The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2349: Off fire 3

The three laws of Zhu Rong are the fundamental Dafa he has learned in the **** battles in countless blood battles.

These three methods are the foundation of Zhu Rong, but they have reached the hand of future generations. Because the ancestors of the Nangong family have no ability to make these three laws, they can only rely on the formation method and barely reach a little bit of the three methods. Only fur.

The true three methods in the congenital period are the existence of the destruction of the earth, so that the gods are armed and fear three points.

After the balance was weighed again and again, Zhu Rong decided to use the three laws and died with Qin.

It is an instant thing for him to make this decision, but in reality it is extremely helpless and inevitable.

The day after tomorrow is simply not suitable for God, and it is not allowed for God to continue to survive.

Zhu Rong does not know where the Qin dynasty was cultivated, nor how he can achieve this point with the help of these thin auras, but the indisputable fact is that this is the talent of Qin Yu, the favor of heaven. It is not the welfare that everyone can have.

Zhu Rong knows that under this general trend, he will not survive at all, even if he continues to hide from the fire flag, he will be killed little by little with time.

Anyway, it is a death sooner or later. Why not fight for the supremacy of Vulcanity?

I want to understand this, I wish to sneak out of the roar, and leave the fire flag to drink: "The sky is not fair, not to allow God to live in the world, I am like a punishment, go against the sky. The earth is not benevolent, I am a dog, I am Burned by the fire. Today, the thief of the Qin dynasty ruined the heavens and the earth, and the heavens stood up, and Zhu Rong will destroy it."

"Three laws from the fire, destroy the land!"

"The fire of heaven and earth, listen to my life, kill!"

Zhu Rong's face is blood, standing in the wind, and shouting.

From the fire flag, a chain of fire and color suddenly went to the sky, straight into the nine, and at the other end, it was immersed in the ground.

The heavens and the earth were penetrated by this fire, and then the light leads from the fire. With the constant blessing of Zhu Rong, the light began to spread.


Earth and Earthquake.

The aperture is still expanding, and finally rushed out of the Nanzhao Mountain area and reached the Zhongmu Mountain.

This is undoubtedly desperate for Yan Dao and Gu Tianfang.

Zhongmu Mountain is the largest mountain in the heavens. In addition to the fire sect, at least one-third of the sites in Taikoo and Taiqing are connected to Zhongmu Mountain.

If Zhu Rong's scope of casting is extended to Zhongmu Mountain, it will be a devastating blow to both.

Fortunately, Zhu Rong is a soul after all, even if he swallowed the essence of his own disciples, the power of display is limited.

This also makes Zhu Rong extremely disappointing. He originally wanted to use the third method to destroy this annoyed world. However, he soon discovered that he really is no longer the congenital omnipotent wishfulness, the scope of his technique. In this way, it is already the limit to reach Zhongmu Mountain.

Allowing him to hate the sky, let him use up the strength of the Taiyi, it is impossible to cover the entire heaven.

Of course, even so, this wide coverage is still desperate for everyone.

Especially those who lived from the fire, who did not come to the court, and the coverage of the Dafa field, gave them an unprecedented fear. As a totem, the fire of their life is so dangerous at the moment.

"Flee away!"

"Well, it's over, we are away from the fire, and the firefighters are afraid today to be devastated."

The people from the fire family rushed out of the fire palace and the temple of the fire, and the chaos was like an ant on a hot pot, a mess.

However, more people have chosen to die in despair, and the wrath of their ancestors and Vulcan is a punishment for their sins.

More importantly, in addition to the peerless masters such as Yan Dao and Gu Tian Fang, no one can rush out of Nanzhao Mountain in such a short time.

Since it is a dead place, why bother to do fearless struggles?

In fact, Yan Dao and Gu Tianfang’s own ancestors have already flew in action.

The two of them can be said that even the housekeeping skills are used. The ancient gods used a sword that the ancestors passed down. These swords have no meaning for the real master, but they do not have any meaning, but they Can be used for his sword flying.

The Yan Dao was whistling in the mouth, attracting two white cranes and driving the crane to the Zongmen.

"Oh... why, why did the ancestors kill my father, why should I destroy the land?"

Nangong Feng looked at Nanzhao Mountain, which had been completely covered by mana, and cried in despair.

She is very ugly and crying even more ugly.

But at the moment, Hua Wenbin is extremely sympathetic to her.

She and her people were abandoned by the ancestors, and he was not like this. The ancient palm of the hand almost killed his life, and also completely exposed the shameless behavior.

What Master, what is the same as the father and son, he and the younger sister are just his pawns.

Nowadays, he only hates his own smallness and cannot afford to avenge this ruthless and unscrupulous generation.

In the cry of the sky.


I wish to merge the two hands to seal the law and stop expanding the scope of the cast. After forcibly expanding the scope, he was afraid that even the power to lead the skyfire would be gone.

"If this is the case, then destroy the world that I can control. I can do it with the surname Qin. It is not a waste of time."

I wish to see the Qin dynasty in the field, and I laughed.

Qin Lan looked at the court and looked solemn: "Zhu Rong, you are doing it against the sky, and now you still have time to close."

"Receive? I wish you a lifetime, why have you been shameful today, don't you know that Shenwei can't touch?"

Zhu Rong bowed and yelled.

"When you go on, you will be flying away, why bother?"

"I am here only to establish a new order. There is no enmity with you. You are now closing your hands and returning to the fire flag. I will keep you safe."

Qin Yu calmed.

"Do you know that you are really annoying?"

"Especially the tone of your speech, do you still think that you are in control of the big picture?"

"What you are, but it is a mortal. I am God, I am the master."

"Yes, you have a **** blessing, then how, I can still destroy you, let you disappear with this day, this place."

Zhu Rong laughed, and the messy hair fluttered in the wind, and it looked extremely embarrassing.

"is it?"

"You are the only **** who is born in this world and is probably the only one in the world. If it is because sin is not as good as death, it is a pity."

Qin Yu faint.

"Haha, if you are an ant-like thing, you want to sanction and punish me. Do you think it is possible?"

Zhu Rongfa feels that Qin Hao is like an idiot.

He has decided to die with the same. If Qin Xiao said that he died because of sin, he felt that there was nothing wrong with this. But this kid actually came to the rest of his life is not as good as death?

Can it be that today, who else can leave alive?

This is simply ridiculous.


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