The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 857: Puppet force

"Dad, I heard that the old Qin family is coming here, or a small boss. I happened to bring the Red Soldier."

Talking to the eldest son Qin Xiao's wife Cui Yuemei, when she spoke, she also deliberately gave her son a red soldier's eyes.

Qin Hongbing touched the yellow head on his head, and the hippie smiled and said: "Grandpa, you have to say a few good words for me. Your old man will end up in the end, and you have to count on us to wear filial piety."

When Qin Jianguo heard it, the asthma of the gas was made again, and his face was coughed up.

"Yuemei, people are not just small bosses. I heard that Wenren is a big brother. His wife is very powerful. The county magistrate of Wu County."

"Xiu Zhen, your uncle, come to say more words, and try to let him arrange you to Wu County to be a civil servant, but it is an iron rice bowl, and I will not wear it for a lifetime, so I can find a wife."

The second son Qin Kuan’s wife, Miao Cuiping, joined the road.

"Mom, don't worry, I have a three books, as long as Qin Bobo turns back and the civil servant is not a nail on the board."

Qin Xiuzhen helped the glasses, and smugly looked at the "small rogue" cousin Qin Hongbing, proud of the road.

"No, we are really college students, dad, and the family is such a context. You can do it."

Qin Kuan ordered a cigarette and took a smog. His eyes were full of pride.

Qin Xiao's family, who was smashed by the red face, who made a family read three books, and his son graduated from high school in the county.

"Hey, isn't it three books? Now it's all over the street. What's so great? Some time ago, I didn't give people a contemporary class teacher. No one wants it?"

Cui Yuemei was very angry and couldn't help but retorted her lips.

"Oh, Da Yu, you don't have to be jealous. Three books are smashing, and you are always more confused than your son. In the future, you can eat strong rice." Miao Cuiping opened the viper mode.

"In the early morning, who are you cursing?"

Cui Yuemei is furious and two are going to swear.

"Enough! You have to be noisy, go home and go noisy, don't be here, I am a shame." Qin Jianguo's straight cough, shouted.

His two sons, Qin Xiao, are not filial, and Qin is narrow and narrow-minded. They are typical small people.

On weekdays, he died of illness and asked to call, and did not bring a look.

Now, when I heard that my hometown has come up with an expensive person, all of them have come here to join in the fun. What is this?

"Hey, hey!"

Thinking of this, Qin Jianguo’s eyes were wet and his heart was miserable.

It was groping, and the brakes of the car came from outside the door.

The two sons rushed out of the gate and feared that they would slow down.

At the door is an old Passat, the old body, apparently last year.

A look at this posture, Qin Hongbing screamed and dismissed: "Cut, I thought that there is more money, will open a big run, 6 tigers, it turned out to be a zero-six Passat, a few big bosses what."

"If you don't understand it at first glance, now rich people like low-key, maybe people are deliberately not missing money?" Qin Xiuzhen pretend to be a deep sneer.

Listening to him saying that a few people who had lost some of them had greeted the past with enthusiasm.

Qin Xiao also ordered the earth red, and the cockroaches were released.

Qin Wenren’s plain gown has gone down from the car. Qin Lan is a loose casual casual wear. In the trio, there are a few big spirits with big backs, a plate of Chinese tunic suits, bright heads shoes, looks the most. There is momentum.

Qin Xiao took a step forward and took Zhang Daling's hand. He said, "You, you are Wenren. I am Qin Xiao, the eldest son of your second uncle. This is my son Xiuzhen, my wife..."

Qin Kuan was not far behind, and the family squeezed over, completely ignoring the Qin and his sons, surrounded by Zhang Daling, and asked for warmth.

Zhang Daling looked awkward and suddenly understood that he had grabbed the protagonist's limelight and raised his hand in a hurry: "You, calmly, swearing Zhang Daling, Qin's driver, driver!"

"What, are you a driver?"

"I thought you were my great brother, Wenren! The driver, you wear such a glamorous, rushing grandfather."


When these people heard it, they suddenly felt uncomfortable. They took a cold face from Zhang Daling and quickly went to Qin Wenren.

"This family is too..." Zhang Daling scratched his head and grievances.

He is also a member of the Qin Gang. If anyone sees him, he can’t make a difference. Is it a driver who can’t comb his head and wear it?

Qin Wenren took the gift and entered the hospital and saw Qin Jianguo.

"Wen, Wenren, my big sister!"

After many years, Qin Jianguo recognized his nephew at a glance, and his thoughts and embarrassment were no longer suppressed. After shouting this voice, it was already tears.

"Uncle!" Qin Wenren's heart is mixed with misery, and it is also a tearful injury.

The contours of Qin Jianguo’s vicissitudes are similar to those of the dead father. When I thought of the former production captain in Qingfeng Village of Wu County, what was his uncle’s style? I didn’t think it was so desolate now, and it’s hard to return home. A ancestors are hard to recognize.

"Wen Ren, my uncle is sorry for the old Qin family, sorry for you and Wenyi!"

Qin Jianguo held Qin Wenren's hand and wept.

"Uncle, the past things are not mentioned ~ Your old man is now a child and grandchildren, enjoy the Qingfu, it is." Qin Wenren wiped away tears, relieved.

"Children and grandchildren, hehe!"

The old man was full of pain and smiled.

"Wen Ren, I am Qin Xiao, the eldest son of the old man."

"Wen Ren, I am your second brother Qin Kuan, the red soldier, this silly boy is still doing what he is doing, and quickly called the uncle."

The family rushed into the yard and introduced it.

Qin Wenren was confessed, and he politely said hello.

"Wen Ren, is this your son?"

"Hey, the young man of the young man, he is also a college student, just like our family."

Miao Cuiping smiled and pushed her son Qin Xiuzhen to the front. She boasted that she had picked up her son and compared it with Qin.

Qin Lan held his arm and walked away from his own. He looked at the hypocrisy of the two sons at a glance and took care of them.

"This is my son Qin Lan. I have read the university for half a year. I haven’t read it. He is cold, don’t be surprised."

Qin Wenren introduced two sentences in moderation.

"Oh, that's a pity. Our family show is really graduated from three universities."

"Wen Ren, go in for tea."

Qin Jianguo took the hand of the donkey and went to the inner room.

The courtyard where Qin Jianguo lived was not small, but only used a main room, eating and sleeping in the same room.

The room is very simple, the corner is the cooktop, the wall is full of traces of moss left by the rain and water, the tableware is also a lot of hair, and the spider web is still hanging in the corner.

Especially the bed, with a strong smell of urine, the quilt was soaked by the cold in winter, and it was able to squeeze out the water.

Obviously, the elderly are simply not taken care of!

(End of this chapter)


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