The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 827: Self-discipline

"Well, so the evidence of Li Fu and Li Wei is conclusive."

Qin Biao's brow, nodded and answered.

"No, Hou Ye, absolutely nailed!"

"My hometown does have some inadequacies."

"Today, in front of you and my brother Feng Xian, I announced that all the industries in Changjia have been sold and the proceeds have been donated to the Hope Project."

“At the same time, my regular family is willing to donate another two billion yuan to help the children in poor mountain villages, all the education costs!”

"In addition, my hometown gave up the position of the president of the Xiangbei Chamber of Commerce, handed it to Miss Wen, and fully cooperated with Miss Wen and Mr. Chen to create a new economic circle!"

Years of Xiang Yu said that he is getting more and more energetic, and he is proud of his own urgency.

"Is the lady finished?" Qin Xiao asked.

"Hou, I, I am finished!" Year Xiangyu is still very satisfied with his performance.

The Chang Dalong on the side is like a dead mother. This is another donation. It is also the position of the Chamber of Commerce. He also has a wool thread.

"Feng Xian, you are a family, I think it is better for you to deal with it." Qin Hao raised his hand.

Feng Xian took a deep breath and he knew that the real test came.

I want to think about Chenzhou Chen Song, Hou Ye’s brother, and Qin Gang’s helper. Because of the demolition, I was reported by a female reporter, and I ended up with a 13-knife for Hou Ye’s own hands!

This sister's family, who has been in the Xiangbei for many years, only covers the sky, even the top leaders in the province are not in the eye!

The huge wealth of their family is all through blood and sin!

Feng Xian never wanted to have the intention to enter the north of Hunan. On the one hand, he was trying to avoid suspicion. On the other hand, he did not know how to deal with his own sister.

But now, hiding is not hiding, come on!

"Brother, my sister, I have taken out 12 points of sincerity, you have to say a few words for me."

When Xiang Yuyu saw his younger brother, he quickly got close.

"Year Xiangyu, Chang Dalong!"

"I really want to say a few fair words for you, but I am afraid that the people in Xiangbei will poke my spine!"

"Look, the full house is the economic lifeline of Xiangbei, and all this is in your hands."

"What you do, there is no need to find any evidence, no one in the city, no one who does not hate you."

"What face do you have to make me say something?"

In the year of Fengxian, he went to the year of Xiangyu. Every step, the color of grief and sigh will be a dignified one.

"Feng Xian, what do you mean by this, can you still want to start with me and your sister?"

Chang Dalong was unhappy and cold.


In the year, Feng Xian violently pulled out the shackles of his waist, his eyes were red, and his tears were two lines: "Hou, according to the rules, it is not enough for the two to die 10,000 times!"

"But the long sister is like a mother, the blood is thicker than water, and Feng Xian does not dare to violate the heavens!"

"And, they have come to this step today. As a younger brother, I have been dissuaded. Now I only want to dictate myself to live with my whole family."

After that, the year Fengxian slammed up and slammed it down.

Year old brother!

Peng Lianhu’s sharp-eyed hand, a cup of tea in his hand, hit the past.

In the year, Feng Xian had a heart for a sin, and his cultivation was not low. Peng Lianhu’s attack could not be defeated, but it was only slightly inch!

However, he still entered without a handle and pierced his chest.


The blood is raging, and the body of Fengxian is slightly swaying, his face is as white as paper!


Full of people, all of them shouted and stood up, full of respect for the wise man of Nishikawa.


"Feng Xian, you, what are you doing?"

Years of Xiangyu screamed, and quickly supported the **** younger brother, no more female tyrants, and scared and shivered.

"Sister, you, do you think that Hou will let you go?"

"Do you think that God will let you go? Don't argue, if you do something wrong, you have to accept it!"

"This is life, it is the rule!"

In the year of Fengxian, it is necessary to be close to the word.

No one knows that this pair of brothers and sisters who are almost incompetent, have been dependent on each other since childhood, and the feelings between the two are better than mother and child.

In that year, the parents were all tortured to death because of the impact.

In the year of indifference, the incense is doing everything possible to protect this younger brother!

A corn cob, he ate the grain, she ate the stalk. He drinks porridge, and his sister eats bitter vegetables. It is the year of Xiangyu who uses her own life and her own youth to raise this only younger brother.

In the year of Fengxian’s hard work, he was brilliant and unparalleled. After arriving in Xichuan, he invested in Lu’s door and was unwilling to pay.

Later, he became the general manager of Shenfu in Xichuan.

Years of Xiangyu is playing his name everywhere, colluding with Qiu Guosheng, helping the Changlong fish and the people, and tying the north of the country. These years, Fengxian is clearer than anyone else.

But he was smart enough to make a fatal mistake in this matter.

He knows that his sister is too scared to enjoy this kind of hard-won person's life. Fengxian does not want to break it, nor dare to break it. Only he does not know.

Nowadays, Xiangbei is full of anger and grievances. In addition to his life to redeem his sister, there is no other way.

"Brother, me, I am wrong, don't scare me, I don't want money, don't be profitable, you hurt yourself like this, it's better to kill the old sister, I am?" Year Xiangyu took his brother and burst into tears. .

"Hey!" Chang Ke also cried.

"Hou Ye, I am willing to make a living, please let them put a living path!"

Fengxian struggled to stand up straight and tremble.

"Hou Ye!"

Peng Lianhu and others are seeking each other at the same time.

"Hey brother, you save the year, he will die."

In the warm snow year, Feng Xian’s half body has let the blood stain through, and he is sad and pleading.

"I borrowed my brother's name, and it hurts people everywhere. It doesn't matter to him!"

"Qiu Guosheng is also my one person is doing things alone!"

"If you are surnamed Qin, you will come to me if you want to kill. Please let me go through my brother and save him!"

Years of Xiang Yu tears in tears.

Qin Xiao faintly drank tea, fingers squat on the table, for a long time, Jianmei sinking, Shen Sheng: "Fengxian, I entered Xichuan, you have merit. Xichuan martial arts, underground is the management of Shen Wangfu, not my direct Guan, your life and death, guilt, and handed over to Miss Shen."

"As for, you..." Qin Yu looked at the Chang Dalong couple, and the scene was murderous.

"Little Qin!"

"Do you mind if it is a Li family meeting today, let the old woman come to give you a master!"

The old lady got up and worked for Qin Yu.

She knows that this granddaughter is eager to kill, but the year of Fengxian is the first to become a master, and then insist on killing, no doubt will be cold.

But not killing, but also hurting his prestige, it is appropriate for her to come out.

"The elders are respected, since the grandmother is willing, I listen to you." Qin Hao calmly said.

"I heard that when Chang Dalong was not home, he worked as a teacher. In the mountains of Shennong in the north of Hunan, there are many remote villages and teachers are scarce."

"As I see it, the lady of the year, Mr. Chang, and the young master are better than going to the mountains to practice and experience. It is also a sin for their own years!"

"How do you see?"

The old lady said.

"Thank you old lady, we are willing to donate all the family wealth, support the education of the mountain village, and go to the mountains to teach, and make atonement for the rest of the life."

Chang Dalong knows that Fengxian is self-disciplined, and he is not dead. Now the old lady is kind, and she dares not to.

Ps: The card is amazing in the past few days, and the third is even later.

(End of this chapter)


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