The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2363: I got a baby.

The one who came is Qin.

Qin Xiaogang came back from heaven, and had not had time to go to the mortal world to start his own happy life, and he encountered this thing.

It seems that going to the mortal things can only be postponed.

As for the destruction of the dragon's dragon vein, Qin has not yet found a complete solution, and this plan was handed over to Fang Xianshan's public.

The flooding of the Nether River is a must to solve the problem. Li Wenzhong is a good hand for water control, but it is too late. Qin Yu simply went to the **** sea with the great power, opened the sea eye, and calmed the giant sky over there. The waves, from the depths of the blood, arrested nine evils.

The dragon has the ability to play in the water, and the nine evils have made all the stops, and with the eyes of the Nether River, the water of the angry Nether River has subsided, especially the wave of water that rushes to Wang Hao and others. The food that was eaten by the cockroaches was instantly turned into nothing.

On the top of the mountain, everyone thought that they would be buried in the flood. Whatever the dragon and the gods are present, the life will calm down the angry Nether River.

The people were shocked to think that the heavens and the people were kneeling on the ground and praying to Qin and the nine decapitations.

Since Guangwang, there is a need for a **** in **** to give faith and support to these weak people after the disaster.

"The disaster is a disaster, the sin is me, you don't have to be polite."

Qin Hao raised his hand in the air, and tens of thousands of people felt a huge force coming in, unconsciously being held up, and even more impressed by the vastness of Qin Yu's magical power.

"General, if I didn't read it wrong, then it seems to be Qinhou." The deputy pointed at Qin Lan, his face was happy and shouted.

"Qin Hou?"

"He, isn't he gone with Guang Wang?"

Wang Hao was shocked.

If you look at it again, it is not Qinhou.

Other people are also true, they have not seen the Qin dynasty, but whether it is from the portrait, or the statue of the longevity in hell, it is a bit like the person in front of him.

Moreover, Qin Houben is the existence of God in hell. For him to live, the soldiers and civilians in **** will not think that it is a dazzling, but take it for granted that the vast Qin Hou of Shentong does not really die, but that it has become a fairy. .

"It is Qinhou."

"He is still alive, the only **** in the world, still alive."

"We have saved, we are saved."

Wang Hao and the people were grateful, and they whistling through the air.

Qin Lan’s life is still far from busy. The short-term calming of the Nether River flood is not a long-term solution. To survive the Nether River, he can only adopt one of the simplest and most effective ones before he finds the dragon in Hell. Method.

Play the dragon pile!

He decided to build a dragon pile from the high-grade black iron that the West has come to, and then bind the nine dragons to the dragon pile to ensure the wind and rain of the Nether River.

This dragon pile must be hit on the deepest and most turbulent dragon vein of the Nether River. The Nether River does not bottom out. At least it has a depth of more than 500 feet. It is the strength of Qin Yu’s current one, whether it is pile or piling. It is more difficult.

But these are not problems, there is a real master in hell, a little dance.

It’s time to see this girl.


The Nether River was painted with mud, and the refugees searched for the mud in the mudflats along the coast.

Due to the water potential, the entire Quan'an City was flooded, rummaging on the tidal flat, and luck, it is easy to find gold and silver jewelry.

From time to time, some refugees gave an exclamation, cheered to the relatives next to them, and found what baby.

"Emperor, there is mud on the other side, I think we are almost here."

Li Sheng glanced at the refugees in the distance, fearing that the little dance was hit, and quickly said.

"Li Sheng, the people are like water, the water can carry the boat, and the boat can be overturned."

"Whether I am or you, you are a party official. If you can't be close to your own people, how can you really get people's hearts and peace?"

The little dance glanced at him, and Liu Mei was close, giving birth to a majesty, and Li Shengzhi, who was scared, hit a slap.

"The subordinates are wrong."

The little dance opened Li Sheng’s big umbrella, took off his shoes and socks, and walked barefoot on the tidal flat.

She walked very slowly, Li Sheng and other guards did not dare to take a breath, far behind.

Because of the veil, no one recognized her.

In addition, the refugees are eager to make a living at the moment, even if it is her lotus roots, no one has a look.

The little dancer watched the refugees bow their heads in the muddy mud in the mud. Everyone's face was full of eagerness and anticipation, as if the mud was their hope, the treasure of life, and the preciousness.

At this moment, her heart is bleeding.

On the top of the hall, among the major cities, ghost kings, ministers, and officials are all in good condition. Whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, those people will always sing and dance, no matter how the times change, the suffering will always These poor ordinary people are.

The person who is in front of him, in the eighteenth floor of hell, does not know how many people are displaced and homeless.

There are thousands of rooms in the world, and the world is full of happiness!

This is a heavy topic, even if it is stronger than her, you are the Lord of Hell, Buddhism everyone, she also asked herself to be unable to suffer in the world. From the congenital period, whether it is Buddha, Bodhisattva or The gods of Sanqing, no matter how powerful, can never do nothing in the world.

She can only help every refugee as much as she can.

As I said, there was a cheer in the crowd: "Let's see you soon, I dig into the baby, everyone is coming."

The refugees were overjoyed, and the people who uttered their voices rushed over.

I saw a young man with mud, holding a big iron shovel in his hand and pointing at a big pit underneath. The good guy turned out to be a big box full of five feet.

This kind of box is the treasury of the general big city pool. It is used to store the crystal bricks. It is usually necessary to have a hundred masters to lift it. There are many enchantments.

Perhaps because of the flooding, the enchantment of the box has long been broken, and the muddy young man opened a big lock and urged: "Everyone comes to help the hand, see the person has a share, see the person has a share."

When the refugees saw the box, it was not a vulgar thing. They quickly rushed under the brute force. Under the joint efforts of the people, the box was opened.

But see the purple crystal glare, a piece of large crystal bricks in the box code neatly, at least have thousands.

These are all melted out with crystal coins. The light box is worth at least 300 million yuan.

"Don't squat, don't hesitate."

The young man wiped the mud on his face and laughed.

When I saw the money, the refugees saw the sheep like a wolf, and they couldn’t wait to start. At this time, a middle-aged man in the crowd opened his hands and stopped everyone. The look was nervous: "Citizens, you see this brick is branded. Da Yin, at first glance, is the money of the official family. If we take it, we will go back to the official house, but it is a matter of the head."


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