The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2340: Vulcan advent

The flag is madly absorbing fire, growing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

This is what Qin has not seen before, and the instrument can grow on its own.

And with the appearance of this banner, the fire element in the air seems to become more and more uneasy, more and more dangerous, and the flag in the banner is vaguely like a vulgar, terrible, hegemonic soul. The desire to dispel the world and destroy everything is even more terrible than the death of Kane in the cursed sword.

Sure enough, it is a rare implement!

It is no wonder that a group of unreasonable people from the Fire Palace occupy such a resource treasure of Nanzhao Mountain. They can survive in the cracks between the ancient foxes of the ancient Tianfang and Yandao. There is indeed a way to survive.

"There is a good instrument. If I am not mistaken, is there a remnant of Zhu Rong in this banner?"

Qin Lan looked at the banner and smiled.

"Yes, since you know that the soul of the innate **** is here, don't look for a dead end. I advise you to let go of your idea now." Nangong is proud of the road.

"You have said that the soul of the innate **** is here. If I don't know him for a while, isn't it a pity."

"I don't want to say anything. If you don't want to accept my conditions, then let's make your housekeeping skills come out, let me take a real chapter."

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"It's not good, but I will see how you die?"

Nangong Batian admitted that he had taken out a hundred percent of sincerity. If he said good things, he would still see that the Qin dynasty is still not in the oil and salt, but also anger, and immediately go.

Back to the law, Nangongxiong greeted him and quickly asked: "Big brother, what happened?"

"Hey, this name is Qin's heart is to eat the irons, and the oil and salt do not enter, I have promised to be a minister, willing to worship him as the Supreme of Heaven, give everything. But he is not moving, must be a citizen. The sage of life, you said this madman, is he sick?"

Nangong Ba Tianyue said that the more temper.

"The surname Qin is too arrogant. If so, then there is nothing to say, big brother, fight."

Nan Gongxiong frowned.

The disciples who have left the fire palace have never fought, and Qin Zhen’s repeated provocations have reached the limit they endured. It is unbearable and unbearable. This war seems inevitable.

"There is only this way now. Since we can’t talk about it, we can’t make a big fire. We don’t want to live in peace.”

Nangong bully has no choice but to agree.


Nan Gongxiong lifted off the fire flag and shouted at the disciples such as Xing Manjun.


The disciples got up and shouted.

Xing Manjun’s heart was a little cold.

He did not want Qin Hou to be defeated. He wanted to stay in the heavens, and Qinhou could give him this opportunity. Now, once he leaves the fire flag, what will happen next, it is hard to say.

Nangong Batian took over the banner from Nangongxiong and cut his hands with a knife. He was full of blood and holding a big flag, and he was rushing to sing a spell calling the soul of Vulcan.


With the flying of the flag, there was a low, majestic snoring sound in the sky, like a ferocious beast woke up, the terrible gas field filled the entire Nanzhao Mountain, even the Yandao The ancient Tianfang is also a burst of heart.

The entire sky was violent, and the original blue sky and white clouds were covered with a layer of red color in the marvels and fears of everyone.

"The disciple is overbearing, and I ask the ancestors to give me a fire, and give me the gods, killing all the gods in the heavens and the earth."

Nangong Ba Tianyu was on the stage of the law, letting the flag madly swallowed the blood and worshipped the void.

The mad madness of the blood, swallowed by the French flag, Nangong bully stunned unconsciously, he vaguely like to see a body full of fire, incomparably powerful wild man, walking in the blood of the corpse, hands with the flame, Despise the world.

The pain that is about to be deprived of the will is fainting.

He knows that this is Zhu Rong's determination of his blood. If he is not a descendant of Vulcan, he is trying to summon and disturb the soul. He is afraid that he will be swallowed up by this force, and he will die on the spot.

But soon, a powerful and unparalleled killings poured into his soul.

The essence of Nangong’s tyrants is full of explosive power. The flag seems to be part of the body, and there is no pain.

At the same time, he was full of strong protective body red inflammation, eyes red and blood like a full bloom, the kind of hegemonic gas is enough to despise everything in the world, and the devil is reborn.



The disciple who left the fire palace was kneeling on the ground and shouted.

Nan Gongxiong is also looking silly. The fire flag is the treasure of the patriarchal clan in the crucial moment of Zongmen. However, since the Nangong brothers took over from the fire, they have never used the two laws and three laws away from the fire flag and the fire. It’s so fascinating to see the fire flag now, and the brothers are not happy.

Similarly, Yan Dao and Gu Tianfang and others saw this scene, and it was also a cold in the bottom of my heart.

No one expected that there would be such power from the fire flag. After the First World War today, if Nangong Ba Tian was holding this magic weapon, it would be difficult for two to resist.

At the same time, they secretly rejoiced, and there was no numbness to provoke the fire palace, otherwise they would not know how to die.

"Dao Zun, this time you are afraid that you have to stand in the wrong team. With the **** of fire, I wish you the power of the soul. The Qinhou in the district is just as strong as I am, and can you fight?"

"Hey, the temper of the South Palace is overbearing, and when you look back, your brother is afraid that it is the first one to be sick, you have to smash, and in the future I can hardly support the monopoly."

Gu Tianfang took a step and looked at the ten steps. He had already seen the decline of Qin Yu and was deeply worried about the future.

Yan Dao must be sighed: "From the front, it seems that Qin Hou has fallen, but the old man is still saying that he has his own life."

"Qin Hou is a person given by Heaven, and there is God's blessing. I am afraid that Nangong will be difficult to do."

Ancient days disdain a smile: "Is it? I hope your God's will be useful."

I got the power of Zhu Rong, and the Nangong bully waved away from the fire flag. The fire between the heavens and the earth, no, exactly, is all vitality, whether it is water, wind, earth, fire, but all have spiritual power. Nothing was taken away from the fire flag and called for it.

Originally only 60%, the big bang that had been hard to support suddenly came back to life, and more red flames flew into the red scorpion. The flames poured from the void to the Qin dynasty in a few times.

"Well, this is a bit interesting."

Qin Lan let the flames poured, and looked at the banner of the void with his eyes, and a strange smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

The reason why he is not afraid of these so-called seven-spots of real fire is not that his flesh is already strong enough to be inviolable, but because he has cryolite, that is, the stone that holds the square inch.

The square of the square inch is very magical. The people inside can't get out, and many things can't be brought out.

But Qin Lan can bring it in.

In particular, the injection of the creation of the fire of the spiritual stone, is to give Qin Qin enlightenment.

If you want to further strengthen Fang Congshan, perhaps from the outside of the Three Realms with the help of strength, into the square inch, is a good choice.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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