The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 879: Black heart friend

"Sorry, the road is snow, the car is slow, sorry, sorry." Ma San quickly nodded and apologized.

"Hey, let me introduce you, this is Jinshun, the descendants of the royal family, and the leader of this group of friends."

"This is his brother Jin Bao!"

Ma San introduced the brawny to Qin Yu, and a thin tall man with a yellow cheek around him.

These two people are not good-looking, and the life palace has a red tide and murderousness. Obviously it is not a good class.

"These four are?" Ma San is obviously not familiar with the four southerners.

"My name is Lu Xiaomi, this is my girlfriend Ningxin, this is my friend Qidong, this is Dawn Hui brother! This is Zhang Yuming, we are all from Hangzhou and Zhejiang!"

"Welcome to join."

A more lively ponytail girl, a warm introduction.

"Well, my name is Qin Hao!" Qin Hao nodded.

Ning Xin just nodded with a smile. She is very beautiful, but her constitution is not so good. Her face is a little weak and pale, obviously not suitable for the cold weather of the desert.

The handsome male named Qi Dong looked at Qin Hao indifferently, and looked like a tall man. He even lazy to say hello.

Zhang Yuming's temperament and appearance are obviously far less than Qidong. When the Qin dynasty looks like a star, it is handsome and cool, and it is full of hostility.

On the other side, Dawn Hui is the oldest, looks very old and Shen, and actively reaches out: "Hello Qin, you are still looking forward to taking care."

His hands are full of daddy, Dan Tian has a streamer, is a master of internal refining, from the point of view of identity, it should be a bodyguard of Qidong several people.

"I said that you guys don't wear out, I can tell you that this Changbai Mountain is in the afternoon, every hour, the temperature drops at least five degrees, and it is early to hurry."

The leading Jinshun revealed two yellow big front teeth, and shouted with impatience.

"Hey brother, take care, I am waiting for your good news." Ma San waved goodbye.

Under the leadership of Jin Shun, Qin Lan and his entourage went straight into the mountains!

The snow scene of Changbai Mountain can be described as the best in the world. At first, everyone walked and watched it. It was also pleasing to the eye. At noon, it would have eaten canned food, beef jerky, and drank some hot water, and everyone continued on the road.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, the weather is getting late, the coldness in the mountains is getting stronger, and with the wrapping, and wearing goggles for a long time, Qidong is also exhausted.

Especially Ning Xin, his lips are white, his body is snoring, and he has fallen several times.

Both Qi Dong and Zhang Mingyu are vying to help her. Obviously, both of them have a good impression on Ning Xin.

"Golden brother, can you rest, your legs are going to break away." Lu Xiaomi took off his mask and shouted.

"No, the sky will be dark right away. We must go to the wind-breaking area on the mountainside to get a camp, so that we can stand up. Otherwise, if you stop, you can't move. This mountain is a wolf's nest." Jinbao refused. .

While talking, the two brothers made a look at each other and laughed unconsciously.

They are indeed surnamed Jin, but they are by no means a descendant of the royal family. They are just the people of the mountain town.

This brother has a strength, a fox like a fox, usually rely on posting in the forum, specifically to attract friends who are interested in Changbai Mountain to form a group, generally foreign friends rushed to Mobei, and rarely have to squat Do not put a block, this brother is relying on the middle of the robbery for a living.

Especially when encountering a female friend, it is sure to be the first woman to kill. In any case, Changbai Mountain, the body is thrown into the ravine, not to feed the wolf, but also to bury the snow.

This Tianlei incident, but gave them the capital of the two speculations, the hype in the Friends of the Forum, the fabrication of identity, has attracted several foreign friends.

Ning Xin, Qi Dong, they have already dialed the third!

Today, I saw Ning Xin and Lu Xiaomi, carrying two beautiful young women in the south, soft and soft, and the two brothers could not wait to think of their heart.

However, they are not the first time to do this work, and there are four great masters of Qin Yu, so they are quite like a team leader, with strict eyes and no traces.

"Everyone is going to sneak out, try to get there before dark, or else feed the tiger wolf, we are not responsible." Jinshun's huge body was in front of the road, and did not return to the front.

This is their strategy. When they are on the road, they are short of people. It is convenient for them to do bad things.

"Xiao Xin, can you still hold it?"

"Going on, I am afraid that you can't afford it."

Qi Dong is concerned.

"Nothing, I must reach Jinshengfeng, I can still hold it." Although Ning Xin is weak, but her character is extremely strong, carrying her bag and biting her teeth first.

"give it to me!"

Qin Lan extended his hand.

Although he is also wearing a thick windbreaker, he does not want to make a maverick, but unlike other people, he is empty, not even a cup.

He is willing to help Ning Xin, a large part of the reason is her eyes, similar to the snow owl, gentle and uncompromising.

"Thank you Qin Da."

Ning Xin smiled warmly and did not refuse. She knew that only by preserving every physical strength would she hope to find Jin Shengfeng.

"Qin brother, who are you?" Lu Xiaomi groaned and asked quickly.

She was a bit of a slogan. If it wasn’t for a snow mask, it would be hard to talk, and she could talk forever.

"I am from Jiangdong Dongzhou!"

Qin Hao easily carried the parcel and said plainly.

"Dongzhou? Hey, it's no wonder that such a shabby sour, even the pair of goggles are reluctant to buy! Compared with my capital, the capital of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, the Mao is not counted?"

"Xiao Xin, you are the best of our richest people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, or it is better to deal with foreigners less."

On the side of Zhang Mingyu, seeing Ning Xin and Qin Hao walked side by side, grabbed it, and reminded him with dissatisfaction.

His opening Jinshun, Jinbao brothers tiger body shocked, but the heart is happy to open the flowers, knowing that this is the big fat sheep!

"Zhang Mingyu, shut up!"

Dawn Hui glanced at him and yelled.

The most taboo outside is self-reported life, easy to get angry, even this walking rules do not understand, if this guy is Qidong's buddy, Dawn Hui has long been a slap in the face.

"Ming Yu said yes, this year, some people always fantasize about a romantic encounter. The frog becomes a prince. Let him know that the identity of Xiner is not bad, so as not to be whimsical."

Qi Dong is cold and arrogant.

He is the only son of the famous chaebol in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. The family business and Ningjia are quite equivalent. They have always thought of going to Ningxin, and later merged with Ningjia to build a business empire.

Of course, Ning Xin is a famous beauty in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and he is also pursuing it.

Qi Dong spoke, and Dawn Hui is not good to say anything.

"I am not a prince, not a frog!"

"Qi, your dad called Qi Yunwei, he asked to see me, very low-key, modest, but it seems that he did not teach you how to behave."

"You have to be awesome, come, you back!"

Qin Yan’s mouth was raised, and the package of the shoulder was removed and handed over.

"My dad wants to see you?"

"are you crazy?"

Qi Dong shouted, but he still didn't have the courage to take the backpack. He could only scream at his arm and dare not pick up.

Each of them has a backpack for up to a week of food, and there are tents, etc., at least fifty pounds, to carry a bag, he must be exhausted.

He likes Ning Xin is not fake, but to hurt himself for a woman, this thing is also 100% will not do.


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