The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 824: Grandpa, how come you?


"And whether she is really the president of East Flag Bank, even if she is, she is not surnamed Li!"

"Everyone, here is Xiangbei. It is Xiangbei in the two provinces of Xichuan and Xijiang. When you think about the problem, you must be comprehensive!"

Li Wei also got up and looked coldly at the swaying merchants and tribes.

Li Yan’s open doubts about the number one are obviously disrespectful, but now he has not considered so much.

Since Wen Xueyu has come so big, today is a battle for backwaters, only the battle for death.

Because Wen Xueyu’s words have already been said very clearly, once she became the owner, Li Weige, I am afraid that not only will they be expelled from Li, but they may even face jail time!

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Chang said that it is not bad, you are the coordinator, but the market economy will not depend on our shrimps and crabs."

Li Fu was directly called Chen Songren.

"Well, it makes sense. Under the market economic order, how do you play it? You decide, we are macro, the rules are still up to you!"

"Today I am a bystander of Miss Wen Wen's dinner. You Li is re-elected, you decide."

Chen Songren looked at Qin Yu, and the two looked at each other and smiled. He did not say much, and Enron sat down.

"Everyone, since Mr. Chen has spoken, decide on his own, don't worry, take the tickets on your hands, open my eyes and vote for it!"

Qiu Guosheng carried his hand and stood in front of the rostrum as a scrutineer, screaming at the murderous face.

At the same time, hundreds of gang disciples surrounded the venue and held several passages.

Chang Dalong and others smiled at each other and knew that this matter is already a nail.

The people of the tribe are so uncomfortable in their hearts that they are on the shelves with the ducks. The tickets in that hand are heavy.

Where is this democratic ballot, it is clearly to grab the ticket.

Many people still want to wait and see, but no matter whether it is the old lady, Chen Songren, or Wen Xueqi itself, there is no competition.

This seems to be a foregone conclusion.

As I spoke, there was a strange footstep outside the door.

Ding Dong, the door was kicked open!

"Hey, what are you doing, eating leopard gallbladder, dare to smash the meeting?"

The Yichang Tangkou disciple who guarded the gate shouted.

"Rolling Nima's eggs!"

With a violent drink, several disciples who were at the gate were directly smashed to the ground.

The group of unsatisfied guests came straight into the lobby.

But see the two leaders, one is holding a big head, keeping a beautiful mouth, wearing a green robe of the big man, the big man is like a second man, the eyes are full of arrogance, the arrival is already full of anger.

The other person is dressed in a Chinese tunic suit. She is thin and graceful. She has a folding fan in her hand and is quite elegant.

Both of them are wearing a golden dragon chest!

"Sister, you, how come you?"

The Li and his wife were overjoyed and thought that they came to help the field and exclaimed.

"Or often, have you seen it? This is my coward, Xijiang 扛 子, Peng Lianhu, who is beautiful and beautiful, and Peng Ye."

Li Wenhao is also very happy.

While Li Wenhao was bragging, the next Chang Kezhen stood up straight: "Uncle, how come you."

"often less, you say that, that is the young man?"

"My day, the top two provinces are all coming, Wenhao, this face of your family is really top."

Su Jianren was shocked.

Peng Lianhu came, but still wants to make it, but Li Jia and Chang Jia did not invite Fengxian in the year. One is Xichuan Road, and Qiu Guosheng Town Hall is enough. Secondly, the year Fengxian is a person who is more upright and does not speak well. He will not give this face.

I never thought that the Nishikawa Otsuka came.

In Xiangbei, the status of Fengxian was above Peng Lianhu, because Xichuan’s 18th martial arts were from Xiangbei, but down the river.

The influence of Xijiang is much smaller!

"Brother, you, how come you?"

"How big is it, as for you, do you drive from Xichuan?"

Years of Xiangyu first smugly glanced at the audience, in the eyes of envy, walked to the front, intimately set up close.

"Yeah, old man, small area, national victory can be done, you, are you?"

Qiu Guosheng was ninety degrees old, like a pug, and asked respectfully.

"Why, are you a Li family?"

"You can come here to eat, can you come to Peng and Brother?"

In the year of Fengxian Meiyu, there was no glimpse of the murder, but he smiled.

"Brother, where are you talking, fast, fast and Peng Ye."

"Yeah, brother-in-law, old man, everyone is not an outsider, you can come, it is my great honor, please."

Xiang Xiangyu and Li Wei were busy.

"You don't have to go to the seat. You have a lot of people. I will sit with Peng Ye."

"Mr. Chang, Mr. Li, you are welcome, please take care of yourself."

In the year, Fengxian did not call Chang Dalong’s brother-in-law, but he still spoke in a very plain tone. This made the year’s fragrance jade unpredictable. Why did this younger brother suddenly come here?

"Brothers, everyone comes in and plays with the brothers of Yichang Tangkou."

Peng Lianhu waved.

I saw dozens of all-in-one tunic suits outside the door, wearing the standard on the chest, and the murderous entered the hall in an orderly manner. The people in Yichangtang stood on the right side of the wall, and the people brought by Peng Lianhu stood on the left.

These people went to that stop, and they didn’t take a look at them. They were like dozens of swords.

In the year, Feng Xian and Peng Lianhu slowly walked to the big table where Qin Lan was located. Qin Hao nodded slightly and smiled. The two sat down uneasy.

"Mr. Qin, I want to go to the stage to say a word." Fengxian looked at Qin Hao, almost asked.

He is giving himself a chance. Once the Lord Jiangdong does not give him this opportunity, it indicates that his days of Fengxian have come to an end.

Nothing else, just because of his sister’s actions and the behavior of Qiu Guosheng’s idiots, he was blamed for his humiliation.

Qin Hao hesitated for a few seconds, and finally his fingers still licked the table!

In the eyes of Feng Xian, he was filled with gratitude. He quickly got up and walked to the rostrum. His eyes glanced like a cold glance at the audience.

"Everyone, before you vote, there is something to say in the year!"

"Mr. Qin of Jiangdong, Mr. Chen of Xiangbei, who is here to be guaranteed by his life, there has never been an underground evil in Xiangbei, never!"

"Now there will be no, there will be no future, if any, the year will certainly be willing to use the power of the blue sky to make the best for the sky!"

In the year, Feng Xian took a deep breath and his eyes slid sharply from the incense and other people.

In the past year, he has been helping Shen Yunuo to clean up the mess left by the Xichuan children's family. He has no reason to care about the matter in Xiangbei, and the restrictions are imposed. The forces of Nishikawa cannot be established in the north of Hunan.

But this is not the reason why he excused himself. He is an ideal and ambitious person. Since Qin Hou has come today, he must have an account.

(End of this chapter)


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