The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 822: Angry 1 rib

"Yeah, Xiao Pengye, that kid is still talking, I just dare to ask the horse, he wants to interrupt my leg, break my egg."

"My Changke is also the number one person in Xiangbei. I haven't seen anyone, but it's so strong. It's the first one."

Chang Ke deliberately pretended to be a painful look, sighing.

"Hey, he's horizontal, is there me? You are good, I don't know how to beat him today."

Peng Zeyi listened to the Qin dynasty and robbed the horse and said that he would take a shot.

Li Wenhao and Chang Ke are all happy in each other's eyes. At the same time, they are afraid of pulling Pengze around, and they persuaded: "Cousin, can't make it, that kid can play, and then, Mr. Chen Songren is also there. I am afraid that I will not be able to accept the game."

"You two bags, Lao Tzu is also big ... a soldier, who is in charge of his mother, first smashed him and said."

"Whoever dares to stop, the king of Laos is coming, and Lao Tzu is also taking care of it."

Peng Ze has always been a little bully who loves disasters. Apart from this, he said that he is now a recruit of the Daqin Army. He is covered by Qin Hou, and Chen Songren, who is afraid of his hair.

Chang Ke still has to persuade, Li Wenhao coughed a voice: "often less, ten million, don't worry about my cousin, but he is a small Yuanba, these two hands have a thousand pounds of strength, a fist can kill a head Niu. That kid met my cousin this time, it is also a bad report of his wicked, good luck to the head."

"That is, Peng Shaoweiwu!"

"I will wait for you first!"

Su Jianren and so on, a toast to the side.

"Keep a fart, a group of uncharted bags!"

Peng Ze was the most annoying party, and he took a big step at the table and got up.

"Wenhao, what are you doing here!"

"Mr. Chen and all the distinguished guests are there, no fun."

When I heard a quarrel, Li Wei walked across the table and coughed and reminded.

"Dad, my cousin wants to say hello to the other side, and it’s okay to make a friend." Li Wenhao laughed.

"Second brother, young people, go by them, Mr. Chen, Mr. Chang, I don't think you will mind."

Li Fu smiled and said.

"Well, today you are the Lord, I am a guest, I am here to eat, you are free."

Chen Songren smiled and glanced at Qin Xiao and waved his hand.

Peng Ze walked quickly and walked over to Wen Xuexuan's desk. He first gave a respectful tribute to the old lady: "Old lady, I want to swear, afraid to scare you, please shift."

"Ozawa, what do you mean, not rude." The old lady scolded.

"The old lady, I have lam reason he can not, please avoid you." Pengze Impartial sank, bowed Road.

Although he is horizontal, he loves to fight and has a bad temper, but he is very polite to the elders.

"I said that you have a problem with this person? How can you provoke you, and you will hit someone when you meet, and it is too unreasonable."

Wen Xueyu has some inexplicable eyebrows.

"Miss Wen, please be self-respecting, stay away from this little white face, otherwise I don't mind even repairing you."

Peng Ze saw that she dared to protect Qin Qin, but she did not fight.

"You, you are sick of nerves..." Wen Xueyu was completely speechless to this overbearing idiot, and the scent of the air was seldom.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you that as a woman, pedaling two boats is a heavy price!"

Peng Ze gnashed his teeth, and the steel fist clenched, and he could not tear the warm snow.

"What foot is on two boats, what do you say nonsense...?" Wen Xueyu's eyebrow wrinkles are tighter.

This trouble, everyone in the whole place has been attracted to the past.

The brothers of Li Xiaoge’s mouths were all close together, and Peng Ze undoubtedly helped them a lot.

Because of his trouble, Wen Xueyan, who had no impression of the original people, had no good feelings in the eyes of the tribes.

"Well, if you don't say that young people are not reliable, Li's most solemn occasions, all the things that love men and women love, are all on the stage."

"Everyone, if Li Jia is handed over to such a girl who is not inspected, then it is not finished, everyone said yes?"

