The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 865: Bad, there is a master (new)

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Noon the next day

Tai’an Xinghui Bar, a strong man with a body of one meter and nineties, with his shovel muscles and thick eyebrows, yawned and walked down the second floor of the bar.

"Red soldiers, are the brethren all called?" The young man spoke, and the thief’s eyes were big, and he was quite a bit powerful.

"Daddy, I am not worried about my work. The brethren are waiting in the car." Qin Hongbing smiled.

"Walking the Mare Gobi, I went to the old Qin family to grab the house. It’s still a good thing. I can’t kill him.”

Cui Da’s eye cursed and slammed into the door and got a small bus.

It has already squeezed a dozen small medleys with knives and sticks. Cui Dayan got on the train, and one of them handed over a fire. "Big eyes, iron sand are filled, wild boar can be killed." , absolutely leveraged."

"Well, this thing is not estimated to be used, let's go." Cui Da eyes waved.

"Don't say hello to Tiger," asked the younger brother.

"This is a fart, it is necessary to drive the tiger to drive." Cui Da eyes impatient.

Qin Family Courtyard.

Gao Qian deliberately sent Fan Fan, a chef from Xiangmanlou. The chefs were holding earthen stoves in the yard, carrying vegetables and meat, and they were so busy that they prepared for the evening feast.

Zhang Daling and Qin Yu and his son are treating the father in the middle.

"Old man, after the needle is finished, you drink this bowl of soup, keep your old illnesses gone, body health, longevity."

After Zhang Daling applied the needle, he turned half a rejuvenation and melted the water and gave Qin Jianguo a service.

The old man drank the soup, and felt that the lungs were refreshing, the whole body was warm and warm, and he was very uncomfortable. He immediately said: "Wen Ren, you, what medicine are you, too god?"

"Uncle, don't you ask, good days are still behind, waiting to enjoy the blessing."

"Right, there will be a few guests coming tonight, they are all coming to the father."

Qin Wenren smiled.

"Oh, I am a bad old man, what is good to run" Qin Jianguo laughed.

"You will know when you get there." Qin Wenren deliberately sold a pass.

"What are you doing, what are you doing?"

I was very happy, and there was a noise in the yard.

"what happened"

The old man got up and a few people went out.

I saw Qin Hongbing and Cui Da’s eyes leading a bunch of miscellaneous sons, who are driving the chefs and folks in the yard.

"Red soldiers, what are you doing?" asked the old man.

"Grandpa, your old man wants to treat the guests to eat and say, ah, Taian's restaurant is just picking, can we still have a meal for the old Qin family?"

"I am here to remind you, don't be fooled by some ulterior motives."

Qin Hongbing said sharply.

"Cheat, lie," the old man asked, frowning.

"Old things, don't be confused here, you have to give the house to Qin Wenren, the door is not." Qin Hongbing.

"You are right, the house I gave to Wenren. You don't want to swear by a few things that are not filial." Qin Jianguo said righteously.

"Qin Wenren, I advise you to hand over the house, and immediately roll out Taian, or else you will not eat your good fruit." Qin Hongbing was furious and slaps the baseball bat in his hand.

"If I don't want to go," Qin said with a cold smile.

"Oh, don't go, that's a big death." The big eyes glared at the scorpion in his hand, and Sen sneered.

"Big Brother, you let me go, let me come, this kind of goods, I can get a train with one hand." A yellow-haired younger brother jumped out, and the cold and cold light was half-breasted, showing the tattoo muscles.

"I went to your ancestors and ran to the wilderness. I can't kill you a bunch of rabbits." Zhang Daling blows his beard and takes a fire. He grabs a basket from the side and grabs a bowl of sea. come.

He is now a celestial division. In the martial arts world, it is also a dragon. It is highly respected. How can a few gangsters scatter in front of the Qin dynasty.

Hey, the hybrid just had to let go of the words, and it was in the middle of the sound, and it was full of flowers, and even the cockroaches did not scream, and it was quite soft.

"I am jealous, old things are enough, give me a chance."

Big eyes did not expect Zhang Daling to be so embarrassed, a little panic, a wave of more than a dozen mixed like a tiger wolf version flew up.

"Wen Ren, Xiao Yan, how can this be good?" Father was in a hurry to squat.

The good end, the blind man came to see him, if there is a good embarrassment, his sin can be deeper.

"Yeah, they are all people who help the tigers, especially the big eyes. It is a famous fierce. If the master is more than a couple," Fan and other chefs are also sighing, they seem to have already I saw the horror of Zhang Daling being screened.

"Master, you can rest assured, they still can't look down on the waves." Qin Wenren smiled and smiled.

"Great spirit, don't have to keep your hands," Qin said.

"Well," Zhang Daling stepped forward, and let go of his hands and feet.

But seeing him in the palm of his hand, the toucher has no bones and bones, and he flies on the side, and the middle palm is down. There are no more than three or two, and more than a dozen of the mixed children are all on the ground, breaking their hands and screaming. No.

"The old things of the horses"

"It doesn't seem to be awkward."

Seeing that the younger brother was frustrated, the big eyes were arrogant, and Zhang Daling was stunned by his enthusiasm. Even the tigers have to avoid walking. At this moment, they only think about it, killing the old man. Pull down


"Master Zhang, be careful"

In the exclamation, Zhang Daling did not move, and the Zhoushi Tianshi curse together, the iron sand and the skin did not lie.

"As for your two brushes, you dare to run out of the show."

Zhang Daling smashed the tunic in the middle of the mountain and sneered.

Qin Hongbing and big eyes are stupid.

"I am, martial arts master"

The two men blinked at the same time and screamed.

"孽畜,跪下" Zhang Daling gave a voice to the Master.


Big eyes and Qin Hongbing’s brain slammed and slammed down.

"Grandpa, I, I licked the dog's eyes, you let me live a life."

In the past year, he won the game and confessed to it. He ran or was a hero. Cui Da’s eyes dared to be bullish, throwing his guns down on the ground and bowing his head.

"You don't want a room book? Is it left-handed or right-handed?" Zhang Daling smiled and asked for Cui Da's eyes.

"I, I just came over and played, Grandpa, you should be a dog." Cui Da eyes crying and screaming, squeaking an ugly smile.

"Oh, sorry, the most annoying thing for Zhang Ye is the dog. See one hit one."


Zhang Daling's palms slammed into the big-eyed shoulders.

But when I heard two crisp sounds, the big eyes made a terrible scream, and the bones of my arms were broken. I fell to the ground and watched for the rest of my life. I was afraid that I had to feed them.

"Today, my father wants to have a reunion dinner. I don't want to break the atmosphere. Otherwise, I will take your dog's life. You will give me a few, and you will stay."

Zhang Daling rushed to the mixed people and sighed, leaving Qin Hongbing alone.

The babies are supporting each other, like a dog who is mourning, and the wolf slams the door and flees.

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