The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 881: Ning Xin's suffering

"Qin Big Brother, what happened?" Ning Xin felt keenly that there was something to say.

"You are a Ning family, your father is Ning Zihua?" Qin asked.

"Yes! Mr. Qin seems to know more about our people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang." Lu Xiaomi laughed.

"You are not good, why not go to the hospital to see?" Qin Hao pointed to the chest, frowning.

"Qin Da Ge, Xiao Xin is the daughter of the richest man in Zhejiang. How can it be a bad life? You will be joking." Lu Xiaomi squinted and played.

Ning Xin’s scandal of this big family is known to outsiders. Although Lu Xiaomi is her girlfriend, she does not know her mother’s business.

"Millet, I want to stay alone with Qin Dao for a while." Ning Xindao.

"Okay." Lu Xiaomi spit out her tongue and ran away.

"Mr. Qin, you are right, my life is actually very bitter. In the eyes of outsiders, it is a big lady. In fact, it is a canary in a cage. There is no freedom. There is only indifference and ridicule around." When Xiaomi walked away, he smiled and his tears fell.

"Heart disease is congenitally inherited. When my mother is pregnant with me, they ask the Supreme to speculate that I am a girl according to the Qing Palace. Since then, my grandfather and grandmother have never given their mother a good face! For the sake of family business, my father is also very cold to his mother."

"Mother is warm and weak, and she can only have tears and heartache every day. When I am born, my hair is dry, my eyes are broken, my heart is broken, my body is sick. I am not good at childhood, my heart. I also inherited the mother's colic. If God gave us a good face to my mother and daughter, I would have a little value for this family marriage, I am afraid they have forgotten me."

Ning Xin hugged her knees and smiled bitterly. The beautiful tears fell on the snow and instantly turned into nothingness.

Qin Lan did not bother her, and listened carefully to her statement of sadness and determination to save me!

He is very calm, the joys and sorrows of the world, he has seen too much.

But for this girl, he can't be indifferent.

While telling her sad things, Qin Hao is like seeing the little ones of the last world, and combining with oneself, the heartbreaking sorrow.

Fortunately, he was born again and changed all this!

But what about this girl? Who will save her!

"Your filial piety can move the world, I believe that God will realize your wish!" Qin Hao took a silver jug ​​from the small gourd into a magic, took a sip and handed it to Ning Xin.

"Forget the past, your life, from this moment on, reopened."

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Is it really ok?" Ning Xin muttered to himself, took the drink, thought without thinking, and took a sip.

She has never had a hard drink in her life, let alone a pot with a man.

The wine went into the throat, and she was even more tearful. A hot heat went down the throat and flowed into the chest.

At that moment, she felt that the chest had been dull for many years, just like planting a sun in her heart, sweeping away the haze, and the soul became transparent. The hardships and depressions of the past have all vanished.

Ning Xin did not stop, drinking one by one, Qin Xiao smiled, let her drink a whole pot.

Her pale cheeks also had **** color, red fluttering, like a delicate rose, more charming.

"I never knew that wine can be so delicious!"

"If a pot goes down, there will be no troubles. Mother, Xiner will definitely find lightning strikes and cure your indulgence."

Ning Xin has never been full of energy and confidence like this moment, clenching powder punches and secretly swearing.

"Dr. Qin, thank you."

Ning Xin also returned to the hip flask, thankful.

Qin Xiao smiled faintly, and his eyes fell on Jin Shun Ge, not far away.

At this moment, Jinshun brother did not know where to get two hares, racked on the campfire, roasted straight fat, exudes a strong fragrance.

"Big brother, I don't see you, that little girl is really watery." Jin Bao glanced at her eyes and looked straightforward and greedy.

"Oh, yeah, can't see it, don't look at this quiet, this time I will hook up with the boy named Qin, and drink so much wine."

"Little pony, we are going to be cheaper tonight."

Jin Shun made a laugh, and it was already numb, and the brothers couldn’t wait to get Ning Xin into the hand.

"That's not bad, it's hot, it's lively, it's awesome."

"Remember a few days ago, the college student on the two brothers, I think that I am still thinking about it now."

"I knew that I wouldn’t feed the body to the wolf, throw it into the ice cave, and I’m going to get rid of it. Mard, regret me.”

Jin Bao snorted and shouted.

"Hey, let's make a living. With this momentum, people coming to Changbai Mountain will be one after another. Can we still have fewer women?"

"Don't talk nonsense, eat enough, work hard."

Jin Shun whispered a low-sounding lesson. The two brothers tore off the hare, one and a half pulled, and they took a salt and pepper pie and ate a mouthful of oil.

When he was full, Jin Bao took out a pack of powder from his pocket and threw it on another roasted golden rabbit meat. He was evenly spread and handed it to Jinshun.

Although Jinshun is a big man, but this person’s long thief is a big thief, he is pretending to be a model, and his face is like a sly, exuding the simplicity of the Mobei deep mountain brothers, and the trust of people who are easy to take.

"哎 brother, try our hare meat in Changbai Mountain."

"Adding wild scallions to the grill, keep it for you to eat, and you will never forget it."

Jin Shunyi carried a roast rabbit and held a sharp horn knife in one hand. He smiled and walked over.

"Wow, it’s so sweet, come, come, give me a rabbit leg first." Zhang Mingyu’s DC Hara, got up.

Everyone ate a day of dry food. At this time, a roast rabbit is undoubtedly better than the sea and the sea, and it is all about the mouth and the mouth.

"You want to be beautiful, ladies first, rabbit legs are two ladies. Give you a rabbit head, go and go!"

Jin Shunqi laughed and threw his rabbit head and threw it to Zhang Mingyu.

Zhang Mingyu took the past with joy and joy, and the dawn and the Qidong eyes were straight.

"Qi Shao, you are all rich people, don't be afraid of the things in our mountains. This rabbit belly is half of you." Jin Shun tears apart the rabbit and gives it to Qi Dong and Dawn Hui.

"The thing is a bit of a slap, but it's rare that you are sincere, and you should give it a face and taste it."

Qi Dong still put on a arrogant gesture, took the rabbit meat, and then swallowed up.

"Wang Ba Lamb, dare to force, will not kill you." Jin Shun secretly said.

"Miss Ning, come over to eat rabbit meat." Jin Shun Chong Ning Xin shouted.

"I don't have an appetite, you can eat it." Ning Xin just wants to talk with Qin Yu at this moment, where is the heart to eat.

Jinshun did not rush to remind, turned and took one to Lu Xiaomi.

"Miss Lu, the most fragrant and tender rabbit legs, eat it hot, cold in the cold, and the eyes will be cold." Jin Shunqi smiled.

"and many more!"

Lv Xiaomi was just about to eat, and Dawn Hui stopped her.


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