Yu Cuizhu ignited the wind and deliberately pointed the scorpion to the tribe.

Sure enough, even the oldest families who supported the old lady were sighing again and again, apparently extremely dissatisfied with Wen Xueyan.

"Peng Jia Xiaozi, you are talking nonsense, no wonder I am welcome."

The old lady will fight Pengze when she lifts her pole.

"Oh, old lady, you are the most family-oriented. Is this the person you choose? It's really a good guardian. It's really elbows turning away, don't treat us as human beings."

Yu Cuizhu continued to struggle.

"Do you think that you can find a Pengjia kid to come to the snow, and the conspiracy will succeed? This can only show your heart."

The old lady thought that Peng Ze was deliberately looking for a sly, and the gas was shaking.

"Snow, you help the grandmother to go to the side." Qin Hao was not surprised, calm.

Wen Xueyu helped the old man to avoid, and only Qin and Pengze were left on the wine table.

"Hey, this kid is over, Peng Ze is a famous rib. Especially hate people who insult his idol, Qin Hou, last year at the Xijiang Bar, I heard that a local young and drunk, said Qin Hou is not a few words. Peng Ze punched people into idiots on the spot."

"This kid dares to challenge Pengze, it is difficult to die."

Li Wenhao laughed.

The big and the young have smirked and laughed and waited for the good play of the Qin dynasty being flattened.

"Why are you going to hit me and give a reason?"

Qin Lan knows Peng Ze, knowing that this is the fault of Peng Lianhu, but he does not hate Peng Ze. On the contrary, he is very fond of this innocent "idiot".

"You rob people of the horse, but also dare to beat people."

Peng Zeyi rounded his eyes and shouted.

"The horse is my own eagle. You can say that it doesn't matter if you grab it, because I don't just want to beat people, I want to waste people!"

Qin Hao nodded his arm and nodded.

"You shouldn't be with the girl. She belongs to an indescribable person. Whoever wants to get involved, I will not hesitate to ask for his life."

Peng Ze cold and cold.

"I can't be jealous, who?" Qin Hao poured a cup of tea and took a sip.

"Jiangdong Qinhou!" Peng Zelang channel.

The original noisy voice in the hall suddenly calmed down.

Everyone suspects that he has got it wrong. Will Wen Xuexi be a woman of Hou Ye? How can this be?

"I am also surnamed Qin!" Qin Yu faintly ~ ~ What are you, also with the surname Qin, take life! ”

Peng Ze angered to the extreme, roaring, fists rushed over to the Qin dynasty door.

Due to the natural power, Peng Ze’s divine power increased even more, reaching a terrible 3,000 kilograms, which is equivalent to the medium-term strength of the internal refining!

"Dad, sit down!"

Qin Hao did not intend to hurt him, kicking the stool next to him.

The corner of the stool just squatted in Pengze's knees, and Qin Hao's right hand quietly spun around, Peng Ze's feet suddenly became unstable, and his body almost fell.

Qin Hao pushed the chair again, and Peng Ze just sat upright.


He also had to violently, and Qin Hao flexed his finger and sealed his acupuncture points.

Peng Ze’s waist was a hemp, and he couldn’t move!


Peng Ze still wants to struggle, but the blood is blocked, and even the words can not be said, his face became pig liver color.

This guy is really an acute child, trying to break through the bondage, like a bison, suffocating, actually anxious mouth and nose bleeding.

"No wonder your father said that you have no brains, a rib!"

"Tell you, I am Qinhou."

Qin Yudao.


Peng Ze did not believe that his family had a video of Qin Hou’s war, and it was not a face like this.

Qin Hou’s roots are not so beautiful!

As Qin said, he was even more anxious, and the **** red eyes were about to bulge out, and he wanted to tear up Qin.

"You don't worry, your father will arrive soon, calm down first!"

Qin Xiao’s rareness was nothing, and a cup of tea poured over Peng Ze’s face to help him calm his anger.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends!

(End of this chapter)


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