The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 905: She is more valuable than you

"Rumei, you, you..."

When Li Ruomei spoke, Ning Zihua was paralyzed. 126shu

At this time, Li Ruomei, where there is still a half dementia phase, radiant, **** ruddy, looks graceful, and the color does not diminish in the past, but rather a little more refined and refined.

If there is any difference, it is that the former Li Ruomei is gentle and moving, and he is very compliant with him, and now Li Ruomei is more arrogant!

"This, how is this possible?" Ning Zihua was very surprised.

Li Ruomei has been sullen and unhappy for many years. It has already been a yellow flower yesterday, with a yellow and watery appearance and no eyes. It is the best medicine in the world, the best doctor, and it is impossible to let a person return to the old age.

"Dad, this is my friend Qin Lan, he cured his mother's illness."

"I know what you think in your heart, but please don't use your embarrassing thoughts to tarnish my friendship with Qin Da."

Ning Xin stood side by side with her mother and challenged the exclusive hegemon of the Ning family.

Ning Zihua suddenly had a feeling of losing control. It was like something important. He was separated from his heart. He didn't know if it was heartache.

But everything that happened in front of him made him blameless.

On the contrary, he thanked Qin Hao in his heart, Li Ruomei was good, and his sense of guilt was a little less.

He even wanted to rush over and embrace the mother and daughter as they once did, but in the end he restrained the idea.

Because he has betrayed them, he is now the son of a son, this is the most important.

"I don't care if you are a doctor, please leave the Ning family immediately." Ning Zihua walked to Qin Lan, cold and cold. Compared with Qinhou, anyone in the world has to stand by, and the doctor is no exception.

"Ning Zihua, you are too much, the backyard is mine, the guests I invite, you do not need to give orders here." Li Ruomei cold channel.

"I don't want to refute your face, but there is no way. Xiner's situation is special. From now on, without my order, she does not allow any male students to associate." Ning Zihua's face is unquestionable.

"Why?" Li Ruomei asked both mother and daughter.

"Because she is the daughter of my Ning Zihua, Xiaoxin, I have already told you last night, you think about it yourself."

"Mr. Qin, please."

Ning Zihua’s determination has been fixed. In his opinion, anyone has to sacrifice everything for this family. Ning Xin is no exception.

"Xiner, what is he talking about?" Li Ruomei asked.

"Nothing, Big Brother Qin, can't help it." Ning Xin's eyes are red, and she can hold back tears, helplessly raise her hand.

She knows how strong the background of the man is. His father can't afford to sin, and she doesn't want to blame for Qin. Maybe today's meal is the last one.

"Nothing, the rice is eaten, the disease is cured, we will meet again in the evening." Qin Hao stood up calmly and said goodbye to the mother and daughter.

He can break at the moment, but it is not necessary. Let's talk at night, so as not to waste your tongue.

"Qin brother, will meet again!" Ning Xin personally sent to the door, when it was turned back, it was already bursting into tears.

"Xiner, do you like Qin Hao? Don't be afraid, Mom supports you. If your father forces you, let's leave this house." Li Ruomei hugged her daughter and comforted her.

"Mom, useless, let me talk about it after tonight." Ning Xin wiped her tears and suddenly calmed down.

She has a way, as long as Jiangdong Qinhou can't see himself, isn't there anything left?

Ning Zihua personally sent Qin Yu out of the manor, went to the door, and after retreating from the screen, he took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to Qin Xiao: "Mr. Qin, thank you for your help to my wife, Ningmou You are the richest man in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but there are some things that you can't help yourself. Please don't contact Xiner again later, thank you!"


"It seems that your conscience has not been completely annihilated, but there is a sentence I have to remind you!"

"Your daughter is not a useless thing, not a victim of Ning's family. After tonight, you may not be able to match her!"

"Good night!"

Qin Hao patted the bank card, smiled coldly, and took it into the pocket.


"I hope she is more valuable than me, but she is a woman after all."

Ning Zihua shook his head and sighed and turned to the manor.

"Liu Qiang, you said Li Ruomei woke up?" In the Zhengfu, Liu Yin was sitting up.

"I don't believe it if I don't see it with my own eyes."

"The old ladies are the second spring of the glow, and the water is so strong that they almost tore up with Ning Zihua."

Liu Qiang sighed and replied with a depressed face.

"I have been so unlucky recently, Ning Zihua is not willing to divorce and determine my status. Now, the old lady is also good. I think this God is purely to be against me." Liu Yin's seven-smelling smoke, Crossed the waist and cursed.

"I have seen Li Ruomei see the Like this neuropathy, it is almost impossible to heal. And the old mad woman is in very poor physical condition. It is reasonable to say that it will not last for a few years. It seems that this surname Qin's kid is really a bit evil." Hong Tao caressed, and frowned.

"Old Hong, now I can do it. If Ning Zihua turns back on the old lady, we will have no more drama." Liu Yin rips the quilt and screams.

"No hurry, I am going to prepare well tonight, and recruit two ghosts. When Ning Zihua comes back, the ghosts will scare the girls, even if they don't scare her, she will also ruin her, so as to suffer. "Hong Tao is calculating the truth."

"Old Hong, you directly match, or poisoned to death, she won't have it, what is the whole trouble?" Liu Qiang impatiently.

"You know a fart, you are dead, and everyone will put this account on my head. If she suddenly goes crazy in the face of Ning Zihua, she hits the wall, and then I am innocent, understand?" Yin Yinzi was so good that he immediately responded.

"Hey, it’s the person who is open to me. This is a good idea." Hong Tao did not know how to laugh.


Seven o'clock in the evening!

The parking lot at the entrance of the Tangzhou International Hotel is full of luxury cars from all over Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Some are from Wenzhou, some are Wuzhen...

Everyone who came to the house was a lame in the local area. They were able to shake the mountain. In order to meet Qinhou, many people arrived in the daytime and waited in the hotel early.

At this moment, Qi Dong, Zhang Mingyu and others wore brand-name suits and gathered in the eccentric hall outside the hotel.

In the pleated hall, the second generation of the rich, the second generation of the official, as the future pearl of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, they are strictly calculated with the Qinhou generation, naturally will not miss the opportunity to pay respect to the young king, even if only Far from the shadow, it will be passed away in the future.

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