."

"Our heaven has been in charge of three ears since the day of the last 32 million years. Three orders have been made and the disciples have returned to their hearts."

"In other words, the three of us are the order of the heavens. I say so, can you understand?"

Nangong tyrants smashed the table, trying hard to express strength and highlighting his dominance at home.

Qin Hao nodded undecidedly. "Your order has no meaning to me. I only know that the Three Realms must be transferred according to my will. So, I am not planning to accept the new order and the two provisions. It is." ”

"What do you say? Let the aura of heaven be run by your stone, don't you say that you have such ability, even if there is, I am not waiting to see your face cultivation?"

"And, the Three Territory Passage, that is, our three ancestors spent countless blood and energy to get through, you shut it off, what do you want to do in the world?"

Nangong Ba Tian took a table and roared.


"You really said that the idea is up. From today, there is no **** in this world. If there is, it can only be me."

Qin Lan looked at Nangong Ba Tian and others, whether it was the anger of Nangong bully or the murderousness of everyone from the Fire Palace, everything seemed to be boring in the air.

"You... the ancient lord, let me say a few words."

Nangong Ba Tian originally wanted to have a hard time with Qin Hao. I didn’t expect Qin Qin’s roots to be in the eyes, and the lungs were blown up.

Gu Tianfang sees that Qin Zhen is so confident, and his heart is even more endless: "Qin Hou, I said that you are already invincible in hell. We are not guilty of water in the heavens and you, you can't make it difficult for me to wait?"

Speaking of this, he made another haha ​​and glanced at it: "I heard that Yandao once had a messenger called God in hell, and had a relationship with you, but it was hard to make a dream, but Even so, you have hatreds and Shouldn’t it be directed at Taiqingzong? Why do we have to tie us both?”

Yan Dabai's eyebrows sink, cold and clear: "Yuandao has indeed had a sin, but today is the change of the heavenly order, the ancient lord will not shift the topic."

"If that's the case, then everyone will talk about it together."

"Supporting the change of order, willing to follow Qin Hou as the lord, I will count one."

Yan Dao also lazy to play with these two people, directly open the door to see the mountain.

Nangong Ba Tian and Gu Tianfang glanced at each other. Both of them took a sigh of relief in the dark, and the strength of Yan Dao was not under them. As a result, with Qin Hou, it was opened in five or five. Today, I am afraid There is a hard battle.

"What about you? It's all here, don't grind it, open the window and say it clearly."

Yandao urged the road.

"Laozi..." Nangong Ba Tian just wanted to attack. Gu Tianfang raised his hand and hit him. He smiled and looked at Qin Yudao: "Qin Hou, since we are talking about it, we have to be a little sincere, or you talk about it, we serve Or dissatisfaction, what are the benefits, what are the disadvantages, and it’s clear that we have a bottom in our hearts?"

"You told him so much nonsense? Do you want to learn to be an anti-thief?" Nangong bully voice, stunned.

"Is this not listening? Talk about it, don't talk about it, what is it?" Gu Tianfang also whispered.

Qin Haolang said: "If you accept my rules, the three heavens are still the same, just as you said, once the aura is converted into my hand, I am your god, your practice, your life, everything. Will be under my control."

"If that doesn't come from?"

Nangong Xiong explored his body and asked Qin Qin, a word and a word.


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