"I feel that Mr. Song is right. If you are not dead, you are dead. When he is dead, the doorkeeper can only rely on you and me. Don't forget that this doorkeeper is a martial artist, leave you and me, this stall is his I really didn't think about it."

"In addition to You Sen, he said that he died in the Emerald Island. The doorkeeper has won this victory, but also for revenge. Isn't it two?"

The elders of the earth carefully pondered and added fire to the side.

Duanmu Zun’s eyes flashed with fierce light. For a long time, he took a table and said: "The horses are a bit of a horse. If you look at the old and undead, you will be so sure, kill him."

"Well! After you kill Yousen, immediately let Tianyan Island out and occupy Jiandao. So, you can't even dare to move you invincible, or even take you there is no way."

"The end of the door, this is your true way of life."

Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction.

"Mr. awakened the dreamer, what is the law?" Duanmu Zun repeatedly toasted, passionate.

"The strategy is simple, after occupying Jiandao, waiting for the invincible to come back, set the trap, kill him, you really take the Raksha Gate, once and for all." Qin Hao murderously.


Duanmu’s face was green, and he looked around with a quick look: “Mr. is crazy, invincible, but God’s martial arts, even Dawuzun, except for the **** of the gods, no one is his opponent, you Is it let me die?"

"The Prince of Yuyu has the first strange poison of Dongyin of the Eight Shrines, and the black scorpion god. The Dongyin big python is the Dongyin magic snake, and it is also worshipped as a god. Its crown is poisonous, and it is extremely fierce. It is still in the holy water of Rakshasa. On. Once you take it, you can't say that you are invincible, that is, the **** of the great Luo will die." Qin said.

"Yes, if Mr. Duanmu needs it, I can give it to you." The feathers calmly echoed.

"To tell the truth, we need a friend like Mr. Duanmu instead of being invincible, so don't doubt our sincerity."

The feather man added another sentence.

"Duanmu, the opportunity is rare. If you are invincible, you are the real doorkeeper, otherwise you will have to live in his fear for the rest of your life."

"Seeking in the rich and dangerous, we are better to fight!" The elders slammed the table.

"Doing poisonous killings and invincible things, let me think twice."

"But killing the old thief, it is imperative, please ask the gentleman to teach good policy."

"Or, I will ask him to come back, let's kill him in this design."

Duanmu Zun still has no confidence, thinks about it, and opens the subject.

"No, you go to please at this time, you must be suspicious."

"Don't do anything in these few days. Just release the wind on the island and say that you want to sell the slaves. At the same time, send disciples to prepare to go out to sea. Remember, it must be the main force."

"When you go to the **** of the tour, he must think that you are fleeing with sin, or afraid that you take the time to open the hills of Rakshasa, you will definitely intercept you. When we join together, we can easily kill him."

Qin Hao's eyes are cold and cold.

"Forgot to say that Mr. Song's cultivation is not lower than the three of us, and it is easy to fight against the old thief."

"Good tricks, the gentleman really thinks about everything, just do it, hehe."

When Duanmu Zun listened, he had confidence.


On the island of Jian.

Surrounded by a horrible sea defense array, Yousen stood on the reef and looked at Tianyan Island. His mood was very heavy.

He and Duanmu Zun have reached the point where they can't be reached. In the heart, You Sen doesn't like Duanmu Zun, but he never had the idea of ​​replacing it because he didn't want to split the Raksha Gate.

Although Duanmu Zunxin’s chest is narrow and suspicious, there is no doubt that Rakshasa’s soaring sea for so many years has been able to prosper in all parts of the world. It is Duanmu Zun’s wealth.

There is only Rakshasa in his heart, and personal grievances are secondary.

At this moment, he is worried about Tianyan Island, will it be a trap for the elders!

"Liu Hu, what happened?"

There was a rustling footstep in the ear, and you didn’t have to look back, and you know that the love is coming.

"Elders, Duanmu Zun and others recently danced and danced day and night, and publicly announced to the Western European nobles, to sell the monks, I heard that the ship on Tianyan Island, the ordinary and the ordinary, has begun to transport the first batch to Dongyin."

Liu Hudao.

"Well, the financial affairs, we will not blend, let him toss."

There is no gun sound, and the Luochao flag is still flying on the top of the island. You may feel suspicious.

The elders and the feathers did have a fight and won a fortune.

Yousen shook his head and sighed. Just about to go back, but seeing Liu Hu seems to have something to say, he stopped again: "What happened?"

"My people got a top secret message. Tonight, Duanmu Zun will personally go to the Red Sea to transport the monks to the Saudi royal family, and take the battleship of our Rakshamen."

"It is said that this **** team, in addition to six large dragon boats, there are thousands of Rakshamen disciples, all of which are Duanmu Zun's confidants."

"Elders, are you not feeling bad?"

Liu Hu Shen channel.

"What do you mean, Duanmu is going to betrayed?" Yousen was shocked.

"Yes, I suspect that he wants to stand on his own feet. You think about it. The business of Rakshamen is controlled by him. The money is in his hands. Now he has the help of the invincible dragon boat. He already has the strength to dominate the sea!"

"And he has the support of the royal family behind him. From the perspective of power, his resources and strength are enough to replace the current Rakshamen."

"You think about it again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The owner is coming back soon. He suddenly wants to go to the Red Sea thousands of miles away. Isn't he going to stand on the mountain gate?"

Liu Hu calmly analyzed.

"you are right!"

"Duan Mu Zun's recent mood is very wrong. He is likely to think that the doorkeeper will kill him. It is a fact that he will defect."

"No, stop him immediately. Once the dragon boat goes out to sea, no one can stop them in the world."

You Sen was full of cold sweat and shouted.

"Liu Hu, you immediately mobilize the Clippers and elite, and then I will intercept."

Yousen immediately ordered.

Liu Hu took the lead and took the five hundred Luozhan army on the island. He went on more than a dozen warships and opened the sea defense. He went to Tianyan Island to break the waves.

The Rakshasa Army is the most powerful and regular combat force of Rakshasa. It only listens to the commander of the elders and the invincible commanders. It is specially used to look at the Mo's people on the island of Saji, to mine the iron ore, and to create weapons and armor.

The 500-strong squadron went against the wind and quickly intercepted Duanmu Zun, who was carrying the monks, on the sea.

"Haha, Mr. Song, you are really Zhuge Liang's reincarnation, the old fox can't hold back, jump out!"

"Hey, even the Rakshasa army is out, the old thing is to want my life."

"See how you finished playing today!"

On the dragon boat, Duanmu Zun laughed a few times, sullen and sullen.

"Dare to chase the dragon boat at sea, this old man is the first one!" The elders of the earth must be laughing.

He has experienced the power of the dragon boat, and Yousen is undoubtedly looking for a dead end.

The feathers are also mourning for the tour, this old tycoon, also on the Qinhou!

Qinhou, not simple!

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends!

(End of this chapter)


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