"How, how can this be?"

Jin Daguang’s painful discovery, it turns out that everything is a play today!

The killer of his men, even if it has not turned into blood, has mostly become a disability that loses combat power.

The original good game of the wind, I did not expect that just a blink of an eye, it was turned over!

"The next time you pretend to be a chef, remember to call your killer and put less salt."

Zhang Daling snarled in the side.

Jin Daguang screamed at the sky, and the lungs were about to blow up. Everything was counted. I didn’t expect it to be mixed into the Song Mansion, but I forgot this. It’s really a trick, and it’s all lost.

In fact, this is no stranger to him.

The plan of Fenggong itself is flawed, and due to the rush of time, Jin Daguang can already say that the drip is not leaking, but the mistakes in the details can only be resigned.

If Tao Sisi doesn't have that mouth, maybe Qin Zhen can't find that the old grandson has been dropped, and then destroy the whole task.

However, there are not so many in this world!

"Haha, but even if you can see through it, your grandfather, mother, and all the guests, their lives are in my hands!"

Jin Daguang laughed wildly.

"Your Afu, they also met the prince."

"Of course, the only thing you can do is make people look good. It's just that these cartilage is scattered, so it's good, so as not to scare my guests!"

"But detoxification, I will not bother you. Maybe you should inquire and inquire, the best medical force in China is in my hands!"

Qin Lan completely shattered the illusion of Jin Daguang.

"Oh, what about it? The old man wants to go, who can stop you!"

Jin Daguang was shocked in his heart, and he was a golden man. He was like a golden man, and he plunged at the door.

Among the five elders, his cultivation ranked third, only under the fire, just broke through to the later stage of the refining, and became the early master!

He believes that with his speed of light, no one can stop him.

However, Jin Daguang was obviously disappointed.


The door suddenly rushed out, a tower-like big man, and ran into it.

Jin Daguang couldn't catch it. He collided with the man and suddenly flew like a train. He vomited blood on the spot and fell to the ground.

To get up and see clearly, I found out that it was a strong ugly man with a height of two meters.

"court death!"

"Golden Palms!"

Jin Daguang has made a unique skill. This blow has a total strength of 120,000 jins. For the new masters, it is already a terrible blow between life and death.


A huge golden light handprint, full of car wheels, cover the evil man.

"court death!"

The big man laughed and punched a punch, hehe!

With a loud bang, Jin Daguang was half-body in the whole body and was directly embedded in the ground for more than half a meter.

The entire left arm was flushed with the chest and turned into meat.


"You, who are you? I am a great master, how can I be defeated in your hands."

Jin Daguang screamed desperately.

He has the illusion of being separated from the world, knowing that he is the elder of Rakshamen, the master of China in the past.

However, returning to China, there is a Qinhou with a young man like a god.

Nowadays, an ugly man, with one hand and easily unscathed, broke his full blow.

Is this the Chinese that I am familiar with?

"As for your kind, you want to assassinate Hou Ye, and your brain is in the water."

The ugly man was the black three, and he did not put Jin Daguang in his eyes. He smashed the head of Jin Daguang and slammed it. It was easy to crush an ant.

On the side of the fake Song An, Yan has no trace of cheeks.

He finally knew why there was a tragedy in the Yinshan market.

The wisdom and strength of Jiangdong Qinhou has far exceeded their imagination.

He decided not to start with Qin Hou, but to retreat and choose Gu Hongwei.

The appearance of Gu Hongwei exceeded his expectations.

Gu Hongwei is the No. 1 in the southern theater. If he is dead, the situation will be chaotic, and even the whole world will be chaotic!

Even if Qin Hou is too big, once he faces the anger of the uppermost layer of China, it must be a small ant, and it is hard to beat.

At that time, it is undoubtedly beneficial to the Yan family.

Since then, he has also been able to make up for it. Even if he is dead, he will not harm his family.

Yan has no idea to make up his mind, squatting, and slowly moved to Gu Hongwei.

He can be sure that Qinhou should have no doubts about him until now.

What he has is an opportunity, this is an assassination that cannot fail!

Gu Hongwei has already sensed it, from the old housekeeper of the Song family.

Just as a general who was killed from the **** hurricane, although he was sore and soft, he leaned on the back of the chair, but his eyes were a hero who was proud of the mountains and rivers and glared at the thief!

That is the righteousness from China, and it is the backbone of this nation!

Such a big general of iron skeletons will be afraid of death!

But this does not stop Yan's flawless killing!

His hand was placed on a one-foot dagger in the robes. As long as he had a thought, the dagger would cut off Gu Hongwei's head.

Just at the moment he shot ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ one hand grabbed his wrist.


Yan has no traces of fingertips, and his temperament has been rushed to the extreme. He wants to fly the dagger and shoot Gu Hongwei.

However, he is faster and faster.

The two are like Tai Chi, and their fingers flash like a butterfly, which makes people dazzled.

The real masters show up, the strength can be compressed into inches, seemingly soft fingers, but in reality it is life and death.

Yan has no trace of good at assassination!

As an assassin, the difference between him and the sword slave is that the sword slave has only one blow, and the world is invincible!

And his terrible thing is hidden, as well as flexible minds and assassinations!

One-on-one, especially close combat, for the assassin, is a taboo!

Especially with Qin Hou, an almost flawless opponent, it is simply the end of the world.

Yan has no traces for thirty-six kinds of swordsmanship, and thirteen kinds of hidden tricks!

However, Qin Hao’s fingers have always followed the shape. He not only failed to pull out the dagger, but even got out of his hands, it became a big difficulty.

What is even more frightening is that Qin Hao seems to have made less than half of the skill!

This is simply playing around with him!

Yan did not give up the resistance, and smiled and threw away the dagger in his arms.

He understood it. Today, this play is not for Jin Daguang, but for him.

"sit down!"

Qin Lan sat down.

Yan has no trace that the death period has arrived, but it is calm.

"How did you see me?" Yan asked without a trace.

"The scent of the old man yesterday, the smell can only be smelled by the extremely sensitive killer, you are the first to smell."

"So, I infer that you are the killer sent by the Yan family!"

Qin Yudao.


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