The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 803: What is a real big hand

"Shen Dan?"

The audience was shocked.

Master Wang Chaolong’s eyes are even straighter.

"Ping old, I think you are old confused? Just this, also, with God Dan?"

Perhaps it is closer to the medicinal herbs, and smelling the intoxicating fragrance, the dynasty dragon also unconsciously swallowed a sip.

"Hey, would you like to say that you haven't seen this child?"

"Yes, this Dan should only be enshrined in the church, burning incense to worship, passed down from generation to generation!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that the saints of the Holy Mountain of Kunlun may not be able to produce these medicines."

"If the old man is not mistaken, this is a three-product medicinal medicine, and even has reached four products, of which the aura and vitality content have never been seen before."

"Rejuvenation may be a little better than cure, but this Dan can be broken for a practice."

"It is simply the peak of the inner refining and the late stage of the Tao, and it is a perfect match for the realm of the qi and qi masters."

Ping Wushou white Wang Chaolong glanced, proudly introduced, that the stock is strong, it seems that he is refining the general.


"I don't believe it, it's definitely a worry-free look, or the benefits of being anonymous."

"This medicinal drug is, in my opinion, simply worth nothing."

Of course, Wang Chaolong will not be so soft.


"The old man is a northern medicine god, will you be wrong?"

"You can insult me, but you must not insult this Dan."

Unfamiliar, straightforward, blinking and screaming.

"Ping brother, don't be angry, who is still not eye-catching."

"That said, you are not convinced, well, there are a lot of medicinal herbs here. It is better to identify them one by one."

Qin Yu Xu Xudao.

"it is good!"

"I will come first."

It’s not too much to make fun of it. Someone immediately noticed that this smell was just like the pug in front of the counter and refused to leave.

"Gui Gui, you are going to let it go." The people behind were impatient and pushed away.

Another person came forward, this smell is even more dependent.

When it was the fourth person to turn, the man suddenly heard it, and suddenly sat cross-legged, and his head flashed, and it was a breakthrough.

"God, I finally broke through to the late stage of internal refining. For ten years, wow, I broke through!"

The man was excited and squatted in front of the medicinal herbs.

When the people behind it heard it, they were even more excited and screaming, and a swarm of bees rushed over to hear the power of God.

Qin Xiao smiled slightly, and took the medicinal herbs back into his arms. Those who were slowed down all sighed.

"This Dan spirit is effective. If you just convince yourself, you can only gain a bit of internal strength. You, now, know that the old man is not a rumor."

Peaceless and self-satisfied.

"Unknown master, please forgive the old man for not knowing Taishan. In front, the old man Menglang offended."


"Please, please!"

Ping Wu has changed his attitude of contempt and has been immersed in ninety degrees.

Others are also in common with the relatives, and the stars are holding the moon and embracing the Qin.

"Unknown master, how can you sell this medicinal medicine?"

"Look at my pair of diamond bracelets? This is the ancestor who has been through the light, can drive away evil, and is a famous weapon." A monk from Wutai Mountain asked.

"Hey, it’s a good idea to make a price for you." Unknown master, I have a Longquan sword. It is a sword of the Warring States. It is a three-product weapon. What do you mean?"

"I have a ton of qi, I am willing to exchange one with my husband."

"Your **** qi dan, I want to change, when is Mr.?"

For a time, the screams screamed at each other, and several blows of the beard and blinked, and they made a difference.

"Everyone, I think everyone is better off showing the baby, let the unnamed Mr. choose to make a deal, how?" Ping Woo suggested.

"good idea!"

Everyone quickly put the treasures of the housekeeping on the table, and waited for the eyes of Qin.

"Damn, let him out of the limelight." Lu Rong licked his mouth and hated it.

"Master, Mei Zhang teaches, this kid is not small!"

Dynasty Longdao.

"Yeah, this person is unfathomable and is still an alchemy teacher."

"It seems that the masters and talents of the South are more than one Qinhou."

"Mei brother, since we don't deal with them, I mean killing him. How do you feel?"

I am proud of it.

"Why do we use our shots, he is deeply buried in Baodan, and he is a crime of death."

"Do you think this group of people will let him go?"

"At that time, even if he didn't ask us, it would be a double defeat. It is not easy to win him."

"Just let him spend another two days."

Mei Jiu’s old man is calculating.

Qin Hao took the tea table and swept it over and returned to the seat.

"Unknown master, what treasure do you see?"

Ping asked without worry.

Qin Hao shook his head.


"It seems that I have not been with Bao Dan!"

Someone sighed with a sour taste.

Everyone looked at each other, full of killing, and they were unaware of it.

"Mr. Anonymous, tea is almost the same, how about going to the poor road to talk about it?"

Qiu Changsheng can't understand this group of I know that Qin Yu stayed for a long time and quickly got up.

"No, can I see Mr.'s treasure?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"I am the thing left by the teacher's door. If I can't get on the table, I won't show it out." Qiu Changsheng waved his hand and smiled.

However, he saw Qin Hao's gaze, and thought about it and took it out, "On this black jade gourd."

The size of the gourd palm is black and inky. There is no trace on the top. The bottle mouth has slight defects. The plug and the bottle are connected together. From the appearance, it is indeed a play device.

"This is when I taught the Quanyang ancestor to fight against Mongolia in the battlefield. One night, I saw a black light driving down the sky, and I found this gourd."

"After the ancestors got this gourd, they have been passed down. No one can crack it!"

"Thinking of it is just a good thing."

Qiu Changsheng said.

"Qiuzhang teaches that the Chongyang ancestor died for hundreds of years. The legend of the district, you still take it seriously. This is a vulgar thing. Do you still expect him to be a fairy gourd?"

Mei Jiu came over, poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and sneered.

"Mei Jiu, what do you mean, Qiu has a self-awareness, there is no meaning for the hoist to change the treasure, no need to remind you."

Qiu Changsheng said awkwardly.

"No, Qiujiao teaches, in my opinion, your gourd is the real priceless treasure!"

"I still have three snake blood Dan, I wish you all to exchange your black jade gourd, please also teach."

Qin Hao unceremoniously took the remedy from his pocket and placed it on the table.



Pride and others are discolored at the same time.


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