The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2371: True genius

Both Lin and Yun are silent.

Today, Jiangdong is also surnamed Qin, but it is not the old Qin family whose roots are red, and almost all the forces are in the hands of Qin Ji.

Qin Ji also has the strengths of Wen Xueyu, Qi Sufang, Di Fengyun, and the support of Kunlun Mountain. With the growth of Qin Yu, the relationship between Huaxia and Jiandao has already filled the smell of gunpowder. Now Zhang Daling is back. This situation is even more difficult to predict.

Moreover, Zhang Daling is the godfather of Qin Ji. Who knows who he is going to, and going back at this time is undoubtedly an adventure.

"You said that the room is really true. If you can't get it, you can't get it. You have to let the child stand in the penalty. Is it true that your child doesn't know how to feel bad? I went to ask him to ask."

Lin Mengxi smiled and smiled, broke the dull, and went out first.

The current situation can only be solved after the Qin dynasty comes back. The only thing they can do is wait.


The sun sets.

The house repair stood in the attic and looked at the teenager who was still moving in the sun.

He has been thinking about a problem for twenty years.

Qin Hou is the talent of the heavens. Qin Lan is indeed the life of the real dragon. The stars are bright, but it is the sign of the rich and the rich, the wisdom and the wise, how can it be like this.

Is this kid loaded?

This is unlikely. From the beginning of the germination of Qin Zhen’s three-year-old IQ, Fang Xiu personally taught him, as well as the children of Yunjia and Mo’s on the island.

This child is indeed kind, although his status is honorable, but he is bullied in the child, and he is tempted by bullying and not snoring.

On the talent, other children can put the three-character scriptures, Qin helper back to the flow, he even the simplest Tang poems, can not recite a few, not to mention the astronomy he taught.

When I thought that Qin Hou had entrusted my son to myself, in the end it was taught to become a waste, and the house was full of self-blame.

In contrast, Qin Ji, who was taught by Zhang Daling, has long been the young king who is in charge of the world. No matter whether it is character or skill, it is rare in the world. When comparing the two, it is almost one in heaven and one in the earth.

Fang Xiu only sighed and made people.

I hope that this kind of stupid child will be as rich as the future.

"Founder, let the young master rest."

Fang Xiu told the road.

The attendant immediately took the lead and got the master's command of Qin Yu. This smiled and wiped off the sweat on his face. He ran to the beach and ran to the seaside. He summoned the four phases of the law at the seaside and played with Chang Long in the sea. It was so happy that I washed my dryness and I returned to the shore.

In the evening, at the dinner table, everyone was depressed and unhappy. Qin Hao did not care so much, and filled the stomach with a random meal, and quietly went out.

After the arrival of the mountain, Qin Hao was surrounded by no one, and issued a few birds: "Mad Grandpa, are you there? I am coming."

But when I heard the wind whistling in the ear, a daddy who had a cloaked hair suddenly came out and smiled and said: "Smelly kid, is the chicken leg brought?"


Qin Lan quickly rushed out of his arms, took out the roast chicken that had just been touched from the kitchen, and a small bottle of shochu, handed it to the old man.


The mad monk took the roast chicken, and he drank the wine with great pleasure.

Waiting for the wine to roast the chicken to eat thoroughly, the mad monk wiped his mouth, the oily big hand on the head of the Qin dynasty, Hu La, a few words: "You are a little like you, you 爹When I was a fool, I also steal the chicken legs and give it to the monk. My monk is also a good friend to your father and son. Hey, no white pain for your kid."

"Crazy grandfather, they all said that I am the most powerful person in the world, he is your apprentice, then you should be more powerful than him?" Qin Hao did not worry, smiled and asked.

The mad monk slammed his head: "There is a saying that blue is better than blue, and it is better to be better than me. If you can't learn it, then no one can learn in the future." There is only one Qin dynasty in this world."

The mad monk looked at the heavens and the earth, and the day was getting weaker, and the more serious aura, long sighed.

The collapse of the Hell Dragon's veins has a huge impact on the mortal world. The original world is not high-quality, and the compression is even more powerful. Today's people are more difficult to cultivate than they were 20 years ago.

It is considered to be in the middle stage of the post-day period. Once the heavens and the earth enter the end of the post-day period, the heavens and the **** mad monks do not dare to say, but the mortal time must be no more aura, all the practitioners, the old ghosts will die and die. The newcomers are hard to refine the infuriating, suffocating, etc., and everything will return to the original cultivation stage of the power.

And then I think someone like Qin Hao, even if I have to go to heaven, I can never copy a miracle again.

"Nothing is better. There are too many things to kill and kill in this world. I think these people who practice are more serious than ordinary people. They are free to dominate the lives and deaths of ordinary people. If there is no such thing, the world will be much cleaner." Qin Hao seriously said.

"Well, your kid has a little Huigen, and it’s better to see than the mediocrity."

"Right, what did I teach you, how is the refining?" asked the crazy monk.

"I have learned it for a long time. I have already trained you to teach me the Dharma. I have already reached the twelfth weight. Now I have reached the realm of Wu Zun in the middle of the refinement, just according to what you said I didn't dare Tell anyone, even my mom and Master don't know." Qin Hao nodded.

"The talent of your kid, you can't find the second number under the whole world. The old boy of Fang Xiu can't see you, take you as a waste, and count him as incompetent."

The mad monk looks at the Qin dynasty, and his eyes are full of pride.

He can be said to be the longest living among the cultivators. He was trained to be even above Sun Tianqi and others. Before the Qin and Yan dynasties, he and the master of Lingyin Temple cast for Qin. After Tian Yuanzhang and Qin Yu’s rebirth and amnesia, it was the mad monk who secretly protected him and taught him the secret law of Nanlin Temple, helping him to survive the most dangerous period.

Although Qin Yu recovered his wisdom, he did not match the mad monk and the disciples. Even after the Lingyin Temple was different, there was no meeting.

However, the apprenticeship between the two is in the same place. The mad monk originally lived in Nanlin Temple. This life is not going to go out of the mountain. After all, if he is under the peace today, he does not need his old monster to appear.

It’s just that the world’s sons of Qin Hou are born and stupid, and they are ridiculed for the world. This makes the mad monk unable to be suspicious, not far away, and secretly came to Jiandao.

Although Jiandao is heavily guarded, it is difficult to defend against such a master.

After coming to Jiandao, the mad monk saw Qin Hao, who was only five years old at that time.

After being familiar with this little guy, the mad monk knows that it is not Qin Yu’s ignorance, but that this little guy is a reincarnation of a living bodhisattva, born with a good heart and good heart.

Compared with his father, Daren and Dazhi, Qin Yu completely inherited the characteristics of Qin Yu in this respect. The difference is that Qin Yi’s benevolence and wisdom are mostly sharp, while Qin Lan is like a Buddha. People and things, since childhood, have a tolerance far beyond many good people.


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