The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 732: What is the use of this sword?

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"Well, it seems that Mr. Fu is also a man of temperament, but I am a legend in Yunhai."

"Taro, support, all"

The old man took a long gown and put together his sleeves. He sat down.

The little girl was unwilling to point the incense burner, put on the shocked wood, red cloth, etc., and pulled up the mourning erhu.

"In other words, Mrs. Fu's original name is Chu Yu, which is the first beauty recognized by the martial arts world. At that time, Chu Yu and Yan Jia married, and married Wushen for nine days, sensational world"

"A year later, Chu and Yan suddenly started fighting, Chu family was destroyed overnight, and Chu Yu was not allowed for Yan family."

"The Chu family had slaves in the same year, and one of them had no swords. On the day of the Chu family's death, the thorns of Wushen failed, and they fled to Mobei, the first assassin in the world, the name of the sword slave."

"This is a thorn, and after three days of serious injury to Wushen, Wushen was forced by family pressure to officially announce the dissolution of the relationship with Chu Yu. This martial arts story ended in regret."

"Chu Yu went south, and Yunhai's genius at that time, Fu Dengjie, two pairs of love, and then married into Fu. In the following year, there was a woman who was the master of today's Fu family."

"Ran, three years later, Wu Shen personally went to the door of Fu, is the night, Fu Jiacang master of the generation, killed 63 people, Fu Fu Chu Yu for the whole Fu family, drink hate to take drugs"

"In the same year, Fu Dengjie, who is known as the first hero of the South, went north. After a few days, the guest died in his hometown, and the cause of death was unknown."

"After Fu Dengjie's death, he and Chu Yu were buried together. Fu Jia's father announced that the family will never mention Fu and Yan. So far, Mrs. Fu's affairs are gradually hidden in the rivers and lakes, and little is known."

"Sighs from the ancient red face and fat, ah, Mrs. Fu died young, never thought that Miss Fu today has followed her mother's footsteps."

If the old man’s mouth hangs over the river, he will finish the rumors of Mrs. Fu’s rivers and lakes in one breath, and he will be surprised when he stunned.

"Grandpa, are you talking about it?"

"This Mrs. Fu is also really hard-working. Two marrying into the giants, but in the end, there is a smog."

The little girl snorted.

"The things in the rivers and lakes are true and false, and the fakes are true. Who said it well?"

"Mr., old age has already finished."

The blind man got up and bowed his hand.

There was a tear in the corner of the middle-aged man in the corner, and the face of the vicissitudes of life was getting more and more painful.

"Yan nine days, Yan nine days, you are ruthless and unrighteous, you will be condemned by heaven"

"I hate that I can't eat your flesh in this life, drink your blood, wash your blood for Xiaoyu and Chu."

This person is a sword slave. In that year, he avenged the Chu family's father and stabbed Yan Jiutian in the government. If Chu Yu was in the same position, he was so tight that Yan Jiantian had already died under his peerless sword. .

But who can think of Chu Yu’s love for Yan, nine days, in the end, he will be killed by his life.

But what makes the sword slave more sad is that he even assassinated the only blood that his favorite woman left in the world.

When I saw Fu Lanqing, the sword slave seemed to see the old lady.

They are almost carved out of a mold

What is more tragic is that in the past, Chu Yu’s body was fortunately for Yan’s nine-day sword. Today her daughter is also a Qinhou sword.

The two most defeated swords in his life were all given by women.

At this moment, he is also like a heart, he really wants that sword is stabbed in his heart, not stabbed in Fu Xiaoqing.

However, there are not so many assumptions in this world, time will not flow, how to use it

"I have no money, this is what you take."

The sword slaves looked at each other and concealed the tears in their eyes. They took off the jade that they carried and threw them on the table.

"Grandpa, this person is very generous, give us a piece of jade, wow, so beautiful."

The little girl was holding the **** jade, and it was a surprise.

"Sir, such a valuable thing, just a few commentaries, is it worth it?"

The blind man laughed.

"You are so embarrassed, let's take it, let her story pass."

The sword slave sneered a sneak peek.

"Grandpa, this person is weird."

The little girl looked at the back of the sword slave and was curious.

The scorpion took over Yupei, murderous and bitter, faintly filled with **** smell, and could not help but sigh again: "The rivers and lakes are a few hours away, and the red face is accompanied by a few people, this is a poor person."

The sword slave came out of the tea house and drank the spirits on the edge of the Dongjiang River. When drinking the last drop of wine in the dry jug, he decided to go see a person.

"In my life, people who want to kill can't kill, people who don't want to kill, one by one hurts me."

"Long sword is like this, I want you to use it"


The sword slave pulled out the green sword from the waist and gave him a bullet. With him for decades, the "first sword of the world" covered with countless blood was broken into two pieces and sank into the river.

Yunhai Qin Bang Branch Hall.

On the lawn of the yard, the helicopters at the Daqin base have already been prepared.

Qin Lan walked out of the lobby and was about to go out. There was a commotion outside the gate.

I saw Zhang Daling, who led the hundreds of guardian disciples, and threw them into the yard like a flood of water. A strong murderous murder, the middle of the lawn, the pigeons playing around the fountain, fluttering.

One person wears a long gown and walks slowly with his hands. The powerful momentum, the cold face, the pressure of the crowd can not breathe.

"Here is the Qin Gang branch, go one step further, don't blame me."

Zhang Daling's strong courage yelled.

"I want to come, do you live?"

"Get out of the way"

The sword slaves have a glimpse of their eyes, their strengths are raging, their clothes and long hair are windless and automatic, and they are cold and godless.

"Return all of you"

"Yao Dong, you are waiting here, I will meet him."

Qin Yan looked at the air and squatted against the sword slave.

This is beyond his accident, the world is looking for, no trace, I did not expect to take the initiative to come to the door.

"I want to see her"

The sword slave looked straight at the Qin dynasty and opened the door to see the mountain road.

"it is good"

Qin Lan turned around and led the way ahead.

He knew that there must be some relationship between the sword slave and Fu Lanqing. Now it seems that he is right.

"Hou Ye, I will go to the layout immediately."

Zhang Daling is upset.

The world’s first assassin came to the door, it was too dangerous, he had to guard against it.

"No need to"

"Let it go."

Qin Hao waved his hand.

At this time, the sword slave was very dead, and the state was so hot and murderous. In such a state, it was said that face-to-face, that is, secretly attacking the assassination, but also his life.

Qin Hao led the sword slave to the secret room.

The sword slave went to the crystal Xuan Zang, looking at Fu Yuqing in the coffin, quietly staying.

This familiar face, about the ups and downs of his life, has passed through in my mind.

There is no doubt that his life is a failure.

Especially in the face of Chu Yu’s only bone blood, the sword slave has a guilty conscience, and he even feels that his life is a joke.

He doesn't know what the next life is, what else can he pursue?

A lifetime of **** mouth, all the time to the end

Suddenly, his eyes slid a drop of tears, tears dripping, cutting all the grudges.

When he turned around, the whole person was very relieved and relaxed.

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