The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2375: Stupid

The two men and the teacher have not seen for a long time, Zhang Daling's very common words, broke some dull atmosphere.

"Master, when you come back, you want to see you, but you can't open your business. Besides, your house is really busy, so busy, so you only come here." Master, please don't blame the sinners for being rude." Qin Ji laughed.

"I still see this with Master? This time I came back from Hell, and I was in a hurry. This is the top quality jade that a friend gave me when I was in prison. It has amulet method, which is the first large-scale collection of hell. The master of the Zongzong Master’s personal refining is a small gift for you."

Zhang Daling's hand showed a piece of pure white snow, and handed it to Qin Ji.

Qin Ji confessed that everything is omnipresent, and all of them have nothing to do. In this world, apart from the right, there is nothing to attract him again. However, when he sees this jade, he still can't help but feel the heart.

The rune above the jade is a **** meditation that Qin Ji is not familiar with. There is a very incomparable pure Buddha light flow, and you can feel the supreme Dharma without knowing it.

"This jade name is called meditation. When you bless you, you can make your mind calm. You only need to memorize the Tibetan scriptures, you can not break into the magic." Zhang Daling said.

Zhang Daling can be said to have been well-intentioned. He has been suffering from a heart disease for many years, that is, the prophecy of Fang Xiu and the dispute between the two dragons.

At the beginning of the training on the two children, Zhang Daling originally wanted to be the master of Qin Yu. After all, he and Qin Hou had deep feelings, far more close to the halfway of Fang Xiu, but Qin Hou took his son. He was handed over to Fang Xiu and handed Qin Ji to him.

This is not distrust. On the contrary, Zhang Daling is very clear that Qin Hou gave the biggest problem to him because of his trust.

At one time, Zhang Daling wanted to deliberately cultivate Qin Ji into a scorpion, so as not to affect the future appearance of the Lord. However, when he discovered that Qin Ji had amazing talent and ambition, he dismissed the idea.

As Qin Hou said, people have their own lives. The struggle between Qin Ji and Qin Yu's two dragons is not something that Zhang Daling can intervene.

Since then, he has carefully cultivated Qin Ji. When he taught him various abilities and took over the ability of Qin to help the great cause, he has been teaching and hoping that Qin Ji will become a benevolent person like his father.

Not to mention that Qin will be able to take over the country in the future, at least not to be handicapped.

In fact, Qin Ji’s performance in the past is indeed the same. In the days when Zhang Daling did not go to hell, Qin Ji not only took the initiative to go to Jiandao every year to give the girls a report, and to raise their feelings with the righteous brothers. The Qin Gang is a very incomparable relative, and it is also very respectful to treat the old rivers and lakes that fight for Qinhou.

With a strong talent and such a benevolent heart, Zhang Daling was proud of Qin Ji from the heart, at least he did not feel the envy of Qin Hou.

Such Qin Ji, in the future, will certainly become the most powerful and close-knit right arm of Qin Yu.

However, this time back, Zhang Daling clearly felt that Qin Ji is different.

First, a large number of old rivers and lakes ran to the outside of his house. He asked him to go out to the mountain to manage Qin Ji. He was also filled with Qin Ji and Wen Xueqi and others. He reorganized the Qin industry, conspiracy and deliberately isolated and deprived Jiandao. Qualification news.

Then this time, Zhang Daling can clearly feel the gloom and chill of Qin Xi, which is like changing a person.

His heart secretly complained, the right is really a poison of desire, even if he carefully preached, lost his helm, in just a few years, Qin Ji embarked on the most worrying fate of the road to confrontation.

Zhang Daling is the most difficult to sandwich in between.

In the heart, the human heart is long and fleshy. Qin has followed him for many years and is known as a teacher and a teacher.

Zhang Daling cultivated him a little bit of talent in China. This is his pride, and this is also an endless glory. However, I really found that if Qin Ji had a different kind of ambition, Zhang Daling had only endless fear in his heart.

The two dragons fight, the palms of the hands are all flesh, no matter who finally lost, it is undoubtedly a tragedy.

"Thank you Master's jade. From the age of eight, my righteous father entrusted me to Master. This blink of an eye is twenty years old."

"Twenty years have passed, many people in this world have changed. Only Master is still like a father to me. Qin Ji has always kept in mind."

Qin Ji looked at Zhang Daling and felt sad.

He is not illusory, he is only grateful to Zhang Daling. Even if he knew that Zhang Daling’s purpose was to replace the Qin family and to domesticate him into a sharp knife for the waste, Qin Ji did not hate Zhang Daling at all.

Because he knew that Zhang Daling had paid everything for him. It was Zhang Daling who taught him everything and spared no effort to give him the opportunity of twenty years.

Zhang Daling is also very sentimental. He really wants to stay away from this right and wrong, but this is his last post. He must stick to the end.

"In the years I have been away, you must have a lot to know about even if you ask."

Zhang Daling Road.

"Master, I want to know, is the old Houye already gone?" Qin Ji asked.

"Yes, they were assassinated in hell, and they can't come back again." Zhang Daling flashed a trace of pain in his eyes, Shen Shen.

Qin Ji took a breath and asked the most important question: "Master, is my righteous father still there? He is going to be back soon?"

Zhang Daling looked at his eyes and paused. He slowly said: "What I want to tell you is that your father is also my master. He is still alive. As for whether he will come back, I can't give you an answer. ""

"But one thing I want to tell you is that Qin Ji, never try to provoke your righteous father."

"Your righteous father is far more wise than you think, to be tolerant."

"But once you go the wrong way, the consequences will be devastating."

Zhang Daling emphasized.

"The righteous father is reminding me to give up the status of the present, to welcome the return of the Qin dynasty, and then to hand over the hard-working fruits of these 20 years?" Qin Ji's face sank, cold and angry.

"You really are not the previous Qin Ji."

"Then I will tell you that this country is yours, you are doing very well, he will naturally give you."

"Don't take the eyes and minds of ordinary people to spend your righteous father, then you are looking for a dead end."

Zhang Daling also looked grim, reminding.

Qin Ji's eyes drifted out of the window, and he smiled a bit: "Master, you come to marry me. This world has given the world to others. The people in Jiandao have been eager to move. Qin Hao is an adult, he will immediately I am coming back. You still tell me that my righteous father will hand over Jiangshan to me. Is it ridiculous?"


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