The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 1010 Xiao Wu is very protective 18 When will I meet my parents 5

Li Xintong nodded. For a man like Qin Mo, most women would pounce on him. What if he encounters those who are shameless and want to trick him to get him?

Qin Mo pinched her little nose and smiled, "My responsibility is my responsibility!"

"As for others... If it is someone else's responsibility, then I will naturally... make her pay the price. After all, they are all adults, and everyone has to pay for their actions, right?"

Looking at this man at the moment, Li Xintong is really becoming more and more fascinated. No way, she feels like she has fallen!

Originally, she liked Qin Mo, and she really liked it, but the more time she spent with him, the more fascinated she became. She felt that she had already loved him so much that she couldn't help herself!

Seeing that the little girl looked at him with star-filled eyes, Qin Mo approached her and said with a smile, "When will you take me to see my uncle and aunt?"


Li Xintong was stunned for a moment, and his brain crashed instantly!

Seeing her expression, Qin Mo frowned, "What? You never thought of taking me to meet your parents? You don't want to marry me? Are you just kidding me?"

"No... I don't..." Li Xintong became anxious, "Listen to me, I really don't, I'm serious, just..."

See your parents!

Li Xintong is a little confused, is she going to see her parents so soon?

She is still studying and is preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam soon!

Qin Mo was still in the entrepreneurial stage, and his career had just begun. She thought that Qin Mo would wait a few more years before thinking about getting married.

"Just what?" Qin Mo asked.

Li Xintong couldn't believe it, "Qin Mo, after meeting your parents? Have you ever thought about it? What if... if your parents urged you to marry?"

Qin Mo played with her long hair, "You don't seem to understand me."

Li Xintong: "..."

"I said that I was going to see your parents. Naturally, I planned to marry you. Why, you didn't?"

"no no……"

She just didn't expect it to be so fast!

"I... I really like you, you believe me, it's just... I didn't expect you to think about this so quickly, your career has just begun, and there are still a lot of things to do in the future, I still have to take the postgraduate entrance examination, Keep reading."

"Now the two of us don't have any interference, just the two of us, how easy it is! After the parents know about it, it is estimated that we will talk about marriage. Even if we don't talk about marriage, then... A lot of other things, right? I thought... at this time, you wouldn't want to get married!"

She knows Qin Mo's identity, the Qin family's son!

The Qin family also has an illegitimate son, Qin Xuan, who is coveting. Yao Wenxi is a very strong mother. The biggest possibility for people from this family is marriage in the future.

Although the Li family's family background is not bad, in terms of identity, she is definitely worthy of Qin Mo.

However, sometimes marriage is not a matter of whether you are worthy or not, but it also depends on whether it is useful to the other party.

The Li family is in the imperial capital, and the Qin family and the Yao family are in Jiangzhou. The two families have little to do with each other. Li Xintong is actually a little worried in his heart.

Qin Mo looked at her for a while, and saw that this girl didn't have much confidence in their future marriage, or at least she didn't have much confidence now.

She simply loves him.

Qin Mo sighed and hugged her tighter, "It's getting late, after I met your parents, they still have to observe me and test me. After they accept me, they can move on to the next step, right?"

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